Most people do not know what fruit is good for constipation and they like to consult with a doctor or nutritionist. As a 20 years experience in nutrition, I am sharing the best fruits for constipation that will make you poop.
The medical definition for constipation is reduction in the bowel movements. One can experience pain and discomfort even blood because of constipation along with not being able to empty the bowels fully thus a swollen belly as well.
Research says that about 16% of people face constipation in their lifetime. It can be rare, short term or chronic constipation for person to person. And yes there are some best fruits to help with constipation.
Common Cause of Constipation
However, constipation has a variety of causes for instance dehydration, lifestyle factors, poor diet, medications, neurological, gastrointestinal, metabolic diseases or mental disorders.
But, a diet rich in soluble fibre with plenty of water and little rich and fatty foods lessen the risk of costiveness. So eating certain foods can help to improve the frequency of bowel movements.
Do Fruits Relieve Constipation?
And the answer is YES, there are some particular best fruits to eat for constipation. Also, you have to follow the appropriate guideline to choose and have fruits to relieve constipation. If you eat enough and anytime, that may not help you with constipation.
Which fruit is best for constipation?
The fruits containing enough fiber and water are the best fruit for constipation. Fruits increase the power of your stomach and make the hydrate. Although all the fruits do not contain enough water to make you hydrate, that’s why you may have to drink enough water depending on the fruits category.
What fruits help constipation?
People commonly know that dried fruits help with constipation. However, there are some organic fruits that can also help with constipation like bael fruit, guava, plums, etc. First of all, you have to decide your problem then choose the solution. For example, are you already constipated or you don’t want to be constipated.
I recommend some special categories of fruit items when you like to relieve constipation for once only. And some regular fruit habits that will keep you poop and work as a precaution.
# Best fruits for constipation
Here are the best fruits that can help relieve constipation and develop a healthy bowel habit
01. Bael Fruit
Calories: 137
Carbs: 31.8 gm
Protein: 1.8 gm
Fat: 0.03 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (55 mcg), Vitamin C (60 mg),
Minerals: Potassium (600 mg), Calcium (85 mg),
Other Nutrients: Fiber (2.9 gm), Water (61.5 g)

Bael is the best fruit for constipation and widely proven. It is also known as wood apple. Bael is full of therapeutic benefits filled with a myriad of nutrients such as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, minerals calcium, potassium, iron and all.
Pulp of bael is an excellent ancient remedy for constipation. Tannins, flavonoids, and coumarin in bael reduce inflammation. Also the laxative properties in bael aid in digestion hence regulate bowel system.
02. Plums and Prunes
Calories: 240
Carbs: 64 g
Protein: 2.2 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (15%), Vitamin B-6 (10%), Vitamin C (1%)
Minerals: Sodium (2 mg), Potassium (732 mg), Calcium (4%), Iron (4%), Magnesium (10%)
Other Nutrients: Dietary fiber (7 g), Sugar (38 g)

Prunes and plums are globally accepted and the best fruits for constipation. They are loaded with a lot of soluble fibre that facilitate bowel movements.
Sorbitol and phenolic compounds in them may have gastrointestinal advantages. A research study concluded that regular eating of prunes and plums increase the frequency of bowel movements.
03. Guava
Calories: 68
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 2.6 g
Fat: 1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (380%), Vitamin A (12%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Potassium (417 mg), Sodium (2 mg), Magnesium (5%), Iron (1%), Calcium (1%)
Other Nutrients: Dietary fiber (5 g),Sugar (9 g)

Guava is a testy and one of the best fruits for constipation. The oval shape fruit is highly rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamin c, and potassium. The soluble fiber and antioxidants boost the immune system.
It lowers blood pressure, decreases bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol in the body. The excellent dietary fiber fruit aids healthy bowel movements. In addition, its leaf also helps the digestive system. A single guava can fulfil 12% of recommended daily fibre intake.
04. Apples
Calories: 52
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 0.3 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C(7%), Vitamin A (1%),
Minerals: Potassium (107 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Magnesium (1%)
Other Nutrients: Dietary fiber (2.4 g) Sugar (10 g)

Apples are rich in fibre which is a key to treat alimentary stoppage. In short, a 100 grams apple contains 4.4 grams of fibre, which is 17% of the recommended daily intake. However, pectin in apples helps fermentation rapidly in the gut, which accelerates the movement of the bowel through the intestines.
05. Pears
Calories: 239
Carbs: 15.23 g
Protein: 0.36 g
Fat: 0.14 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (4.3 mg), Vitamin K (4.4 μg), Vitamin E (0.12 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (9 mg), Iron (0.18 mg), Magnesium (7 mg), Phosphorus (12 mg), Potassium (116 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Zink (0.1 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (84 g), Sugars (9.75 g)

You can have pears as one of the best fruits to relieve constipation. Pears are again fibre loaded sorbitol fruit, with about 5.5 grams of fibre 100 grams which is 22% of the recommended everyday fibre intake. Alongside, fructose and sorbitol in pears absorb in the colon, pull in water by osmosis, and ease bowel movement. So pears is a bliss in raw, cooked, baked every form to the sufferers.
06. Kiwifruit
Calories: 61
Carbs: 15 g
Protein: 1.1 g
Fat: 0.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (154 %), Vitamin A (1%), Vitamin B-6 (5%),
Minerals: Sodium (3 mg), Potassium (312 mg), Magnesium (4%), Calcium (3%), Iron (1%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (9 g), Dietary fiber (3 g)

The green kiwifruit has both soluble and insoluble fibre, work simultaneously to promote regularity. A kiwi contains on average 3 grams of fibre which speed up the intestinal flow. Kiwis have actinidin enzymes to promote movements in the upper gastrointestinal tract, gut motility alongside phytochemicals improve digestive tubes.
07. Figs
Calories: 310
Carbs: 19.2 g
Protein: 0.8 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (2 mg), Vitamin K (4.7 μg), Vitamin E (0.11 mg), Vitamin A (7 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (35 mg), Iron (0.4 g), Magnesium (17 mg), Phosphorus (14 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Zink (0.15 mg)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (3 g), Water (79 g), Sugars (16.3 g)

Figs are a great relief for constipation. A 100 grams raw fig contains about 2.8 grams of fibre which is almost 30% of one’s daily requirements. Taking high fibre content promotes healthy bowel habits and reduces intestinal transit time. Furthermore, ficain enzyme in figs alleviates stomach discomfort and faster colonic transit time.
08. Citrus Fruits
Calories: 97
Carbs: 23 g
Protein: 2.2 g
Fat: 0.7 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (25%), Vitamin C (50%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Potassium (348 mg), Sodium (28 mg), Iron (8%), Magnesium (7%), Calcium (1%)
Other Nutrients: Dietary fiber (10 g), Sugar (11 g)

Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and mandarins are a good source of soluble fibre called pectin which accelerate colonic transit time and also reduce constipation. Again, a flavanol named naringenin increases fluid secretion into the colon, causing laxative effects.
For instance, an orange contains 3.1 grams of fiber, which is 13% of the recommended daily needs of fibre. Meanwhile, a grapefruit has 2.6 grams of fiber, meeting 10% of the daily intake.
09. Watermelon
Calories: 127
Carbs: 7.55 g
Protein: 0.61 g
Fat: 0.15 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (28 μg), Vitamin C (8.1 mg), Choline (4.1 mg)
Minerals: Potassium (112 mg), Calcium (7 mg), Magnesium (10 mg), Phosphorus (11 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Iron (0.24), Zink (0.1 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugars (6.2 g), Fiber (0.4 g), Water (91.45 g), Lycopene (4532 μg)

Watermelon is the best fruit to make you poop. The water-rich fruit contains around 92% water that encourages bowel movement.
Water in watermelon helps in hydrating the body as well as helps a lot in keeping the digestive tract ease. The dietary fruit aids in facilitating bowel movement regularly. 0ne cup of watermelon juice fills 18% of daily fibre requirements.
10. Apricot
Calories: 201, 241 (dried)
Carbs: 63 g
Protein: 3.4 g
Fat: 0.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (1 mg), Vitamin E (4.33 mg), Vitamin K (3.1 μg), Vitamin A (180 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (55 mg), Iron (2.66 mg), Magnesium (32 mg), Phosphoris (71 mg), Potassium (1162 mg), Sodium (10 mg), Zink (0.29 mg)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (7 g), Sugars (53 g)

Although Apricot is not a common fruit for all the countries, it is a high fiber and one of the best fruits for constipation. Dried apricots are rich in insoluble fibre that makes it an excellent choice to get relief from constipation. The highly rich nutritional value of apricots makes digestion easier.
100 grams apricot provides around 2 gram of dietary fibre that fills 8% of recommended daily intake. Apricot is a great option to support a healthy gastrointestinal tract.
11. Beans
Calories: 314
Carbs: 63 g
Protein: 9.6 g
Fat: 0.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (10%), Vitaqmin B-6 (25%)
Minerals: Potassium (1393 mg), Sodium (12 mg), Calcium (11%), Iron (28%), Magnesium (44%)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (16 g), Sugar (2.1 g)

You may not consider beans as the fruits. Beans are one of the cheapest and greatest fiber-packed foods loaded with soluble and insoluble fibre to ease constipation. However, 100 grams of beans contain a whopping 18 grams of fiber, which is almost 80% of the recommended daily needs.
12. Bananas
Calories: 371
Carbs: 22.84 g
Protein: 1.09 g
Fat: 0.33 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (8.7 mg), Choline (9.8mg)
Minerals: Potassium (358 mg), Phosphotus (22 mg), Magnesium (27 mg), Sodium (1 mg), Iron (1 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugaras (22.84 g), fiber (2.6 g), water (74.91 g)

The most popular fruits worldwide are relatively high source of soluble fibre, crucial vitamins and minerals. One medium banana contains about 3.2gram fibre. The fibre in it absorbs water that softens the bowel tract.
Again resistant starch of green bananas produces short chain fats that improve digestion and metabolism. One thing should be remembered is ripe bananas relieve constipation while unripe bananas cause constipation if taken too much.
13. Berries
Calories: 240
Carbs: 14.49 g
Protein: 0.74 g
Fat: 0.33 g
Vitamins: VitaminA (54 IU), Vitamin C (9.7 mg), Vitamin E (0.57), Vitamin K (19.3 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (6 mg), Magnesium (6 mg), Phosphorus (12 mg), Potassium (77 mg), Iron (0.28 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugars (9.96 g), Fiber (2.4 g), Water (84 g)

Berries such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries all are fibre packed and best fruits for constipation. Fibres in berries feed beneficial bacteria in the gut for favourable digestion.
Berries provide hydration to the body and there is no wonder dehydration is a major cause of constipation. Moreover fibre loaded berries add bulk to stool and minimizes constipation. Raspberries have 8 grams fibre per cup. Blueberries contain 2.4 grams fibre that is 9% of daily needs.
14. Papaya
Calories: 179
Carbs: 10.82 g
Protein: 0.47 g
Fat: 0.26 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A equiv (47μg), Vitamin C (62 mg), Vitamin K (2.6 μg), Vitamin E (0.3 mg)
Minerals: Potassium (182 mg), Calcium (20 mg), Magnesium (21 mg), Phosphorus (10 mg), Sodium (8 mg), Zink (0.8 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugars (7.82 g), Fiber (1.7 g), Water (88 g), Lycopene (1828 µg)

Papaya is the best fruit for constipation. Papain enzyme in papaya works wonders for digestion and smoothen bowel movements. The water in papaya promotes regularity in bowel habits along with reducing bloating. The large amount of soluble fibre in papaya accelerates intestinal transition. One small papaya has about 3.5 grams of dietary fibre.
15. Peach
Calories: 165
Carbs: 9.54 g
Protein: 0.91 g
Fat: 0.25 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (6.6 mg), Vitamin E (0.73), Vitamin K (2.6 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (6 mg), I ron (0.25 mg), Magnesium (9mg), Phosphorus (20 mg), Potassium (190 mg), Zink (0.17)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (1.5 g), Sugars (8.39 g), Water (89 g)

Peach is rich in fibre, vitamin c, minerals and antioxidants that makes a great option for easing bowel system. Per peach can give as much as 9% of the fibre of recommended daily needs. Peach is known as “gastrointestinal soft diet” for its soft texture and its effect to ease gas, bloating and constipation.
16. Avocado
Calories: 160
Carbs: 9 g
Protein: 2 g
Fat: 15 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (16%), Vitamin A (2%), Vitamin B-6 (15%)
Minerals: Potassium (485 mg), Sodium (7 mg), Magnesium (7%), Iron (3%), Calcium (1%)
Other Nutrients: Dietary fiber (7 g), Sugar (0.7 g)

Avocado is a good fruit for constipation. It is rich in fibre and magnesium. These pull water back into intestines thus tranquilize bowel flow. The stone fruit is widely known for developing digestive and metabolic systems.
The warm climate fruit has nearly 20 types of vitamins. USDA survey says each avocado contains approximately 6 to 7 grams of fibre. High natural fibre maintains a healthy digestive tube.
17. Grape
Calories: 288
Carbs: 18.1 g
Protein: 0.72 g
Fat: 0.16 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (3.2 mg), Vitamin E (0.19 mg), Vitamin K (14.16 μg)
Minerals: Calcium (10 mg), Iron (0.36 mg), Magnesium (7 mg), Phosphorus (20 mg), Potassium (191 mg), Sodium (2 mg), Zink (0.7 mg)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (0.9 g), Sugar (15.48 g), Water (81 g)

Grapes do not cause constipation and it is considered a good fruit for constipation. They are the fibre superstars. Even the skin has plenty of fibre. The laxative fruits are full of antioxidants that maintain a healthy metabolic system thus healthy bowel movements.
Dietary fibre, cellulose and organic acids in grapes decrease gastrointestinal disorders even chronic constipation.
18. Pineapple
Calories: 209
Carbs: 13.12 g
Protein: 0.54 g
Fat: 0.12 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (47.8 mg), Choline (5.5 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (13 mg), Magnesium (12 mg), Iron (0.29), Potassium (109 mg), Phosphorus (8 mg), Sodium (0.12 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugars (9.85 g), Fiber (1.4 g), Water (86.00)

Pineapple is another natural laxative for constipation. Pineapple juice provides hydration to the body and proper hydration eases bowel movement.
Experts say that one cup of pineapple juice contains 0.5 grams of fibre. High dietary fibre of pineapple has a great effect on regulating the digestive tract.
19. Nuts and Seeds
Calories: 607
Carbs: 21 g
Protein: 20 g
Fat: 54 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (20 g)
Minerals: Sodium (273 mg), Potassium (632 mg), Iron (14%), Calcium (11%), Magnesium (57%)
Other Nutrients: fiber (7 g), Sugar (4.2 g)

Nuts contain almonds, walnuts, pecans and other nuts. Nuts are filling and high in fibre. Seeds like chia, psyllium, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds etc are also fibre-filled foods to relieve constipation.
One ounce of nuts has almost 3.5 grams fibre and one ounce of seeds have a whopping 5 grams fibre. Diet full of fibre regulates the alimentary canal.
20. Sweet Potato
Calories: 86
Carbs: 20 g
Protein: 1.6 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (283%), Vitamin C (4%), Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium (55 mg), Potassium (337 mg), Sugar (4.2 g)
Other Nutrients: Dietary fiber (3 g)

Sweet potatoes contain mostly insoluble fiber in the form of cellulose and soluble fiber in the form of pectin aid bowel process and help alleviate constipation.
100 grams of sweet potato contain 3.8 grams of fiber, which is 15% of the recommended daily intake. However, the skin has most of the fibre so it is a natural laxative.