One should wisely decide what human foods puppies can eat. Otherwise, your puppies may fall into a serious problem.
It has always been difficult to deny those puppy eyes peeking under the table. But can your puppy eat all the human foods? Following the list of food can help you to find what to give as a treat to your baby buddy.
You may also like our recent publication on “how to know if your dog is sick” because a sick puppy may not like to eat any kind of food.
Let’s see the human foods that puppies can eat
We are specifying the foods because we should not get our puppies in trouble. We have recently published an article on how to know if your dog is sick. There you may find some causes of illness that are happening due to the choices of foods. We will show you all types of foods that puppies can eat.
# What Meats Can Puppies Eat that Humans commonly Have?
All types of meat are very popular human foods that puppies can eat. It can be a great supplement in your dog’s diet as extra protein (if needed). Different types and seasoned meat have different impacts on a puppy’s digestion. But you are free to feed the regular human foody meat to your puppies.
#Let’s see the 50 Human Foods Puppies can Eat
01. Chicken
Calories: 239
Carbs: 0g (0%)
Protein: 27g (54%)
Fat: 14g (21%)
Vitamins: B-6 20%

Chickens are the common item of human foods that puppies can eat. Nicely cooked unseasoned chicken is a very good choice for adding into puppies’ diet for extra protein. It is also said that plain cooked chicken is a plus point for a puppy’s upset stomach. But, for the safety of your pup, make sure the meat does not contain any sauce or spice that can upset the digestive system or have any bone in it.
02. Beef
Calories: 250
Carbs: 0g (0%)
Protein: 26g (52%)
Fat: 15g (23%)
Vitamins: B-6 20%, D 1%

Another human food from lean meat groups is beef which is very effective for expanding a dog’s energy level and growth. In reality, you may find beef as a very common ingredient in different dog meals.
Properly cooked, unseasoned lean beef can be the best option as an incredible origin of protein and vitamins that your puppy may need for better health. If you are adding beef to the food menu of a puppy, just make sure there is no bone or artificial sauces.
03. Pork
Calories: 242
Carbs: 0g (0%)
Protein: 27g (54%)
Fat: 14g (21%)
Vitamins: B-6 25%, C 1%, D 13%

Pork can be added to the puppy food chart under some certain conditions. Raw or undercooked pork contains bacteria which is harmful for the puppy’s health. So, whenever you are planning to treat your buddy with pork, make sure the meat is cooked well.
Pork is one of the common human foods that puppies can eat and their favourite one. Moreover, different forms of pork containing too much salt such as ham and beacon are unhygienic for a puppy.
04. Turkey meat
Calories: 189
Carbs: 0.1g (0%)
Protein: 29g (58%)
Fat: 7g (10%)
Vitamins: B-6 30%, D 3%

Though turkey has fat, it is suitable for puppies. You just need to make sure that extra fat and skin has been removed carefully. Otherwise, daily consumption of uncontrolled turkey fat may result in weight gain and other problems.
# What Fiber Foods Can Puppies Eat?
Fiber is good for a puppy’sgrowth. Some foods with fiber can be fed to the younger dogs. Let’s see the common fiber food items that people have and also be feeded to your puppies.
05. Corns
Calories: 106
Carbs: 22g (7%)
Protein: 3.1g (6%)
Fat: 2.4g (3%)
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 7%

Corns are popular human foods that puppies can eat. It is a common ingredient in many dog foods. It holds vitamins and minerals too which are very helpful for a puppy’s health. Cooked corns are safe for dogs, but not the raw ones, specifically on the cob. Remember to provide an endurable amount after discussing your vet.
06. Oatmeal
Calories: 68
Carbs: 12g (4%)
Protein: 2.4g 4%
Fat: 1.4g 2%
Vitamins: B-6 15%

Yes, oatmeals are also very popular human foods that puppies can eat. Plain oat meal is beneficial for puppies. Controlled quantity of oatmeal helps to avoid gaining extra weight.
Try to avoid any kind of flavored oatmeal because the added flavor has a chance to disturb the dog’s digestive system. Also, avoid oatmeals containing added sugar or betterment of puppies’ health.
07. Rice
Calories: 130
Carbs: 28g (9%)
Protein: 2.7g (5%)
Fat: 0.3g 0%
Vitamins: B-6 5%

Rice is an easily digestive food for dogs. Puppies can consume both white or brown rice when cooked properly. Well-cooked rice sometimes may help the pup’s upset stomach.
Note that white rice may cause a rise in blood sugar for some dogs who have diabetic. Please, consult with the vet about the amount of rice before adding it to the food chart.
08. Bread
Calories: 265
Carbs: 49g (16%)
Protein: 9g (18%)
Fat: 3.2g (4%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%

Breads are undoubtedly good types of human foods that puppies can eat. Nutritionists mainly suggest homemade bread as an occasional treat for puppies. They prefer plain bread over bread with added components such as raisins, nuts, or preservatives.
Most of the time vets suggest a limited amount of whole-grain or plain white bread as these bread contain high calories which may affect the puppy’s normal diet plan.
# Can Puppies Eat Human Vegetables?
Yes, your beloved puppies can eat some vegetables that are commonly eaten by humans. Vegetables are full of nutrients. This food provides vitamins, especially vitamin A for puppies. Let’s see the vegetables that your puppies can eat.
09. Broccoli
Calories: 34
Carbs: 7g (2%)
Protein: 2.8g (5%)
Fat: 0.4g 0%
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 148%

It is counted as a healthy snack because it holds a high amount of nutrients. On the other hand, it contains isothiocyanates which have the chance to disturb a puppy’s digestion. So, it is better to have broccoli in the puppy bowl as an irregular treat.
Broccoli is one of the nice human foods that puppies can eat all the season around.
10. Green Beans
Calories: 31
Carbs: 7g (2%)
Protein: 1.8g (3%)
Fat: 0.1g 0%
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 27%

Usually, green beans are found in varieties of dog food. Puppies and dogs find this tasty and they tend to eat more food which contains this material. In fact, green beans have lots of calcium, iron, protein and vitamin K which is highly beneficial for puppies.
You can add raw or cooked green beans to the puppy’s food list if it is low in calories. An owner needs to make sure that the green beans should be freshly cooked without any salt or seasoning. You can also arrange for canned beans without salt.
11. Pumpkin
Calories: 26
Carbs: 7g (2%)
Protein: 1g (2%)
Fat: 0.1g 0%
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 15%

Another most healthy food for puppies, which happens to be human food, is pumpkin. It is an incredible source of fiber, enriched in vitamin A and beta carotene.
Pumpkin also has a positive impact on a puppy’s upset stomach. Canned pumpkin without any added flavour and raw pumpkin are being suggested by people having long experience in nurturing puppies as treat for the pups.
12. Zucchini
Calories: 17
Carbs: 3.1g (1%)
Protein: 1.2g (2%)
Fat: 03.g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 29%

You can start feeding your puppy zucchini right after 2 months of age. At the beginning peel the skin. Slowly, start feeding them with the skin on as mostly antioxidants are contained by the skin.
13. Carrots
Calories: 41
Carbs: 10g (3%)
Protein: 0.9g (1%)
Fat: 0.2g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 9%

If you are looking for a vegetable which is low in calories but high in fiber, your first choice should be carrots. Both baby carrots and fully grown carrots have enormous amounts of vitamin A, fiber, beta carotene and other minerals. These are also helpful for puppies’ teeth.
It is ok to feed carrots to your pup daily in a controlled way. And, also supply the carrots in bite size cuts to prevent them from choking.
14. Potatoes
Calories: 77
Carbs: 17g (5%)
Protein: 2g (4%)
Fat: 0.1g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 15%, C 32%

Puppies are allowed to have cooked potatoes in small amounts as it contains high carbohydrates. Uncooked or raw potatoes contain some chemicals that may have adverse effects on a puppy’s digestive system.
15. Mushroom
Calories: 22
Carbs: 3.3g (1%)
Protein: 3.1g (6%)
Fat: 0.3g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 3%

Plain mushrooms, specifically store bought ones are more safe to feed your puppy. Some kinds of mushroom such as Portobello are good for puppies. Just make sure that mushroom, home cooked or bought, doesn’t have any added onion or garlic in it.
16. Cucumbers
Calories: 16
Carbs: 3.6g (1%)
Protein: 0.7g (1%)
Fat: 0.1g
Vitamins: C 4%

This veg contains nearly no oil. It is also enlisted as no fat veg but full of vitamins, specially KC and B1, biotin, magnesium, potassium and copper.
This is a food with 95% of water which helps to keep your pet hydrated, specially in summer. This provides phytonutrients that help to build immunity against bacteria. If you puppy is suffering from bad breath, give cucumbers to eat.
17. Celery
Calories: 16
Carbs: 2.97g
Protein: 0.69g
Fat: 0.17g
Vitamins: B-6 6%, C 4%

Most of the dogs seem to like this crunchy vegetable. This contains vitamin A, B and C. These vitamins help to develop puppies’ immunity.
#Can Puppies Eat Dairy Products?
Dairy products have both positive and adverse effects on puppies. You have to be more serious when choosing the dairy food items for your puppies. However, we also mention what human dairy foods can be feeded to your puppies. Let’s go
18. Milk
Calories: 42
Carbs: 5g (1%)
Protein: 3.4g (6%)
Fat: 1g (1%)
Vitamins: 0%

If your puppy has lactose tolerance, it can consume milk easily. But, parents need to be very careful about the quantity. They should not feed more than a few tablespoons of milk to their puppies daily.
19. Cheese
Calories: 402
Carbs: 1.3g (0%)
Protein: 25g (50%)
Fat: 33g (50%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, D 6%

Mostly, cottage cheese is suggested for puppies in small amounts if your puppy is not lactose sensitive.
In general, different types of cheese are found high in fat which can be harmful for a puppy’s health. So it is better to treat your puppy with low fat cheese and Cottage cheese is the smart choice. Other than this one, you can buy mozzarella for the pup.
20. Yogurt
Calories: 59
Carbs: 3.6g (1%)
Protein: 10g (20%)
Fat: 0.4g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%

If a puppy can tolerate lactose properly then yogurt is one of the best foods for it. Active bacteria in yogurt helps a puppy’s digestive system to get strong.
Mainly plain yogurt is the most preferable option for puppies. It is better to avoid any kind of yogurt which has sweetness or added sugar in it.
#What Fish can Puppies Eat?
Fish can be a great source of protein for your baby buddy if it is well cooked when uncooked fish is bare of many harmful parasites.
21. Salmon
Calories: 208
Carbs: 0g
Protein: 20g (40%)
Fat: 13g (20%)
Vitamins: B-6 30%, C 6%

This fish has an excellent amount of protein, amino acid and good fats. It boosts the puppy’s immune system and ensures well development of joints and brain.
22. Tuna
Calories: 132
Carbs: 0g
Protein: 28g (56%)
Fat: 1.3g (2%)
Vitamins: B-6 50%, C 1%

As omega 3 fatty acid reaches food, tuna can also be fed to the puppies. Between fresh tuna and canned tuna, fresh on is always preferred as a treat for the puppy.
Important point you should note keep in mind that cooked, fresh tuna should also be fed only in small amounts.
23. Shrimp
Calories: 99
Carbs: 0.2g
Protein: 24g (48%)
Fat: 0.3g
Vitamins: 0%

Shrimp has vitamin B-12, phosphorus and antioxidants. It is also good food for puppies every now and then. But, before giving it in the puppy bowl remove the shell, head, legs and tail completely then cook it without spices, sauces or excessive salt.
#What Fruits can Puppies Eat?
Fruits help in many ways in a puppy’s growth. That doesn’t mean you can give your puppy all kinds of fruits. Let’s see the human fruits that puppies can eat.
24. Coconut
Calories: 354
Carbs: 15g (5%)
Protein: 3.3g (6%)
Fat: 33g (50%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 5%

It is a good fruit for puppies which contains special edible acid that helps to fight viruses and bacteria and get a good breath. It also helps to obtain better skin conditions when used in milk or oil format.
25. Tomatoes
Calories: 18
Carbs: 3.9g (%)
Protein: 0.9g (%)
Fat: 0.2g 0%
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 22%

Tomatoes can occasionally be used as treats for puppies only when they are fully ripe. Hence, green tomatoes have a chance to harm the puppy. So, before feeding, consult a veterinarian.
26. Blueberries
Calories: 57
Carbs: 14g (4%)
Protein: 0.7g (1%)
Fat: 0.3g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 16%

Another safe and nutritious fruit for dogs is blueberry. It provides a significant amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants for fighting different diseases. Just you need to control the number of berries, not too many at a time in a day.
27. Sweet Potato
Calories: 86
Carbs: 20g (6%)
Protein: 1.6g (3%)
Fat: 0.1g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 4%

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A. It is also easy for puppy’s to digest. So you can use these foods as regular food for your buddy.
Vitamin A is good for puppy’s eyes and immune system. But, note that too much vitamin A can be the reason for bone problems. It can also cause muscle weakness.
28. Orange
Calories: 47
Carbs: 12g (4%)
Protein: 0.9g (1%)
Fat: 0.1g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 88%

Oranges are counted as an excellent treat for puppies as they have low calories and high nutrition. But, regular consumption in rich quantities can upset the stomach of the puppy. So, an owner should pay attention to the amount of food they eat.
29. Strawberry
Calories: 33
Carbs: 8g (2%)
Protein: 0.7g (1%)
Fat: 0.3g (0%)
Vitamins: C 97%

Moderate amount of strawberries are safe for your puppy. This fruit has antioxidants, and different nutrients. This can be a healthy snack if cut in small pieces to make sure that the pups do not chock.
30. Banana
Calories: 89
Carbs: 23g (7%)
Protein: 1.1g (2%)
Fat: 0.3 (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 20%, C 14%

Mixing some mashed banana in puppy’s food is the best way to feed them this fruit. You can also feed him in sliced form.
But, it is necessary to keep in mind that though some people claim bananas help to eradicate nausea in dogs, still it is not proven and it is better to provide dogs bananas in moderate amounts.
31. Watermelon
Calories: 30
Carbs: 8
Protein: 0.6g (1%)
Fat: 0.2g
Vitamins: C 13%

Watermelon, without any seed, is healthy for dogs. Packed with nutrients and low in calories, are the main reasons that make watermelon a healthy treat for the pups.
32. Blackberries
Calories: 43
Carbs: 10g (3%)
Protein: 1.4g (2%)
Fat: 0.5g (0%)
Vitamins: C 35%

In the berry category fruit, blackberry is edible for puppies. This fruit is rich in vitamin C and iron. Giving berries is safe only when the pit is removed.
33. Mango
Calories: 60
Carbs: 15g (5%)
Protein: 0.8g (1%)
Fat: 0.4g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 60%

Mango is such a food which most of the humans love and can be used as an occasional treat for the puppies. This fruit provides various vitamins and minerals. In addition to that, it contains a lot of fiber. But feeding puppies mango, you need to peel off the skin and remove the pit.
34. Raspberry
Calories: 53
Carbs: 12g (4%)
Protein: 1.2g (2%)
Fat: 0.7g (1%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 43%

This juicy fruit is famous in both the human race and animals. It is quite beneficial for puppies. But do not provide too much which may cause disturbance in digestion.
35. Apple
Calories: 52
Carbs: 14% (4%)
Protein: 0.3g (0%)
Fat: 0.2g (0%)
Vitamins: C 7%

Apple is a beneficial treat for puppies. This fruit has an incredible amount of vitamins, antioxidants, fiber and minerals. It helps to improve your puppy’s digestive system. Remember never to feed apples with seeds in it. Apple seeds are toxic for both humans and animals.
36. Pineapple
Calories: 50
Carbs: 13g (4%)
Protein: 0.5g (1%)
Fat: 0.1g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 79%

This fruit is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber which can be a very good snack for your puppy. Fresh pineapples are more suitable for puppies if served in small amounts.
37. Cantaloupe
Calories: 34
Carbs: 8g (2%)
Protein: 0.8g (1%)
Fat: 0.2 (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, C 61%

This muskmelon species fruit contains mostly vitamin A and C along with iron, magnesium and vitamin B-6. These are the reasons why it is counted as a natural powerhouse for your puppy. Before feeding, remove the seeds and the skin properly.
38. Pear
Calories: 57
Carbs: 15g (5%)
Protein: 0.4g (0%)
Fat: 0.1g (0%)
Vitamins: C 7%

Pears carry fiber and vitamins. This fruit helps to achieve a better digestive system. Feed this fruit to your puppy after removing the core fully.
# What Nuts and Seeds can Puppies Eat?
Nuts are of different types and shapes but have a lot of nutrients. But all of them are not good for the puppies. Let’s see nuts and seeds that puppies can eat.
39. Cashew
Calories: 553
Carbs: 30g (10%)
Protein: 18g (36%)
Fat: 44g (67%)
Vitamins: B-6 20%

Being enriched in magnesium, antioxidants, calcium and protein, this nut is good for puppy’s health but only in moderate amounts.
40. Almond
Calories: 579
Carbs: 21.6g
Protein: 21.2g
Fat: 49.9g
Vitamins: 11%

Plain, unsalted almonds are safe for puppies. But remember to limit the quantity, because over eating may cause discomfort and diarrhoea.
41. Peanut
Calories: 567
Carbs: 16g (5%)
Protein: 26g (52)
Fat: 49g (75%)
Vitamins: B-6 15%

Compared to the other types of nuts, peanuts are counted more safely. You need to be careful while providing peanuts. Make sure that the shells are fully removed.
# What Snacks can Puppies Eat?
Snacks are not good for the nutritional facts but it is good for training. I like to suggest not to feed snacks to your beloved puppies. However, the listed snacks item can be feeded for a certain period of time.
42. Popcorn
Calories: 375
Carbs: 74g (24%)
Protein: 11g (22%)
Fat: 4.3g (6%)
Vitamins: B-6 15%

It is found that dogs tend to like popcorn. Mainly, plain popcorns without any spices are suggested as puppies’ treat during the training period.
43. Red Pepper
Calories: 40
Carbs: 9g (3%)
Protein: 1.9g (3%)
Fat: 0.4g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 25, C 239%

A well renowned snack, full of antioxidants, for puppies is red pepper. This helps to boost up immunity. This can be a very nice treat if the seeds and stem are removed properly. Also make sure that the red pepper is not the spicy one.
44. Peanut Butter
Calories: 588
Carbs: 20g (6%)
Protein: 25g (50%)
Fat: 50g (76%)
Vitamins: B-6 25%

This spread is a healthy snack for your baby dog. This highly nutritious food is rich in vitamins and provides a lot of energy. Before feeding peanut butter, consult with a vet about the amount in each serve.
45. Green Peas
Calories: 81
Carbs: 14g (4%)
Protein: 5g (10%)
Fat: 0.4g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 66%

Green peas are gluten free. This is the reason this green legume makes a quite significant treat for puppies, served in any way. You need to assure the peas do not have any additional salt or sugar in it.
46. Eggs
Calories: 155
Carbs: 1.1g (0%)
Protein: 13g (26%)
Fat: 11g (16%)
Vitamins: B-6 5%, D 21%

Besides human beings, dogs also get unavoidable benefits by consuming eggs. Egg contains amino acid which helps to build muscle. If the egg shell is powdered, mixed and fed with other food helps to develop bones and teeth. Most of the time vets suggest feeding puppies cooked eggs rather than raw eggs.
47. Pasta
Calories: 131
Carbs: 25g (8%)
Protein: 5g (10%)
Fat: 1.1g (1%)
Vitamins: 0%

Pasta is one of the good human foods that puppies can eat. This snack is commonly liked by humans as well as the puppies. You need to avoid adding any pasta sauce. Pasta mainly contains fiber, carbohydrates and calories. So, feed your puppy pasta in a controlled way to make sure of not getting over weight.
# What Herbs can Puppies Eat?
Herbs can help to add another dimension in a puppy’s food list. Although herbs are not a regular food item, it is wise to know the item lists for the future betterment.
48. Basil
Calories: 22
Carbs: 2.7g (0%)
Protein: 3.2g (6%)
Fat: 0.6g (0%)
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 30%

Basil leaf is counted as a beneficiary leafy herb to add in your puppy’s protein diet. It helps to reduce arthritis. Its antioxidant content may also help to lessen the effect of inflammation.
49. Cinnamon
Calories: 247
Carbs: 81g (27%)
Protein: 4g (8%)
Fat: 1.2g (1%)
Vitamins: B-6 10%, C 6%

This herb helps to regulate puppies’ brain function and lower blood pressure. So, while giving this herb, first consider consulting with a vet about the amount.
50. Coriander
Calories: 298
Carbs: 3.67g
Protein: 2.13g
Fat: 0.52g
Vitamins: B-6 11%, C 33%

Coriander is an easily found herb that can be included in puppy’s food. This takes care of dental health. Please, assure discussing the quantity and number of serving with a vet.
The food list above is fully safe for puppies. Still keep in mind to consult with the veterinarian before including any food in the puppy’s food chart. Each breed of puppy responds differently to different food based on their nutritional facts. A proper checking and planning is essential for a puppy’s good health.
#The 10 Human Foods Puppies can Eat
- Meat – Calories: 239
- Rice – Calories: 130
- Mushroom – Calories: 22
- Milk – Calories: 42
- Fish – Calories: 208
- Watermelon – Calories: 30
- Cashew – Calories: 553
- Popcorn – Calories: 375
- Eggs – Calories: 155
- Basil – Calories: 22