Yes, there are some fruits to avoid during pregnancy like pineapple, papayas, bananas, etc. Although there are a lot of benefits of eating fruits during pregnancy, the mother should not eat the fruits listed in this post below. There are certain reasons behind this and that was explained in each fruit section.
Fruits can supply mothers with a diverse array of vitamins and minerals that are particularly useful to an infant. Though fruits are generally healthy and often encouraged to eat, some fruits are not suitable for pregnant women only. You may like our recent publication on things to do before getting pregnant.
If safeguards are not taken while eating them, certain fruits can result in vaginal bleeding and, in the worst-case scenario, miscarriage. That’s why all of the doctors at Women’s Health discuss which fruits to eat and which to avoid during pregnancy.

What are the benefits of eating fruit during pregnancy?
Fruits are a necessity on the menu of a pregnant lady. They include vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, in addition to nutrients that assist your baby’s growth. Moreover, their high nutrient content is balanced out by their low-calorie level which makes them an ideal food for pregnant ladies. Fruit consumption has also been associated with the following advantages:
- Fruits include antioxidants, which help to protect fetal cells from the harmful effects by preventing it.
- Assist the fetus to develop and expand, as well as a healthy, diverse diet by eating fruits.
- Significant reduction of childhood eczema, which has been linked to the consumption of citrus fruits during pregnancy.
- An increased intake of vitamins and minerals from fruits can assist a pregnant woman keep her own body in the best shape possible to support the growing baby.
- Reduced wheezing in children which is linked to increased apple eating.
- Eat plenty of fresh fruit when pregnant to keep both mother and baby healthy as it is a wonderful source of fiber and includes a variety of critical vitamins and nutrients.

How Much Fruits Should You Eat During Pregnancy?
Every day, experts recommend consuming two to four servings of fruit and four to five servings of vegetables. Fresh, dried, frozen, or canned fruits are all acceptable options. A serving of fruit is approximate:
- A piece of entire fruit, around a medium size which should be the size of a tennis ball
- 1 cup of peeled and chopped fruit
Fruits including Mangoes, Oranges, Avocados, Bananas, Lemons, Berries, Kiwi, Apples, and Pomegranate, as well as vegetables, should be consumed in at least five different portions by pregnant women. Fruit juice and dried fruits should also be avoided by pregnant women because they are higher in sugar and calories than fresh fruits. You may also like our recent publication on Meal Plan for a 6 Month Baby.

# The 09 Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy
Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute’s Senior Consultant Gynecologist, Dr. Sadhna Singhal, says “Fruits are always nutritious and beneficial to consume. However, some fruits should not be ingested during pregnancy since they may have a harmful impact on the womb.” Following are some fruits to avoid when pregnant:

01. Pineapple
Pineapple is one of the fruits to avoid during the first trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that consuming pineapple can produce severe uterine contractions, which can lead to a miscarriage. Bromelain, a protein-degrading enzyme, is found in pineapple. It has the potential to soften the cervix and cause early labor. This could lead to a miscarriage. Apart from having this impact, it is also known for causing diarrhea, which can be extremely painful during pregnancy. As a result, you must avoid pineapple consumption during your pregnancy.

02. Tamarind
Tamarind is th commonly eaten fruits to avoid during pregnancy. It’s very natural to crave something sour during pregnancy but tamarind consumption during pregnancy is harmful rather than beneficial. Morning sickness and nausea have long been treated with tamarind. When it comes to consuming tamarind, though, moderation is crucial.
Because tamarind has a significant level of Vitamin C, it might decrease the formation of progesterone in your body if ingested in excess. Low progesterone levels can also cause miscarriage, preterm birth, and even cell damage in the fetus. So, avoid consuming too much tamarind, particularly during the first trimester.

03. Papayas
While papayas are high in vitamins and micronutrients that are beneficial to your body, they are one of the fruits that should be avoided by pregnant women. Papaya can raise your body temperature, which is not healthy when you’re pregnant. Papaya, whether raw or semi-ripe, contains latex, which can cause premature contractions, which can be harmful to your baby. So, the mother should avoid papaya fruits during pregnancy.
The fruit is also abundant in latex, which can cause uterine contractions, bleeding, and sometimes even miscarriage. It may also harm the fetus’ growth therefore it’s best to avoid it. Ripe papaya, on the other hand, is high in vitamins and iron. It will not hurt you if you consume it in moderation, but you should avoid eating both ripe and unripe papayas.

04. Bananas
These modest fruits may surprise you as one of the fruits to avoid during pregnancy. Although bananas are considered safe to eat during pregnancy, they should be avoided in specific circumstances. Banana has an energizing effect on certain women, as well as increasing body heat. So, ladies who are allergic to bananas should avoid them. Furthermore, because bananas contain a significant amount of sugar, diabetics’ pregnant women should avoid them at all costs.

05. Watermelon
Watermelon is usually beneficial to the human body since it allows the body to flush out impurities while also regulating hydration. However, eating watermelon while pregnant could expose the infant to the numerous poisons that the watermelon removes. This is one of the recommended fruits to avoid during pregnancy.
Although this fruit is generally beneficial to a pregnant woman’s health, it can have some negative consequences. The sugar content in it may boost your blood glucose levels if ingested in excess. Watermelons’ diuretic effects can sometimes drain out necessary nutrients as well as toxins from your body. Furthermore, it is a cold-inducing food, thus it is best to avoid it while pregnant.

06. Dates
Dates are full of nutrients and necessary vitamins, although they are often discouraged to avoid. Dates have been added to the list of prohibited fruits during pregnancy because they cause the body to heat up and may even cause uterine contractions. So, while a single or two dates per day should be fine, anything more can cause problems.

07. Frozen Berries
Pregnant women should avoid frozen berries and anything else that has been freeze-dried or frozen for a long time. Rather than frozen berries, it is always preferable to ingest fresh fruits. When you freeze berries, the flavor and nutrients are lost, and consuming the same thing might be hazardous to both you and your kid. This is why you should use fresh berries instead of frozen ones.

08. Grapes
Although grapes are recognized as one of the most nutritious fruits, several people have voiced concerns about their impact on pregnant women. Grapes are not suggested for ingestion during the third trimester because their skin has a high concentration of the resveratrol component.
This chemical is dangerous and hazardous, and it can affect pregnant women. They are known to cause body heat, which is harmful to both the mother and the child. Furthermore, pregnant women’s digestive systems are fragile during this time, and black grapes are difficult to digest.

09. Canned Tomatoes
When you’re pregnant, it’s best to stay away from all canned foods because they contain a lot of preservatives. Avoid eating canned tomatoes and other canned goods because these preservatives are hazardous to both you and your baby and can cause difficulties.

Can Pregnant Women Drink Fruit Juice?
Fresh juice is not recommended for pregnant women due to the risk of bacterial contamination causing food poisoning. They can, however, occasionally ingest fresh juice from a reliable source.
According to Ms. Chan, “any bacterial infection from tainted juice can affect the mother and the unborn baby.” Orange juice, which contains powerful acids and can cause tooth damage in pregnant women, should also be avoided. In pregnant women, high doses of vitamin C might cause heartburn or gastrointestinal pain.”
Unpasteurized juice may also contain hazardous bacteria from the raw fruits and vegetables that were used to produce it. Food poisoning (such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis) can be caused by these bacteria, which is especially harmful during pregnancy. Pasteurization kills bacteria by heating juice to a specific temperature for a specific period of time.

Why to avoid banana during pregnancy?
While it is generally considered safe to eat bananas during pregnancy, there are a few exceptions. Women with gestational diabetes should avoid eating too many bananas since they can quickly raise blood sugar levels. If you’re pregnant and have gestational diabetes, talk to your doctor regarding this matter so that you can consume it or not.
Bananas should also be avoided by pregnant women who are allergic to them. Chitinase is an allergen found in bananas that causes the latex-fruit syndrome. Other fruits in this category include kiwis and avocados, which should only be ingested after consulting with a physician.

Indian foods to avoid during pregnancy
What Indian meals should pregnant women avoid; here are some professional recommendations on the subject:

01. Fenugreek
Fenugreek, also known as methi dana, is the most prevalent dietary item in a post-pregnancy woman’s diet. However, fenugreek should not be consumed while pregnant. If taken during pregnancy, this food item is a major cause of miscarriage.

02. Hing
In India, Hing is a common ingredient in regular meals. Overdosing or adding Hing to food on a regular basis during pregnancy can induce vomiting, nausea, throat infection, swollen lips, burping, gas formation, and other difficulties for the pregnant mother.

03. Ajinomoto
Ajinomoto is commonly used in Indian, Chinese, and street food. Ajinomoto consumption can have a negative impact on a fetus’s brain development. If you’re pregnant, consult a doctor about how much Ajinomoto is safe.

04. Unpasteurized milk
Unpasteurized milk should not be consumed during the first trimester of pregnancy. It is always a good idea to boil milk before drinking it, as this helps to kill bacteria. Raw milk should never be consumed by pregnant women.

05. Street food
Street food is at the top of the list of Indian foods to avoid during pregnancy. During pregnancy, it is important to keep excessive appetites for these items under control. Because a pregnant woman’s body is delicate, she must be cautious about what she eats.
Some more foods that are hugely consumed in India as well as all countries should be avoided for pregnant women are:
- Aloe Vera
- Seafood
- Salty foods
- Corn-flour
- Grapes
- Raw eggs
- Organ meat
- Alcohol
- Pineapple
- Chicken

What vegetables should be avoided during pregnancy?
Greens and sprouts that are raw or undercooked should be avoided during pregnancy. Greens and sprouts are generally healthy foods to include in your diet because they are high in fiber and minerals.
However, some greens or sprouts may contain germs that can cause infection, such as Salmonella or E. coli. According to a study published in the journal Clinical Microbiology and Infection, bacterial infections of the blood, of which E. coli infections are one of the most common, can be lethal during pregnancy.
When you’re pregnant, it’s critical to stay away from E. coli. E.coli infections are difficult to pinpoint since they can come from a variety of places, according to the CDC. Food poisoning, urinary tract infections, and respiratory sickness are all possible side effects of an E. coli infection.
Contaminated foods, such as greens and sprouts, are responsible for about 20% of E. coli illnesses. Avoid uncooked or undercooked sprouts:
- Mung beans
- Clover
- Radish
- alfalfa
There are also a few veggies that should be avoided by pregnant women. All of these objects provide a danger of exposing your kid to bacteria that can damage him or her:
- Any vegetable that hasn’t been cleaned
- Eggplant
- Salad bar products
- Prepackaged salad mixtures

Foods to avoid when pregnant first trimester
The first trimester is called the first three months when your baby is maturing physically inside you. Most of the young fetus’s organs have been developed by the end of the first trimester. A number of things, including infections, medicines, radiation, toxic chemicals, tobacco, and even some meals, can harm its growing organs. Several food items that should avoid during the first trimester are given below:
- Raw meats and poultry
- Milk that is not pasteurized
- Fish containing mercury, such as swordfish, king mackerel, and shark
- Raw or undercooked shellfish and eggs
- Raw sprouts
- Fruits and vegetables which are not washed properly
- Cabbage and lettuce
- Soft cheeses such as brie, feta, or blue cheese that are unpasteurized
- Eggplant
- Excess caffeine
- Cigarettes
- Alcohol
- Too much of sugary food (example: desserts and sweetened beverages)

What fruits should I avoid during the first trimester?
Let’s see the 04 recommended fruits not to eat during the first trimester:

01. Grapes
When the fruit arrives to avoid during pregnancy’s first trimester, there is some confusion about grapes. However, there are a few reasons why you should avoid grapes during your first trimester:
- Toxicity of resveratrol.
- Grapes are frequently sprayed with pesticides that are difficult to wash away. These insecticides may cause health problems in the developing fetus.
- Because grape skin is difficult to digest, grapes may cause constipation.
- Excessive heat, which can be harmful to both the mother and the baby.

02. Unripe and Semi-Ripe Papaya Fruit
Gynae Endoscopic surgeon PSRI Hospital, Dr. Rahul Manchanda has said cravings are something that every woman experiences during pregnancy due to hormonal fluctuations, but there are some fruits that should be avoided during pregnancy. These types of fruits may include papaya, which can cause premature labor or miscarriage, and grapes, which contain resveratrol, a compound that increases hormonal imbalance during pregnancy.”

03. Pineapple
Pineapple is believed to contain bromelain, responsible for breaking down protein. One of its side effects is that bromelain may soften the cervix, which may result in premature labor. Bromelain tablets have also been shown in studies to be so effective at breaking down the protein that they can be the reason for irregular bleeding. Because pineapple is acidic, eating it can cause acid heartburn, reflux, and even diarrhea (which leads to dehydration). After consuming pineapples, you may experience allergic reactions such as nasal congestion, swollen or itchy areas in your mouth, or asthma.

04. Dates
Because of this, the high levels of heat in the mother’s body can cause unnecessary complications, particularly during the first stages of pregnancy which has been mentioned before.
Finally, whether you are in your early pregnancy or not, unwashed fruits should not be consumed. Soil particles on unwashed fruits and vegetables can harbor bacteria like toxoplasma, which can infect both the mother and the baby.

Fruits to eat during pregnancy for fair baby
Mothers frequently asked: what fruits make my baby white or which fruits to eat during pregnancy to give birth to a fair baby? Let’s see some fruits that can make your baby fair.

01. Orange
Orange contains vitamin C, which aids in the growth of the child as well as improving the skin
tone of the mother and baby and making them fairer. You should eat at least two oranges per day to meet your Vitamin C requirements and to help your child be fair.

02. Almond
The primary reason why almonds are preferred to eat during pregnancy is that they contain Vitamin E. It makes a significant contribution to the baby’s and mother’s glowing and fair skin. A pregnant woman should consume at least 2 to 4 almonds per day.

03. Coconut
If a woman eats the kernel (the white part of the coconut) during her pregnancy, it may also help her have a fair child.

04. Grapes or Grapes juice
Grapes and grape juice both contain Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA). Because of the existence of AHA, the baby’s skin is affected by the consumption of grapes or grape juice, and it becomes fair, glowing, and shining.

05. Fennel Seeds
Drinking fennel seeds or soaking fennel seeds in water helps to improve the child’s skin tone.

06. Pomegranates
Pomegranate aids to provide a fair and better complexion sparkle to the baby and is strongly suggested for women to eat during pregnancy; it also helps to maintain hemoglobin levels within the body.

07. Avocados
If a woman consumes avocados during her pregnancy, the skin tone of the child becomes fair and begins to glow due to the presence of vitamin C in avocados.

08. Guava
Guavas contain vitamin C and folate, which contribute to the fair skin tone of women’s babies during pregnancy.

09. Grapefruit
The vitamin C and folate present in guavas like Guava helps in providing a fair skin tone to the babies of the women during pregnancy.
Other fruits that can help a pregnant woman have a healthy child include:
- Mangoes
- Pears
- Berries
- Dried Fruit
- Lemons
- Kiwis
- Blueberries
- Custard Apples
- Watermelon
- Cherries
- Chikoo
- Strawberry
- Muskmelon
- Raspberries
- Blackberries
- Mosambi
Whether one needs a fair child or not these fruits are equally important for a woman to intake during her pregnancy period.

Things to avoid during pregnancy that cause miscarriage
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, about 15-20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage (ACOG). According to the March of Dimes, a glitch in the fetus’s genes causes up to 70% of first trimester miscarriages and 20% of second-trimester miscarriages.
As a result, one should remain extremely cautious throughout the pregnancy, particularly during the first and second trimesters. Let’s have a look at some of the foods that can lead to miscarriage in the first or second trimester.
- Raw Eggs
- High Mercury Fish
- Cheese
- Undercooked or Raw Salad Greens
- Animal Liver
- Aloe Vera
- Drumstick
- Peach
- Wild Apple
- Seafood
- Spices
So, these foods must be avoided by pregnant mothers. There are some other things from which a pregnant woman needs to care and avoid:
- Smoking tobacco during pregnancy
- Making sure to avoid getting infections such as rubella while pregnant
- Drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy
- Using illicit drugs while pregnant
- An overweight or underweight BMI before pregnancy
- Heavy lifting and exercises
- Physical and mental Trauma
- Contaminated foods while pregnant as these may cause food poisoning and increase the risk of miscarry

What should you avoid in early pregnancy?
Most of the things that should avoid in pregnancy have been mentioned before but some things still remained and those are:

01. DON’T visit the sauna
Stay away from the sauna and hot tub. When you use a sauna, whirlpool, hot tub, or steam room, you run the risk of overheating, dehydration, and fainting. Your body is unable to effectively lose heat through sweating, and your core temperature rises. In fact, some research suggests that using one of these during the first trimester doubles your risk of miscarriage. Certain activities that may cause the body temperature to rise too high include:
- exposure to extreme heat
- hot yoga or Pilates
- sunbathing for too long
- dehydration
- strenuous exercise

02. DON’T clean the litter box
There’s no reason to be afraid of or avoid your pet cat, but leave the litter box cleaning to your partner or a friend. Millions of parasites live in feline waste, and one of them, toxoplasma gondii, is incredibly harmful to pregnant women.
Miscarriage or stillbirth may occur, and babies born with this parasite may develop serious health problems such as seizures and intellectual disabilities. It can also cause vision problems. If a pregnant woman transmits toxoplasmosis to her fetus, the baby may develop severe symptoms such as brain damage, intellectual disabilities, eye damage, and blindness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

03. DON’T eat for two
According to studies, half of all pregnant women gain too much weight. When this occurs, the baby is more likely to develop obesity later in life. You do require more calories in the second and third trimesters, but doctors disagree on whether you require any extra calories in the first trimester.

04. Don’t go diving or play contact sports
The majority of exercise is healthy and safe, but a few activities may cause injury to the baby in the early pregnancy. So, they should avoid contact sports such as football or boxing and this is also recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

05. Don’t diet in pregnancy
Eliminating food groups may deprive your baby of nutrients necessary for growth. So, instead of dieting, opt for a healthy, well-balanced diet as it can hamper growth. Also, avoid only eating fruits during pregnancy to continue diet.