Today’s list of foods that boost immune system can keep you disease-free for a longer time than ever. 80% of our diseases are automatically prevented by our body’s immune system and that’s why we need to keep this system running smoothly.
If you have a strong immune system only then you can assure a jovial life. A better immune system can prevent you from a normal cold, infections, and flu-related health issues.
Especially in this Covid-19 situation, you have to pay a lot more attention to your immune system, so without further due go and grab those foods from the market to your basket.

Does food really improve the immune system?
YES, foods really improve the immune system. Foods have a great impact on our immune system. It works as an active soldier on your stomach to boost immunity.
Strong body’s immune soldiers need consistent nutrition. Scientific experts have long recognized the vulnerability of people living under poverty and malnutrition to infectious diseases. Researchers do not understand, for example, whether such food factors such as processed foods or highly simple intakes of sugar have harmful effects on immune function. The impact of diet on the human immune system remains relatively limited in research. But most of the research hails food in the territory of immunity booster.

How foods improve the immune system?
Foods improve our immune system in various ways with the existing nutriment on it.
The immune system includes organs, tissue and cells, and protein. The bacteria and other entities which cause infection or disease carry out bodily processes to combat pathogens, which are viruses. The immune system entails an immune reaction when it comes into contact with a Pathogen.
Antibodies bind to the pathogenic antigens and destroy them in the immune system. Adding special foods to the diet can enhance an individual’s immune response. For the functional immune response, the immune system requires energy and various nutrients.
The physiological processes associated with inflammatory action, such as mobilization of immune cells and chemical intermediaries between cells in the immune system, are affected by specific nutrients that come from food. Therefore foods have a great role to boost the immune system.

01. Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are the best foods that boost immune system. The first thing hearing the name citrus comes to our mind is definitely lemons. But there are other options like grapefruit, mandarins, and gooseberry.
These immunity–boosting foods are high in important vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. Vitamin C assists in tissue building and repair as well as fighting the common cold. Citrus fruits are high in soluble fibers, which help to lower cholesterol and aid digestion.
Citrus fruits can be consumed in three or four servings a day. One medium orange will provide you with all of the Vitamin C you need for the day!
The most common way to consume citrus fruits is on their own. You can also juice them, throw them in a salad, or put a few bits in your water or green tea with a splash of lemon. This tasty variety will provide warmth to your body and bones.

02. Broccoli
Broccoli is also known as a nutrient and mineral powerhouse. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. It boosts your immune system like magic. It is enriched with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as fiber and many other antioxidants.
According to research:
It has a higher nutritional value than most vegetables and aids in the maintenance of cardiac health. Broccoli lowers cholesterol levels, strengthens muscles, and aids in losing weight.
It is better to consume sauteed broccoli. Cooking it as little as possible or better still, not at all, is the secret to preserving its potency. Steaming is the best way to retain more nutrients in food.

03. Spinach
Low-calorie grassy veggies like spinach are loaded with cold-busting zinc, anti-oxide, and vitamin A oodles. Which can be one of the best options for boosting your immune system.
Spinach protects against damage to the eye, boosts immunity, treats acne, strengthens bones, helps digestion, aids the heart, and helps reduce weight loss. Per day, you can consume up to two cups of dark, leafy greens.
Spinach entered our selection not only because it’s high in vitamin C, but also because it’s full of antioxidants and beta carotene, which can help our adaptive immune battle infections.
Do you know? Spinach is even as healthy as broccoli if cooked to preserve its nutrients, similar to broccoli. Light cooking, on the other hand, makes it easier to consume vitamin A and allows other nutrients to be produced from the antinutrient oxalic acid. You can keep it on your regular menu but it can cause diarrhea to some people for excessive consumption. If you face the same, then eat twice or thrice a week.

04. Almonds
This hard, brown color, water drop-shaped food has a lot of health benefits that you may have even not thought of.
Studies have shown that almonds, especially the skins, have immunologic agents and promote better health. They’re also high in Vitamin E, an antioxidant that really is needed by many of the enzymes in your immune response. Not to mention the many other (proven) health advantages of almonds. Fibre, calcium, unsaturated fat, protein, and Vitamin E are all contained in only a few almonds per day. Antioxidants can help reduce the risk of cancer and even Alzheimer’s disease.
Almonds have many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, weight loss, and appetite reduction. But if you want to increase your immune system, try to have at maximum 28 grams almonds a day.

05. Oily Fish (salmon, tuna, pilchards)
Ample amounts of safe omega-3 fatty acids are present in fatty fish (such as salmon and tuna), which can increase immune function. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation and improve your body’s ability to fight disease.
One of the most nutritious foods on the planet is a delicious and versatile fatty fish. Only two servings per week are enough to include a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins.
Red meat is also less healthy than a pescatarian diet. It promotes brain activity, decreases cardiovascular disease, lowering blood pressure, and helps to lose weight. In a week, adults consume at least two portions of 250 grams of salmon, tuna, or such oily fish.

06. Oysters
Shellfish is not what many people think, but some types of shells are bundled into zinc, which try to strengthen the immune system.
Zinc doesn’t get nearly as much exposure as other vitamins and minerals, but it’s important for our immune cells to function properly. Shellfish varieties with high zinc content include Crab, Oysters, lobsters, and so on.
Oysters are the global aquaculture species and also play essential roles for ecosystem function, a common name for a variety of different bivalve mollusks. As an invertebrate, oysters have been developed to identify different invaders via a series of coordinated immune reactions, using an integrated, highly complex innate immune system.

07. Yogurt
Search for yogurt, such as Greek yogurt, with the phrase “live and active cultures.” These cultures can help your immune system combat diseases by stimulating them.
Try to get simple yogurts instead of sugar-flavored and loaded types. Plain yogurt can be sweetened instead with nutritious fruit and a drizzle of honey. Yogurt can also be a good source of vitamin D, so look for products that are fortified with it. Vitamin D is designed to improve our body’s natural defenses against diseases. It helps control the immune system. The potential effects of clinical trials on COVID-19 are also being investigated.

08. Blueberries
Tropical berries have such a wonderful taste and flavor, that made the way to our dishes without effort. It is an immune booster fruit.
Blueberries are a powerful source of antioxidants, low in calories and rich in fiber, which are a delight to enhance your immunity. Berries are tiny in size but their activity is huge.
Berries help to combat cancer and aging. It is also believed to help avoid heart disease and improve the function of the brain. Snack on 12 – 1 cup of this guilt-free berry at any time of day.

09. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet orange potatoes constitute a rich source of the body’s own beta-carotene, a herbal compound that is transformed into vitamin A.
Vitamin A is crucial to a healthy immune system and decreased immunity has resulted in low blood levels. The preservation of healthy membranes is also essential, particularly in the lining of your intestines.
Many disease-causing pathogens are introduced to the body through the intestine. As a result, a healthy gut is crucial to a healthy immune system.

10. Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that can help to boost your immune system and boost your ability to battle viruses. Zinc and selenium are two of these minerals. Zinc is important for the immune system, as it aids in the maintenance and development of immune cells.
Sunflower seeds are high in magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins B-6 and E, among other nutrients. Vitamin E is necessary for immune system regulation and maintenance. Sunflower seeds have a lot of selenium in them.
One ounce contains approximately half of the selenium that the average adult requires on a regular basis. A number of experiments, mainly on animals, have looked at its ability to fight viral infections including swine flu (H1N1).

11. Green Tea
Flavonoids, a form of antioxidant, are abundant in both green and black teas. The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) level is another powerful antioxidant in which green tea really excels. It helps a lot in immune-boosting.
EGCG has been shown in studies to improve immune function. Most of the EGCG in black tea is destroyed during the fermentation process. Green tea, on the other hand, is steamed rather than fermented, preserving the EGCG. Green tea is also high in L-theanine, an amino acid. L-theanine can help in the production in your T cells of germ-fighting compounds.

12. Mushrooms
Mushrooms boost white blood cell development and function, making them a good choice for battling infections. They are a natural vitamin D source that can help maintain the strength of your immune system.
Mushrooms, one of the most common non-animal sources of Vitamin D, are also high in B vitamins. The quality of selenium in mushrooms protects the immune system by preventing damage to cells and tissue.
To combat cholesterol, viral infections, and inflammation, include mushrooms in your diet. Mushrooms allow the bones to be strengthened, energized, and healthy. It is suggested that you consume up to 100 grams of button mushrooms.

13. Chickpeas
Are you surprised to learn that legumes are among the foods that improve immunity? Chickpeas are high in protein and fiber, making them a nutritious alternative for both children and adults.
Make a chickpea salad or soup instead of a meat dish. It aids in weight loss, diabetes management, cardiovascular health, and proper nutrition. 1 cup of chickpeas per day is the serving size for an adult.

14. Papaya
Papaya is another vitamin C fruit. It can be found in one medium fruit with the recommended daily amount of vitamin C. Papayas also have an anti-inflammatory digestive enzyme called papain.
Papayas contain a good amount of potassium, magnesium, and folate, all of which are good for your health and immune system.

15. Red bell peppers
It is obvious to think that citrus fruits have the highest amount Of vitamin C than any fruit or vegetable. But surprisingly did you know? Red bell peppers have nearly three times the amount of vitamin C which is almost 127 mg as a Florida orange ounce for ounce almost 45 mg. They also contain a lot of beta carotene.
Vitamin C can help you maintain healthy skin in addition to boosting your immune system. Your body transforms beta carotene into vitamin A, which helps to keep your eyes and skin healthy. Bell peppers are a vibrant addition to your diet, high in Vitamin C and antioxidants.
Bell peppers contain capsaicin, which helps to speed up metabolism and aid weight loss. It includes nutrients including vitamin K2, vitamin E, vitamin A, folate, and potassium to help minimize anemia risk. One cup a day will be an acceptable consumption standard for all.

16. Kiwi
Vitamin C and dietary fiber are abundant in kiwis and provide a range of health benefits. This tangy fruit is good for your heart, digestion, and immunity. The kiwifruit is a nutritious fruit that is high in vitamins and antioxidants.
Its tarty aroma, pleasant texture, and low-calorie content make it a nutritious and tasty snack, desserts, or snacks. The vital health benefits are vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. The body is rich in vitamins that promote immunity and decrease disease risk.

17. Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate is also a good food to aid your immune system. Don’t you believe me? The cocoa contained in dark chocolate and the phenolic compounds found inside the cocoa will improve the immune system and enhance the strength of our body. Dark chocolate can also help with a persistent cough.
So now you can grab chocolate for the benefits of your health! Cheer up! If every day you dream of chocolate, you can now!
A daily dose of dark chocolate will enhance your immunity, filled with flavonoids and minerals like iron, magnesium, and zinc. It also decreases stress levels, lowers the risk of heart disease, and is one of the most beneficial foods for mental wellbeing and wellness. You can eat between 30 and 60 grams a day. Try not to cross 60 grams.

18. Garlic
Garlic has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It can aid in the body’s resistance to viruses and other microorganisms, as well as their destruction. This is accomplished by enhancing the immune system. Garlic is also said to have anti-infective properties.
Moreover, garlic has a number of immunologic properties. Add your meals moderately chopped or crushed garlic. A wide variety of allicin and sulfur compounds that protect your digestive tract are very important in traditional medicine. Garlic was used for the treatment of the common cold, for reducing high blood pressure, and for improving cholesterol levels.
Adults can consume 4 grams of raw garlic per day and 300 mg of garlic powder. For other shapes like paste, oil, etc. follow similar grammage.

19. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice can help avoid illness and infection by providing vitamin C and other immune-boosting nutrients including vitamin E. Pomegranates have also been shown in lab studies to be antibacterial and antiviral. They’re being researched to see how they affect common diseases and viruses. These fruits can be consumed crudely every day to gain several benefits for nutrition.
Pomegranate is a juicy blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and folate that helps combat bacteria and inflammation. It also increases cardiovascular health and reduces blood pressure. Herbal grenade tea will improve immunity and well-being overall. Two cups of fruit can be eaten each day for better immune-boosting.

20. Ginger
The qualities of ginger, hidden qualities actually, generally come to light just after being ill. Ginger has been shown to minimize inflammation, which can help with sore throats and inflammatory illnesses. Ginger can also make a significant contribution to nausea.
Ginger packs heat in the form of gingerol, a relative of capsaicin, even though it is used in many sweet desserts. Ginger has been shown to help with chronic pain and it may even help lower cholesterol levels. Apart from all that ginger has the power to make you the king in your immune battle.

What are the immunity boosting foods for kids?
Children need to have a strong immune system as it will work as a shield to them from having the disease. There are certain foods that can be great such as.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in yogurt. You may well be aware that such criteria reside in your gut and may enhance your kid’s body’s way of using food and help the body fight diseases. One study showed that 19% risk of ear infections, cold disease, and strep throats are lowered by yogurt for children.

This tangy milk beverage is also high in beneficial probiotics. Although at first, the biting taste may be a bit disturbing, in the U.S. Jennifer McDaniel, MS, RD, spokesman for Nutrition and Dietetics Academy, suggests having it on your kid’s lunch box. More research should be on it. However, early research indicates that the immune system can be helpful with it.

Walnuts are a delicious snack. Walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. Omega-3 fatty acids, according to experts, help the body battle disease. Especially about kids. Omega-3s were found to reduce the number of respiratory infections in children in a small sample. Walnuts are simple to add to a snack mix or cereal.
Vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats are the other options that boost the immunity of the children.

Exercise or food to increase immunity?
Well, both are essential. In a sense, a healthy diet can walk alone with your immune system but if your food is not good enough or contains excess carb on it, then exercise is a must to have a good immune system.
Obesity combined with a lack of physical activity, according to a study published in the Journal Sport and Health Science, will minimize the effectiveness of your immune system. Staying physically active during the day, on the other hand, may help the immune system respond better and may even minimize the number of people who die from respiratory illnesses. So both are substitutes to each other.