You should choose snacks that won’t make you gain weight rather than completely removing the snacks from your food routine. That’s why we are publishing the best snacks that lose weight and keep you healthy.
Eating can never lose weight and you cannot live without eating. So the trick is to grow a good habit for healthy eating. That’s why do not stop eating rather choose the best snacks that really lose weight with proper nutrition.
Do Snacks Lose Weight?
The buzzword snacking mostly gets a bad rap, but it can actually help one to maintain a healthy weight and lose weight as long as attention is paid to the types of foods one snacks on and makes smart choices.
Eating smaller meals and snacks about every two to three hours or so can help maintain more stable blood sugar levels throughout the day. And it can help a lot to avoid extreme hunger so one doesn’t overeat at lunch or dinner. In short it is absolutely fine to indulge yourself with such little treats from time to time but not on a daily basis.
Snacks that Won’t Make you Gain Weight
Calorie-dense snacks that are high in fat or sugar that may satisfy an immediate craving but tend to stave off hunger for only a short time as they pass through the digestive system quickly. While having healthy snacks can make a great difference in maintaining a healthy lifestyle without gaining weight.
Which Snacks Lose Weight and Keep Healthy?
Moreover a healthier snack would be the foods that combine fiber, protein, and a small amount of heart-healthy fat, for instance omega-3 fatty acids or monounsaturated fat and of course not too much sugar or salt. These types of healthy snacks are more likely to fill up and keep the stomach fully satisfied until the next meal.
Again nutrition experts suggest one should keep snacks daily to about 100 to 200 calories. However, it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to get the message that you’re full. So you should give yourself some time before reaching for another snack.
Healthy Snacks that Lose Weight
If one chooses healthy, whole-food options with a lot of protein and nutrients, snacks can be integral to weight loss. Some can even help keep you full throughout the day and limit your cravings for unhealthy foods.
It is a wonder to lose weight while not giving up snacks because there are certain healthy snacks that can certainly help one to lose extra pounds.
# Here are the best snacks that lose weight in 2025
01. Rice Cakes
Calories: 387
Carbs: 82 g
Protein: 8 g
Fat: 2.8 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium (326 mg), Potassium (290 mg), Calcium (1%), Iron (8%), Magnesium (32%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (0.9 g)
Fiber: 4.2 g
Rice Cakes are the best snacks that lose weight and won’t make you gain weight. The snack , rice cake, are disk shaped products made of puffed brown or white rice basically along with a little amount of sesame seed, salt, millet etc to add a distinct flavour.
The low calorie cake has about 35 to 40 calories per cake. Rice cakes are rich in carbs and low in fat. Therefore it makes itself a great alternative to high calorie and fat rich snacks, even bread.
Also this staple is large and crunchy enough to satisfy your craving without making you feel guilty. In addition they are usually gluten free and low in fat that don’t cause bloating and are easily digestible. It can be stored easily and can be found verily as emergency healthy snacks.
02. Popcorn
Calories: 382
Carbs: 78 g
Protein: 12 g
Fat: 4 g
Vitamins: Thiamine (B-1) 0.2 mg
Minerals: Iron (2.7 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (0.3 g)
Fiber: 3.6 g
Popcorn is a good snack for weight loss. It is a whole grain food, and is widely acknowledged as the most popular healthy snacks. It is filled with essential nutrients, minerals, naturally high in fiber and low in fat.
A hundred gram of popcorn contains a total of 387 calories, 15 grams of fiber, 13 grams of protein, 78 grams of carbs and 5 grams of fat. Popcorn provides a feeling of fullness as well as satiety.
Although it is a filling snack to other but too much of eating can still have a fattening effect. However one thing should be remembered that popcorn should be prepared in a proper way. If it is prepared with much sugar and salt then it becomes unhealthy and can lead to overeating.
03. Dark Chocolate
Calories: 647.33
Carbs: 45.90 g
Protein: 7.79 g
Fat: 42.65 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (39 IU), Vitamin B-6 (0.38 mg), Vitamin E (0.59 mg), Vitamin K (7.3 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (73 mg), Iron (11.90 mg), Magnesium (228 mg), Phosphrus (308 mg), Sodium (20 mg), Zink (3.31 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (1.37 g), Caffeine (80 mg), Cholesterol (3 mg), Sugar (23.99 g)
Dark chocolate is undoubtedly the best snack that lose weight. It is loaded with beneficial contents like flavanols, polyphenols, and catechins that may lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation and develop heart health.
The superfood reduces cravings and gives a feeling of fullness which has a wonderful effect on not gaining weight. Even one study reveals that smelling dark chocolate can decrease appetite and reduce the hunger stimulating hormone called ghrelin. Therefore it supports one to have tasty snacks without gaining weight.
04. Hard Boiled Egg
Calories: 155
Carbs: 1.1 g
Protein: 13 g
Fat: 11 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (10%), Vitamin D (21%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Sodium (124 mg), Potassium (126 mg), Calcium (5%), Iron (6%), Magnesium (2%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (373 mg), Sugar (1.1 g)
Fiber: 0 g
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods one can eat to support weight loss. They are packed with plenty of protein, low calories as well as vitamins K2 and B12. One hard-boiled egg contains around 78 calories.
Therefore, they are extremely filling for a longer period which should help one to lose weight. Some research indicates that a protein based breakfast increases a person’s satiety that leads to a lower calorie intake throughout the day. And two large eggs that provide 25% of daily protein needs are undoubtedly the great option.
05. Raw Almonds
Calories: 579
Carbs: 21.6 g
Protein: 21.2 g
Fat: 49.9 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1 IU), Vitamin E (25.6 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (264 mg), Iron (3.72 mg), Magnesium (268 mg), Phopsorus (484 mg), Potassium (705 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Zink (3.08 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (4.4 g), Sugar (4.4 g),
Fiber: (12.5 g)
Raw Almonds are nice snacks that won’t make you gain weight. The most popular tree nuts are highly nutritious and amazingly rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that have beneficial effects on blood sugar control.
A one ounce of almonds provides about 300 calories in total. Furthermore they are low in carbs and high in protein and fiber that they can reduce appetite and help you lose weight by taking fewer calories.
06. Cottage Cheese
Calories: 412
Carbs: 3.38 g
Protein: 11.12 g
Fat: 4.30 g
Minerals: Calcium (83 mg), Iron (0.07 mg), Magnesium (8 mg), Phosphorus (159 mg), Potassium (!04 mg), Sodium (364 mg), Zink (0.40 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (2.67 g)
Fiber: 0 g
Cottage cheese, a low calorie cheese with mild flavour, is an incredibly healthy snack that loses weight. The fresh cheese is white, soft and creamy in texture.
It is not only high in protein but also has many essential nutrients and very filling. One cup of low fat cottage cheese provides around 163 calories in total. But one should always buy low sodium or sodium free cottage cheese as high sodium intake will make the things upside down.
However the good thigh is one can make it at home following a very easy process. All one needs is only milk and acidic substances like lime, vinegar to curd the milk. Then the curd should be drained and crumbled to make the cottage cheese.
07. Broccoli and Cauliflower
Calories: broccoli (141), cauliflower (104)
Carbs: broccoli (6.64 g), cauliflower (5 g)
Protein: broccoli (2.82 g), cauliflower (1.9 g)
Fat: broccoli (0.37 g), cauliflower (0.3 g)
Vitamins broccoli: Vitamin C (89.2 mg), Vitamin E (0.78 mg), Vitamin K (101.6 μg)
Vitamins cauliflower: Vitamin C (48.2 mg), Vitamin E (0.08 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.184 mg)
Minerals broccoli: Calcium (47 mg), Iron (0.73 mg), Magnesium (21 mg), Phosphorus (66 mg), Potassium (316 mg), Sodium (33 mg), Zink (0.41 mg)
Minerals cauliflower: Calcium (22 mg), Iron (0.42 mg), Magnesium (15 mg), Phosphorus (44 mg), Potassium (299 mg), Sodium (30 mg), Zink (0.27 mg)
Other Nutrients: broccoli (Water 89.3g, Sugar 1.7 g), cauliflower (Water 92 g, sugar 1.9 g)
Fiber: broccoli (2.6 g), cauliflower (2 g)
Broccoli and cauliflower are the weight loss friendly food to have in your snacks. Broccoli is known to be the most nutritional punch vegetable. It is today’s miracle food which makes one feel filled for a period. The soluble fiber in broccoli draws bad cholesterol out of the body.
Broccoli contains about 27 gram of calories. Next cauliflower is an incredibly healthy vegetable with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water and lots of compounds.
One cup of raw cauliflower has 25 calories so one can intake a large amount of cauliflower without gaining weight. Again cauliflower is a slow digestive food that promotes a feeling of fullness. Another point is cauliflower has a high water content of about 92%. All its properties aid in weight loss.
08. Low-Fat Yogurt
Calories: 406
Carbs: 3.98 g
Protein: 9.0 g
Fat: 5.0 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (0.063 mg), Choline (15.1 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (100 mg), Magnesium (11 mg), Phosphorus (135 mg), Potassium (141 mg), Sodium (35 mg), zink (0.52 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (81.3 g), Sugar (4.0 g)
Low fat yogurt is a healthy snack that loses weight. It is a high protein snack. 100 grams of yogurt has about 12 grams of protein.
The high protein of yogurt controls appetite as it increases hormone production that signs fullness and delays the feeling of hunger. A research found that eating yogurt regularly is associated with reducing weight over time.
Another study indicates that people who intake yogurt feel less hunger and consume fewer calories at meal. One can also add some fresh fruit, ground flaxseed, or black seeds to pack an additional nutritional punch to the yogurt.
09. Berries and Grapes
Calories: Berries (57),Grapes (288)
Carbs: Berries (14 g),Grapes (18.1 g)
Protein: Berries (0.7 g),Grapes (0.72 g)
Fat: Berries (0.3 g), Grapes (0.16 g)
Vitamins Berries: Vitamin A (1%), Vitamin C (16%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Vitamins Grapes: Vitamin C (3.2 mg), Vitamin E (0.19 mg), Choline (5.6 mg)
Minerals Berries: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (77 mg), Iron (1%), Magnesium (1%)
Minerals Grapes: Calcium (10 mg), Iron (0.36 mg), Magnesium (7 mg), Phosphorus (20 mg), Potassium (191 mg), Sodium (2 mg), Zink (0.07 mg)
Other Nutrients: Berries (Sugar 10 g), Grapes (Water 81 g, sugar 15.48)
Fiber: Berries (2.4 g), Grapes (0.9 g)
Berries are one of the best sources of dietary fibre, vitamin c and potassium. There are different types of berries for example blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and others. All of these have an incredible effect on weight loss.
According to a study people who ate them regularly put on no weight and get slimmer. They are rich in nutrients called flavonoids and have very slight falls in their weight. Grapes also satisfy your sweet tooth with very little calories. Grapes are virtually vat free and low in calories that accelerate weight loss.
10. Nuts
Calories: 607
Carbs: 21 g
Protein: 20 g
Fat: 54 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (20%)
Minerals: Sodium (273 mg), Potassium (632 mg), Calcium (11%), Iron (14%), Magnesium (57 %)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (4.2 g)
Fiber: 7 g
You can enjoy the nuts as a snack that won’t make you gain weight. Nuts are packed with rich content of protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and a balance of healthy fats, so they can help one to stay full for a longer time.
Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, are counted as ideal superfoods. Despite being considerately rich in fat, nuts are very filling snacks.
Several researches suggest that eating nuts in moderation can help one not to gain weight. A one ounce of serving contains 180 gram calories. Moreover nuts are amazingly well-known for appetite control power.
11. Beef stick
Calories: 250
Carbs: 0 g
Protein: 26 g
Fat: 15 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (20%), D (1%)
Minerals: Sodium (72 mg), Potassium (318 mg), Calcium (1%), Iron (14%), Magnesium (5%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (90 mg)
Fiber: 0 g
Beef stick is also known as beef jerky. It is a high source of protein. Protein regulates weight loss because it digest slower than carbs and make one feel fuller for a longer amount of time.
But a smaller portion of beef jerky occasionally is better than eating a lot at the end of the day. It will be a healthy snack only if taken in moderation. Otherwise taking too much of it can risk health.
12. Salmon and Sardines
Calories: Salmon (208), sardines (208)
Carbs: Salmon (0 g), sardines (0 g)
Protein: Salmon (20 g), sardines (25 g)
Fat: Salmon (13 g), sardines (11 g)
Vitamins Salmon: Vitamin A (1%), Vitamin C (6%), Vitamin B-6 (30%)
Vitamins sardines: Vitamin A (2%), Vitamin D (48%), Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals Salmon: Sodium (59 mg), Potassium (363 mg), Magnesium (6%)
Minerals sardines: Sodium (505 mg), Potassium (397 mg), Calcium (38%), Iron (16%), Magnesium (9%)
Other Nutrients: Salmon (Cholesterol 55 mg)), sardines (Cholesterol 142 mg)
Fiber: Salmon (0 g), sardines (0 g)
Canned fish is a renowned healthy snack that loses weight. It even requires no refrigeration. High protein content in canned fish makes one full and stimulates metabolism.
Having salmon frequently can help one in losing weight. Also salmon and sardines regulate appetite hormone. A hundred gram of salmon or sardines contains seventeen to twenty-three grams of protein and 130-180 calories. The protein in canned fish is an excellent source of weight loss friend protein, potassium and Vitamin B-12.
13. Boiled Potatoes
Calories: 87
Carbs: 20.1 g
Protein: 1.9 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (13 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (4 mg), Iron (0.3 mg), Calcium (5 mg), Potassium (379 mg), Phosphorus (44 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (0.9 g), Water (77%)
Fiber: 1.8 g
Potatoes diet is known as fad diet or potato hack. It is a top snack for the satiety index. Boiled potato is a great source of nutrients, essential vitamins, like potassium, iron, magnesium, folate and vitamin c.
Fried, processed or spicy potato will put on weight while boiled potato and nothing else do the wonder to shed weight. One pound of potato per day helps shed weight. However two to five pounds of potatoes have 530 to 1300 calories. Potatoes are excellent snacks for anyone as it is really inexpensive and available.
14. Avocado
Calories: 670
Carbs: 8.53 g
Protein: 2 g
Fat: 14.66 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (10 mg), Vitamin E (2.07 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.257 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (12 mg), Iron (0.55 mg), Magnesium (29 mg), Phosphorus (52mg), Potassium (485 mg), Sodium (7 mg), Zinc (0.64 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (73.23 g), Sugar (0.66 g)
Fiber: 6.7 g
Avocado is the best snack for weight loss. Some studies have titled avocado as “natural keto”. Nutrient-dense avocados are packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and high in calories.
A medium avocado contains around 234 calories so one-third of avocado can be taken as daily allowance. Avocadoes suppress hunger and control appetite for its unique combination of fat and fiber. Nutritionist Lauri Meyer predicts that avocados can reduce appetite for at least five hours after eating one avocado.
15. Cucumber
Calories: 65
Carbs: 3.63 g
Protein: 0.65 g
Fat: 0.11 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (2.8 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.04 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (16 mg), Iron (0.28 mg), Magnesium (13 mg), Phosphorus (24 mg), Potassium (147 mg), Sodium (2 mg), Zinc (0.2 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (95.23 g), Sugar (1.67 g)
Fiber: 0.5 g
Cucumber is the world’s best snack that loses weight. The cucumber diet is the most popular snack because it promises short-term as well as quick weight loss properties. The average ten ounce cucumber contains only forty-five calories.
They are low in fat, calories as well as protein and also contain cucurbitacin E, a compound that may have anticancer effects.
However, it is recommended to have cucumber with a small portion of protein rich foods and not to follow more than two weeks constantly. Lastly cucumber lacks nutritional values so it is restrictive for longer days thus unsustainable.
16. Apple
Calories: 218
Carbs: 13.81 g
Protein: 0.26 g
Fat: 0.17 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (4.6 mg), Vitamin E (0.18 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.041 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (6 mg), Iron (0.12 mg), Magnesium (5 mg), Phosphoprus (11 mg), Potassium (107 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Zinc (0.04 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (85.56 g), Sugar (10.39 g)
Fiber: 2.4 g
Apple is an incomparable snack when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. As apples are low in calories so it can contribute to losing weight over a certain period of time.
Next apple is high in water like 85% water that improves satiety without increasing calories. A water rich fruit is not only filling but also lowers more calorie intake. A hundred grams of apple has about 55 calories in total.
17. Olives
Calories: 609
Carbs: 3.84 g
Protein: 1.03 g
Fat: 15.32 g
Vitamins: Vitamin E (3.81 mg), Vitamin K (1.4 μg), Vitamin B-6 (0.031 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (51 MG), Iron (0.49 mg), Magnesium (11 mg), Potassium (42 mg), Sodium (1556 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (75.3 g), Sugar (0.54 g)
Fiber: 3.3 g
Olives are a renowned scrumptious snack in existence. Around 25 green or black olives have 100–175 calories in total. Olives can be had in snacks that won’t make you gain weight.
However black or green olives are not different in nutritional values. Therefore the calorie densities of olives aid weight loss by making the stomach feel full.
Then olives contain about 80% water which is again an agenda for feeling one full thus controls appetite. But as olives are not easily digestible fruit so it is recommended to have a few olives a day. In fact drinking olive oil also helps in controlling weight.
18. Oatmeal
Calories: 297
Carbs: 12 g
Protein: 2.5 g
Fat: 1.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin E (0.8 mg), Vitamin K (0.3 μg), Vitamin B-6 (0.005 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (9 mg), Iron (0.9 mg), Magnesium (27 mg), Phosphorus (77 mg), Potassium (70 mg), Zinc (1 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (83.6 g), Sugar (0.3 g)
Fiber: 1.7 g
Oatmeal is also considered the world’s best snack that loses weight in a guarantee. It is a snack made from dried oats. The whole grain oatmeal is considered a superfood in case of losing weight.
It is a popular morning snack item in many peoples’ tables. Oatmeal is low in calorie and fat but high in fiber and protein. So it makes a great low cost option to feel fuller as well as suppress appetite. If oatmeal is taken as a snack properly then it will have a positive effect on not gaining extra weight.
19. Nori
Calories: 146
Carbs: 5.11 g
Protein: 5.81 g
Fat: 0.28 g
Vitamins: Vitamin E (1.00 mg), Vitaqmin K (4.0 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (70 mg), Iron (1.80 mg), Magnesium (2 mg), Phosphorus (58 mg), Potassium (356 mg), Sodium (48 mg), Zinc (1.05 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (85.3 g)
Fiber: 0.3 g
The word nori is a Japanese word for dried edible seaweed sheets. Nori is one kind of compressed seaweed which is compressed into a paper thin sheet of 7”and toasted.
However, nori has also other forms for instance flakes, strips, shredded, and powdered. Nori is an incredible source of plant with animal nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B12, rich fiber, iodine, omega-3 fatty acids and protein.
Consuming nori ensures a lot of health benefits. It removes toxins, has anti-inflammatory effects, improves immune system and also has positive effects on the cardiovascular system. Ten sheets of nori seaweed are around 26 grams and they provide only 9 calories. So it can help in weight maintenance.
20. Kale
Calories: 207
Carbs: 8.8 g
Protein: 4.3 g
Fat: 0.9 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (120 mg), Vitamin E (1.54 mg), Vitamin K (390 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (150 mg), Iron (1.5 mg), Magnesium (47 mg), Phosphorus (92 mg), Potassium(491mg),Sodium (38 mg), Zinc (0.6 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (84.0 g), Sugar (2.3 g) mg),
Fiber: 3.6 g
Kale is one of the healthiest plant foods in today’s existence. The cabbage family member has different types, shapes and colours such as green, purple, smooth, curly, scots and others.
A single cup of kale has a total of 33 calories, 6 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber. The low calorie incredible fruit can be called the most nutrient – dense snack on the earth. The combination of fiber and protein make kale an amazing filler and hunger controller.
21. Legumes
Calories: 81
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 5 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (15%), Vitamin C (66%), Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium (5 mg), Potassium (244 mg), Calcium (2%), Iron (8%), Magnesium (8%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (6 g)
Fiber: 5 g
Legumes are a great replacement for meat as a source of vegetarian protein. Legume the term can be described the seeds of various plants such as lentils, peas, beans, soybeans, chickpeas and peanuts.
However, one cup of legumes seeds provides about 230 calories in total. Legumes contain 18 grams of plant based protein that keep one fuller and promote weight loss. They are also a cheaper and popular option to choose.
22. Edamame
Calories: 121
Carbs: 8.9 g
Protein: 12 g
Fat: 5.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (6.1 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (6 mg), Calcium (63 mg), Iron (2.3 mg), Potassium (436 mg), Phosphorus (109 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (2.2 g),
Fiber: 5.2 g
Edamame is a dish of boiled green soybeans. They contain essential nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, folate and vitamin E. Each cup of edamame contains only 130 calories.
The low calorie edamame dish ensures the reduction of calorie consumption thus losing weight. Edamame has 17 grams of protein that leaves one full for a longer time. Each of the traits makes edamame a great snack or an addition to a meal.
23. Oat Bran
Calories: 246
Carbs: 66 g
Protein: 17 g
Fat: 7 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium (4 mg), Potassium (466 mg), Calcium (5%), Iron (30%), Magnesium (58%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (1.5 g)
Fiber: 15 g
Oat bran is a complex carbohydrate and one of the healthiest grains one can have. The oat grain is packed with many essentials vitamins, minerals and fiber. However the outer layer of the oat great is known as oat bran.
One cup of cooked oat bran has 88 grams of calories, 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber. Oat bran has many health benefits for example controlling blood sugar levels, reducing heart disease factors; reducing bad cholesterol etc.
Moreover, the rich soluble fiber in oat bran suppresses appetite by raising the levels of hormones that help one to feel full. Also it reduces hunger hormone called ghrelin. One research study points out that people who ate oat bran for breakfast felt fuller and consumed fewer calories at the next meal than those who had not eaten oat bran.
24. Chickpeas
Calories: 164
Carbs: 62.95 g
Protein: 20.47 g
Fat: 6.04 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (4 mg), Vitamin E (0.82 mg), Votamin B-6 (0.535 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (57 mg), Iron (4.31 mg), Magnesium (79 mg), Phosphorus (252 mg), Potassium (718 mg), Sodium (24 mg), Zinc (2.76 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (60.21 g), Sugar (10.7 g)
Fiber: 12.2 g
Chickpeas are packed with an impressive amount of nutritional value per calorie. They are rich in fiber and protein, the key compounds to aid weight loss.
A single cup of chickpeas provides 212 calories. Chickpeas can prove an amazing snack because they can control hunger and keep one fuller for longer time. Protein in chickpeas satiates hunger while the fiber in chickpeas keeps the stomach fuller till the next meal.
25. Whey Protein Shake
Calories: 27
Carbs: 5 g
Protein: 0.9 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Minerals: Sodium (54 mg), Potassium (161 mg), Calcium (4%), Magnesium (2%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (5 g)
Fiber: 0 g
Whey protein shakes are dairy based drinks made by mixing protein powder with whey. A whey protein shake is a good snack until the next meal. Protein shakes are known for the quality of decreasing hunger and appetite.
At first it increases the amount of appetite reducing hormones such as GLP-1, CCK and PYY along with reducing ghrelin, the hunger hormone.
After that protein is a great compound to feel one full for a long period. However, a general whey protein shake that contains 20–25 grams of protein has 150 to 200 calories.
26. Dry Fruits
Calories: 359
Carbs: 83 g
Protein: 1 g
Fat: 2.7 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), Vitamin C (93%), Vitamin B-6 (15%)
Minerals: Sodium (403 mg), Potassium (164 mg), Calcium (1%), Iron (4%), Magnesium (3%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (58 g)
Fiber: 0 g
Dry Fruits are good snacks that lose weight. Most popular fruits are almonds, cashews, dates, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecan nuts, pine nuts, apricots, Brazil nuts, pistachios, raisings, pears and others in dry fruits.
Dry fruits have very low amounts of calories. So eating a small portion of dry fruits in segments throughout the day provides high levels of nutrients, protein, mono-saturated fats and antioxidants.
However, hundred grams of fried fruits provide 359 calories in total. Furthermore, the high protein and fiber content feel the stomach full for a longer period.
27. Carrot Salad
Calories: 173
Carbs: 9.6 g
Protein: 0.93 g
Fat: 0.24 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (5.9 mg), Vitamin E (0.66 mg), Vitamin K (13.2 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (33 mg), Iron (0.3 mg), Magnesium (12 mg), Phosphorus (35 mg), Potassium (320 mg), Sodium (69 mg), Zinc (0.24 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (88 g), Sugar (4.7 g)
Fiber: 2.8 g
Carrots are filled with fiber, vitamins, beta carotene, potassium, magnesium and many other essential nutrients. A cup of raw carrots contain only 50 calories.
As it is low in calories and full of beneficial nutrients so it can help effortlessly in weight loss purpose. Carrot salad is one of the healthiest possible ways to lose weight.
Then the vitamin A in carrot salad converts into retinoid that interact with body’s fat cells suppressed new fat cell growth and fat storage thus obesity.
28. Hummus
Calories: 166
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 8 g
Fat: 10 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium (379 mg), Potassium (228 mg), Calcium (3%), Iron (13%), Magnesium (17%)
Other Nutrients:
Fiber: 6 g
Hummus is most popular in the Middle Eastern area. It is made by mixing chickpeas, olive oil, lime juice, garlic and sesame seeds in a food processor.
The versatile snack is super nutritious and plant based protein. A hundred grams serving of hummus contains 166 calories in total and 7.9 grams of protein.
Hummus has nearly 6 grams of dietary fiber per 100 grams that improve digestive health. Some studies show that people who consume hummus regularly have a lower BMI than people who don’t regularly consume hummus. High fiber in hummus helps in reducing calorie intake that prevents weight gain.
29. Banana
Calories: 371
Carbs: 22.84 g
Protein: 1.09 g
Fat: 0.33 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (0.4 mg), Vitamin C (8.7 mg), Choline (9.8 mg)
Minerals: Iron (0.26 mg), Magnesium (27 mg), Phosphorus (22 mg), Potassium (358 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Zinc (0.15 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (74.91 g), Sugar (12.23 g)
Fiber: 2.6 g
Bananas are the most popular high quality calorie-dense fruit. A medium sized banana has around 105 calories and 3.2 grams of fiber. Adequate fiber intake helps in reducing body weight.
High fiber and low calorie bananas maintain weight and promote fullness that prevents overeating. A regular intake of bananas regulates bowel system and lowers the chance of gaining weight.
30. Cherry Tomatoes and Mozzarella
Calories: Cherry tomatoes (74), mozzarella (280)
Carbs: Cherry tomatoes (3.9 g), mozzarella (3.1 g)
Protein: Cherry tomatoes (0.9 g), mozzarella (28 g)
Fat: Cherry tomatoes (0.2 g), mozzarella (17 g)
Vitamins Cherry tomatoes: Vitamin C (14 mg), Vitamin E (0.54 mg), Vitamin K (7.9 μg), Vitamin B-6 (0.08 mg)
Vitamins mozzarella: Vitamin A (10%), Vitamin D (3%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals Cherry tomatoes: Magnesium (11 mg), Phosphorus (24 mg), Potassium (237 mg)
Minerals mozzarella: Sodium (16 mg), Potassium (95 mg), Calcium (73%), Iron (1%), Magnesium (6%)
Other Nutrients: Water (65.91 g), Sugar (14.23 g)
Mozzarella- filled cherry tomatoes are a heaven made match snack item that can lose your weight fast. Tomatoes are known as an appetite suppressant and high volume food worldwide.
They contain high amounts of water, fiber as well as air. So it helps in burning fat and in shedding weight. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene, an antioxidant that may reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease.
On the other hand, mozzarella is high in protein, calcium and vitamin B12 which help one to burn more calories than one consumes. A single cup of cherry tomatoes paired with two ounces of mozzarella cheese has less than 200 calories in total.