Is the stick showing you signs? Congratulations! This is the best part of a female’s life, pregnancy. And you must know the foods to avoid during the pregnancy period listed here.
Well, to keep it healthy and smooth you will need to maintain a few things such as a healthy diet, proper routine, exercise, paying a visit to the gynecologist, and so on. People will suggest a lot of things and help you to make a list.
But when it comes to taking a healthy food plan, opinion varies from person to person. To help you overcome all the confusion about what foods to avoid during pregnancy, this article can become the handiest one. A list of 20 foods to avoid during pregnancy is given below.

01. Raw or undercooked meat
Calories: 239
Carbs: 0.1 g
Protein: 21 g
Fat: 16 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (4.1%), Vitamin C ( 1.1%)
Minerals: Sodium (78mg), Potassium (288 mg), Iron (8%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (0.1g), Suger (0g),
During pregnancy, you need to be very cautious when planning to consume meat. The wrong choice of meat can lead to food poisoning or worse even miscarriage. Raw or undercooked meat holds the position of number 1 among 20 foods to avoid during pregnancy. Any pregnancy specialist will suggest you to avoid undercooked or raw meat and poultry. You can see our recent publication in which foods to eat during pregnancy.
Make sure the meat you are eating is properly cooked, not pink or blood is coming out of it. Ensure that sausages and minced meat are cooked properly. Undercooked or bloody meat has a higher chance of containing parasites and bacteria such as Toxoplasma parasite and Salmonella bacteria. These two are marked as the reason for miscarriage and food poisoning respectively. It will eradicate the parasite and bacteria easily.

02. Liver and other foods containing vitamin
Calories: 165
Carbs: 3.8 g
Protein: 26 g
Fat: 4.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (39%), Vitamin B-6 (30%)
Minerals: Calcium (1%), Magnesium (3%), Iron (99%)
Other Nutrients: Choleterol (355 mg)
Food enriched in vitamin A is unhealthy and sometimes dangerous for unborn babies. So, you need to keep Vitamin A enriched food in the list of 20 foods to avoid during pregnancy. To be precise, liver and liver products, such as liver pate and liver sausages, should be the first things you need to pen through from your list.
You also must stop taking any kind of multivitamin which one of the main components is vitamin A or any kind of fish liver oil. But, when this specific vitamin is additional in any food or medicine, take it. It is also ok to use any cosmetics containing vitamin A, for instance, face wash, oil, face cream etcetera.

03. Pâté
Calories: 319
Carbs: 1.5 g
Protein: 14 g
Fat: 28 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (3%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Sodium (679 mg), Potassium (138 mg), Calcium (7%), Magnesium (3%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (255 mg)
When you get to know your pregnancy result is positive, from that moment ensure that there is no type of pate, including fish and vegetable ones, in your daily meal. In general, pates contain a specific kind of bacteria named listeria. So, it should be included in your “foods to avoid in pregnancy” list. Let’s see the fruits to avoid when pregnant.
This bacteria is the main reason behind Listeriosis infection. Listeriosis infection is a matter of worry because it can harm the growing baby in your womb. It can also become one of the main reasons for acute disease in your newborn baby causing unpleasant things in your happy motherhood that you just got to live.

04. Unpasteurised milk and dairy products
Calories: 150
Carbs: 12 g
Protein: 8 g
Fat: 8 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (6%)
Minerals: Iron (6%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (12 g), Cholesterol (10%), Water (88%)
You should check the source of all the dairy products that you are planning to consume during your pregnancy. Pregnant women are suggested to avoid any kind of unpasteurized milk or any products made of it. Unpasteurized milk has different types of bacteria in it. Especially mentionable toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, and Campylobacter that can cause food poisoning.
Most of the time the shops, supermarkets, and restaurants sell pasteurized and fine-to-drink milk. But mainly, the farms sell unpasteurized milk and milk products including cream, yogurt, and different types of dairy products. You need to avoid these products and make sure to boil the unpasteurized milk properly to kill the bacteria if you have access to it only. So, Unpasteurized milk and dairy products are removable foods to avoid during pregnancy.

05. Soft cheeses
Calories: 228
Carbs: 2g
Protein: 26g
Fat: 22g
Vitamins: Vitamin D (6%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: sodium (621 mg), Potassium (98 mg), Calcium (72 mg), Iron (3%)
Other Nutrients: Cholestorel (105 mg), Suger (0.5 mg)
Soft cheese is banned for you when you are pregnant. Yes, it is because usually, soft cheeses such as Camembert, Brie, queso fresco, queso Blanco, Roquefort etcetera are made of unpasteurized milk containing listeria bacteria. This can lead to miscarriage which is not expected in any of the parents’ or mother’s life. Must see this 01 Month Pregnancy.
Generally, cheese made of pasteurized milk has less chance of harboring any bacteria. Most of the non-imported soft cheese are well pasteurized. So, if you are craving cheese and really need it in your food, use non-imported ones or check well before buying any kind.

06. Undercooked ready meals
Calories: 320
Carbs: 60g
Protein: 10g
Fat: 4g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Sodium (83 mg), Potassium (22%), Calcium (2%)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (3%), Iron (1%), Suger (0.2%)
Are you not feeling like cooking or there is no more cooked food left in the refrigerator? But the growing baby in your womb is not ready to listen to anything and continuously suggests ordering food? Well, if you are totally convinced by your craving and ordered food from outside then never forget to check the instruction manual about how to cook it properly.
Also, make sure you are eating food hot enough to kill the germs and bacteria in it. Do not eat any food containing raw sprouts. These sprouts carry listeria, salmonella, and E.coli bacteria in your body during pregnancy and can cause unpleasant outcomes.

07. Unwashed, packaged salad
Calories: 80
Carbs: 4.2 g
Protein: 1.2 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (124%), Vitamin C (25%)
Minerals: Sodium (31mg), Potassium (241mg), Calcium(9%), Iron (4.8%)
Other Nutrients: Suger (1.8g), Fiber (1.7g)
When you are conceiving, you need to consider a lot of things and avoid eating packaged salad. If you buy any pre-prepared salad, look for the sign “pre-wash”. Some of the package salad ingredients come unwashed in the packet which can cause discomfort for you as well as for the baby. Even when a washed and fully safe salad packet is outside at room temperature, do not eat it anymore. Because this cozy temperature helps bacteria to grow very quickly.
So, it is best to avoid any pre-prepared salad. In case you buy any, make sure that you are washing the fruits and vegetables properly if instructed.

08. Raw eggs or undercooked eggs
Calories: 155
Carbs: 1.1 g
Protein: 13 g
Fat: 11 g
Vitamins: Vitamin D (21%), Vitamin B-6(5%)
Minerals: Sodium (124mg), Potassium (126mg), Calcium (5%), Iron (6%)
Other Nutrients: Suger (1.1 g), Cholesterol (373 mg)
Fond of eating eggs? Then you need to stop and take a pregnancy test if there are any symptoms. In pregnancy, you cannot eat raw or undercooked eggs. Some of you may like eating raw or half-boiled eggs due to their protein factor but remember this has some disadvantages too.
Generally, raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria which can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, and high temperature as the result of food poisoning. All these things may not harm the baby but it makes your immunity system weak. And a mother’s weak immune system has an adverse impact on the baby’s growth. All of these discomforts can also be caused by food made of raw eggs such as custard, mayonnaise, muss, tiramisu etcetera.

09. Certain kinds of fish
Calories: 206
Carbs: 0 g
Protein: 22 g
Fat: 12 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (6%), Vitamin B-6 (30%)
Minerals: Sodium (61%), Potassium (384 mg), Magnesium (7%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (63 mg), Iron (1%)
During pregnancy, you should avoid fish rich in mercury. Mercury is mainly high in fish that live in the ocean, deep sea, lakes and are always found in streams such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel etcetera. When you eat these fish, the mercury in the fish becomes a neurotoxin, methylmercury, in your body.
Methylmercury is a neurotoxin that is responsible for brain damage and delayed development of the unborn baby. Tuna also contains mercury specifically, white ones. If you are very fond of tuna then try light canned tuna containing low mercury. Other oily fish for example codfish, salmon, trout, herring should also be eaten in limited portions.

10. Shellfish and seafood
Calories: 99
Carbs: 0.2 g
Protein: 24 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Minerals: Sodium (111 mg), Potassium (259 mg), Magnesium (9%), Calcium (7%), Iron (2%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (189 mg)
One must add Shellfish and seafood to the list of the “20 foods to avoid during pregnancy”. For a seafood lover, pregnancy is a tough phase. When pregnant, you must avoid smoked seafood. If you are thinking of storing some at home and cooking by yourself properly, then No, you cannot do that too. Because refrigerated seafood tends to contain more Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.
As mentioned before, Listeria bacteria is the main reason for listeriosis which does not leave easily curable disease. Moreover, cooked shellfish such as crab, lobster, prawns, mussels, oysters are safe to eat when cooked well. But you are not allowed to eat raw or undercooked shellfish if you are concerned about your health as well as the babies.

11. Sushi
Calories: 350
Carbs: 38 g
Protein: 8 g
Fat: 19 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (6%), Vitamin A (1%)
Minerals: Sodium (540 mg), Iron (1%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (15 mg)
Avoid cold seafood, such as raw oysters, sashimi, and sushi, as well as smoked ready-to-eat seafood and cooked ready-to-eat prawns, as they are more likely to contain listeria which has been mentioned before. But Sushi that is completely cooked or vegetarian, such as the following types, is the safest way to eat it. Cooked fish, such as unagi (completely cooked eel) or Ebi (shrimp) vegetables, such as cucumber (kappa) maki avocado — for example, California roll fully cooked egg.

12. Cold cured meats
Calories: 41
Carbs: 0.3 g
Protein: 2.7 g
Fat: 3.2 g
Vitamins: N/A
Minerals: Sodium (214 mg), Potassium (39 mg), Calcium (1.1%)
Other Nutrients: Suger (0.1 g), Iron (1.1%)
Salami, parma ham, chorizo, and pepperoni are examples of cold cured meats. Pregnant women in Australia are advised to avoid eating cold cured meats or smoked fish because they may contain listeria or the Toxoplasma parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. Cold meats from delicatessen counters and sandwich shops, as well as packed, sliced ready-to-eat meats and cold cooked ready-to-eat chicken, are examples (whole, portions, or diced).

13. Alcohol
Calories: 43
Carbs: 3.6 g
Protein: 0.5 g
Fat: 0 g
Vitamins: N/A
Minerals: Sodium (4 mg), Potassium (27 mg), Magnesium (1%)
Other Nutrients: N/A
Alcohol is considered to be harmful to one’s health so it has to be on the list of foods to avoid during pregnancy. But, especially if you’re going to be a mother, stay away from alcohol completely. If you drink alcohol while pregnant, it could harm the baby’s growth before delivery. Even after birth, alcohol has a long-term negative impact on the health of the newborn.
Doctors are not sure if the amount of alcohol is safe for pregnant ladies, so it is better to avoid it fully. But, if the alcohol is being used for cooking, such as red wine in different sauces and dishes, it is safe to eat. Because, with the heat of the oven, the alcoholic part is removed.

14. Caffeine
Calories: 1
Carbs: 0.2 g
Protein: 0.1 g
Fat: 0 g
Vitamins: N/A
Minerals: Sodium (4 mg), Potassium (18 mg)
Other Nutrients: N/A
It is best to limit, if possible, totally avoid drinking any kind of caffeine drinks during pregnancy. Drinks such as tea, coffee, cola, energy drinks, and chocolates contain high levels of caffeine. Generally, caffeine increases the rate of urination during the day. Which can cause you to lose body fluid which is needed in pregnancy and lead your body to dehydration.
It works as a booster that can accelerate up your heart rate and raise your blood pressure. In a healthy pregnancy, neither of these are to be expected. It also plays a large role in crossing the placenta in your baby’s body.

15. Canned food
Calories: 347
Carbs: 63 g
Protein: 21 g
Fat: 1.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (10%), Vitamin B-6 (25%)
Minerals: Sodium (12 mg), Potassium (1393 mg), Magnesium (44%), Calcium (11%)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (16g), Sugar (2.1 g)
Your shopping list then you need to stop and give it a thought. Canned food generally contains BPA- an ingredient that is added to the lining of the can and is dangerous for health. It can result in birth defects. In addition to that, if canned food is not sealed properly it has a high chance to make you suffer from botulism or even paralysis because of the bacteria in it.
Still, want to buy any?

16. Sugary food
Calories: 387
Carbs: 100 g
Protein: 0 g
Fat: 0 g
Vitamins: Vitamin D (12%)
Minerals: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (2 mg),
Other Nutrients: Suger (100)
Sugar is or was never good for health when you are trying to get pregnant or you already are. Not only during the pregnancy but also from the beginning of your planning. Eating a lot of sugary food is assisted with weight gain mostly in pregnant ladies. And trust me, you really do not want to deal with this as postpartum.
During pregnancy, you may develop an unconditional love for ice cream and cookies. But remember, they may have a lot of conditions hidden. This type of sugar, refined or not, containing food can also cause gestational diabetes. Sugar can also cause pre-eclampsia and increase the chances of your baby becoming overweight in the future.

17. Allergies to peanuts
Calories: 567
Carbs: 16 g
Protein: 26 g
Fat: 49 g
Vitamins: Vitamin B-6 (15%)
Minerals: Sodium (18 mg), Potassium (105 mg), Magnesium (42%)
Other Nutrients: Iron (25%), Fiber (9g), Suger (4g)
You can have peanuts or foods containing peanuts such as peanut butter, in pregnancy unless you are allergic to them or your doctor forbids you to eat. It is not suggested to eliminate any foods from the maternal diet during pregnancy or breastfeeding (including foods that are known to cause severe allergies) because it has not been proven to prevent allergies in your baby.

18. Raw Sprouts
Calories: 23
Carbs: 2.1 g
Protein: 4 g
Fat: 0.7 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (13%)
Minerals: Sodium (6 mg), Potassium (79 mg), Calcium (3%), Magnesium (6%)
Other Nutrients: Fiber (1.9g), Suger (0.2 g), Iron (5%)
Clover, Alfalfa, and radish are examples of raw sprouts that should be avoided. Bacteria can enter and survive in the seeds before they sprout, and these germs are nearly impossible to remove. Check for raw sprouts on sandwiches at the deli. To get rid of any bacteria, boil sprouts thoroughly at home.

19. Leftovers
Calories: 330
Carbs: 34 g
Protein: 28 g
Fat: 7 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (2%), Vitamin C (15%),
Minerals: Sodium (450 mg), Calcium (4%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (65 mg), Iron (10%)
Leftover foods are one of the most common foods to avoid during pregnancy. Avoid foods that have been at room temperature for more than two hours, whether hot or cold. Bacteria are likely to be present. Eat items that have been freshly prepared. Consult your gynecologist or healthcare practitioner before eating or avoiding any of the foods listed above.

20. Fresh Juice Should Be Avoided
Calories: Orange (42), Apple (51), Pineapple (46)
Carbs: Orange (9.4g), Apple (11.8g),Pineapple (9.7g)
Protein: Orange (0.62g), Apple (0.63), Pineapple (0.63)
Fat: Orange (0.2 g), Apple (0.11 g), Pineapple (0.08 g)
Vitamins: Orange Vitamin C (30.5 mg), Vitamin A(2.58 mg), Apple Vitamin C (1.4 mg), Vitamin A (7.5 mg), Pineapple juice Vitamin C (11 mg), Vitamin A (1.34 mg)
Minerals: Orange juice Sodium (1.4 mg), Potassium (150), Applw Juice Sodium (1.4 mg), Potassium (116 mg), Pineapple juice Sodium (8 mg), Potassium (116 mg)
Other Nutrients: Orange Folic acid (18.6 mg), Apple (3.1 mg), Pineapple (8 mg)
Freshly squeezed juice sold in restaurants, juice bars, and farm stands may not have been pasteurized to protect against hazardous pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. In some markets, raw, unpasteurized juice is sold in the refrigerated section; look for the required warning notice and avoid it. Pasteurized juice is recommended for pregnant women. On the supermarket shelf, juice in boxes and bottles is likewise safe.

What not to eat when pregnant?
Any raw meat, such as beef, chicken, or duck, as well as mercury-rich seafood, should be avoided during your pregnancy. In this state, smoked or undercooked seafood and shellfish are also dangerous to eat. Eat properly cooked eggs, not raw or half-boiled eggs, for protein. There’s nothing worse than the raw egg in cookie dough.
Experts also advise against consuming too many caffeine-containing beverages such as tea, coffee, or carbonated beverages. Stop consuming vitamin A-rich foods. Also, avoid eating a raw or pre-made salad that hasn’t been adequately washed.

Can you eat bacon while pregnant?
Beacon is tasty and mouth-watering food. But whether you should eat it or not depends on cooking. Well-cooked bacon is safe for pregnancy and you can eat it. But when ordering from outside, be sure of how it’s being cooked. Alternatively, you can eat soy or mushroom beacon without any worry.

Can I eat shrimp while pregnant?
What person doesn’t enjoy shrimp? If you’re expecting a child, though, you’ll need to follow a few guidelines when it comes to eating shrimp. Shrimp has low levels of mercury, fat and it is a wonderful source of protein, but it’s not something you should eat every day. So, you can eat shrimp under certain conditions. Too much shrimp is not good for the baby or the mommy. So, limit the shrimp eating diet. Keep two or three shrimp dishes per week. Also, avoid eating shrimp that are uncooked, smoked, or undercooked. Then consume what you’ve cooked properly. If your sushi includes raw shrimp, don’t eat it.

Can I eat sushi while pregnant?
A lot of people are keen on sushi and maybe you are one of them. But if you are pregnant, then you need to halt a bit and observe the ingredients used in your sushi. Mercury-rich fish such as shark, shrimp, swordfish, tilefish, are not safe for pregnancy, especially when they are raw or undercooked.
So, before you eat, make sure they don’t have any of the seafood stated. Examine the cooking method as well. If everything seems good, you’re done! Sushi is a delicacy.

Foods to avoid when pregnant
Pregnant ladies are not allowed to eat certain types of food for themselfs and for the baby’s safety. Soft cheese comes to one of the most avoidable lists when expecting a baby to avoid food poisoning and stomach disturbance. Liver products and supplements containing vitamin A are also banned for moms.
But you can have medicines and foods containing vitamin A as a minor ingredient. Raw or partially cooked food, such as meat, fish, and eggs need to be avoided too. Also, do not eat pre-packaged raw salad without washing properly.

Things to avoid during pregnancy that cause miscarriage
For their own and the baby’s safety, pregnant women are not permitted to consume certain foods. When it comes to avoiding food poisoning and stomach upset when expecting a baby, soft cheese is at the top of the list. For moms, liver products and vitamin A pills are also prohibited.
However, medicines and foods containing vitamin A as a small ingredient are permissible. Foods that are raw or partially cooked, such as meat, fish, and eggs, should also be avoided. Also, avoid eating a pre-packaged raw salad that hasn’t been washed thoroughly.

Foods that cause miscarriage
No one wants to lose their child. To ensure the gaining, you need to enlist a few category foods that can cause miscarriage.
There are some specific components and chemicals identified responsible for miscarriage. And the more of these chemicals are continuously getting into your system the more you are getting in the red zone.
Keep the following food list to avoid during pregnancy.
1. Animal liver or any kind of food rich in vitamin A.
2. Unpasteurized milk or food made of it.
3. Raw and undercooked meat, fish, seafood, and egg.
4. Unwashed salad and sesame seeds.
5. Fish enriched with mercury.
6. Papaya, pineapple, cinnamon.
Moreover, consult your doctor instantly if facing any kind of problem after a meal.

5 weeks pregnant foods to avoid
What to avoid during pregnancy is a common thought when you are in the 5 weeks. Pregnancy is a blessing but can become a curse if you are not cautious enough. Besides a lot of things to do, you also need to make a list of what not to do.
People plan a lot of things to do before getting pregnant but the following list is about what to avoid during pregnancy.
1. Stop eating raw or undercooked meat, fish, eggs, and seafood.
2. Do not eat unpasteurized milk or cheese made of it. You need to avoid soft cheese.
3. Cross out drumsticks from your food list.
4. Stop taking caffeine more than two servings a day. Also, avoid herbal teas without a prescription.
5. Totally avoid papaya, pineapple and cinnamon.
6. Stop drinking alcohol, fizzy drinks and high sugar drinks.
7. Avoid mercury-rich fish.

Things to avoid in early pregnancy
When pregnant, you need to avoid eating mold-ripened soft cheese. This type of cheese has bacteria that can lead to dehydration and miscarriage.
Also, stop eating partially cooked meat, egg, fish rich in mercury, raw shellfish, and seafood. Totally avoid raw eggs or anything made out of it such as cookie dough, mayonnaise etcetera.
The animal liver has vitamin A and it should be on your avoid list. Do not take supplements containing vitamin A but can take vitamin supplements where A is additional.

What to eat while pregnant?
You need to eat super nutritious food if you want to have a healthy pregnancy journey. Some of them are suggested for you here
1. Proteins: Eat lean meat for a good supply of protein. Also, eat fish that do not contain too much mercury. Include legumes in your diet chat too.
2. Well pasteurized milk and cheese made of this milk is also good for pregnancy.
3. Keep dark and leafy greens in your meal, especially broccoli. Include sweet potato in the list too to complete the need for vitamins and minerals.
4. Eat berries too. The good side is, you will fall in love with the berries while pregnant.
5. Most importantly, follow all the food rules that your doctor is providing you.

Fish to avoid during pregnancy
Mainly you need to avoid fish enriched with mercury. This type of fish is normally found in streams, deep-sea, and lakes. To avoid an increase of mercury in your body, avoid eating swordfish, sharks, tilefish, and king mackerel. Also stop eating any kind of undercooked and raw fish, specifically sushi.
Some of you may think eating shrimp and crab is okay. But you need to limit the serving and cook them properly before eating.

Foods that are good to eat while pregnant
During pregnancy, mommy needs a very good diet. To have a health condition and ensure the baby’s good health in the future you need to eat nutritious food.
1. Lean meat cooked in a proper way.
2. Beans and lentils to get protein.
3. Catfish, tilapia, salmon-type fish.
4. Dairy products. But make sure the milk is pasteurized.
5. Bread and cereals.
6. Different types of fruits but not papaya or pineapple.
7. And obviously drink the proper amount of water to be hydrated.