Many pet lovers like to have a dog from the biggest dog breeds in the world in 2025. This is nothing but just a hobby to carry a big dog with him.
The biggest dog breeds are widely reared for personal and home security because they are large dogs and can save you and your family from some uncertain events of miscreants.
People have different ideologies when it is time to buy a dog. They consider different specialties and size is one of them. The following up-to-date list of large dogs will come in handy if you are looking forward to buying a giant dog breed in 2025.
#Here are the biggest dog breeds in the world in 2025
01. Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Price: $6,000 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: 50 kg (110 lb.)-100 kg (Adult)
Height: 72–75 cm (28–30 in) (Adult)
Origin: Caucasus
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-12 Years
Color: Black, White, Fawn, Cream, Grey, Rust
Eats: Chicken, high-quality dog food
Litter Size: 5-10 Puppies
Other Name: Bombora
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Strong, Powerful, Alert, Quick, Dominant, Calm
Possible health problems: hip dysplasia

Caucasian Shepherd Dog is the biggest dog breed in the world in 2025. In the Caucasus mountain region, flocks and herds need to be protected and well-drilled to save them not only from getting lost but also from predators. For these purposes, Caucasian Shepherd is a good choice. This Shepherd breed is quite alert and protective about its territory.
It also dislikes strangers, no matter a person or a dog. So, it tends to make a beneficial guard dog. Normally, in the west, it is found as a companion as well as a watchdog. Still, by proper training and working on socialization ability, it can become a friendly family dog. People, nowadays, also have started keeping Caucasians as their pets at home.
02. Alaskan Malamute
Price: $6,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: Female: 32–38 kg, Male: 36–43 kg
Height: Female: 56–61 cm, Male: 61–66 cm
Origin: United States (Alaska)
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-12 Years
Color: Gray, sable, black, or red, always with white, as well as all white.
Eats: high quality dog food
Litter Size: up to 16 Puppies
Other Name: Mal or Mally
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Playful, Friendly, Affectionate, Devoted, Dignified, Loyal
Possible health problems: Canine Hip Dysplasia

A wolf but not ferocious, playful but at the same time alert is Alaskan Malamute. It is the 2nd biggest dog in the list of 20 biggest dog breeds in the world in 2025. This big breed of dog is thought to be descended from domestic wolves. Also check: what human foods puppies can eat?
Normally, a physically strong, look-alike husky dog was used in dragging carts and sledges. But, at present, some people also keep them as companions. This breed has a dominating personality, specifically whom it finds respectable.
Socialization and Obedience training is compulsory from an early age to keep this buddy of yours in control. But all this training is in vain when it comes to guarding the house because Malamutes build friendships easily even with unknown people.
03. Newfoundland
Price: $4,000 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: Male: 60–70 kg, Female: 45–55 kg
Height: Male: 69–74 cm, Female: 63–69 cm
Origin: Island of Newfoundland, modern-day Canada
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 8-10 Years
Color: Black, white with black patches (“Landseer”), brown (not in Canadian standard), and grey (only in US standard.
Eats: 2-3 cups of food, twice a day
Litter Size: 4-12 Puppies
Other Name: Newfoundland
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Sweet-Tempered, Gentle, Trainable
Possible health problems: SAS, cystinuria, CHD

If incredible loving nature, friendliness, and fluffy looks make you cuddle a dog and you are looking for it in a big-sized one, then Newfoundland is the perfect option for you. This giant breed of dog is famous for its exceptional swimming ability.
This ability also makes it a very good guard dog whether in sports where the competitors are performing in the water or, you are teaching your child how to swim. The fabulousness of Newfoundlanders is not limited to swimming only, this dog also is being used as working dogs for carrying burdens such as horses, Labradors, or dragging any cart.
04. Saint Bernard
Price: $2,000 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: Male: 64 – 82 kg, Female: 54 – 64 kg
Height: Male: 70–90 cm, Female: 65–80 cm
Origin: Switzerland
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 8-10 Years
Color: Red & White, Brownish-yellow, Reddish-brown Brindle, Reddish-brown Splash, Reddish-brown Mantle
Eats: 5 to 6 cups of high-quality dry food.
Litter Size: up to 10 Puppies
Other Name: Saint
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Friendly, Lively, Watchful, Gentle, Calm
Possible health problems: CHD, elbow dysplasia, etc

Saint Bernard is one of the biggest dog breeds in the world till 2025. Whenever people hear the name “Saint” Bernard, always a question arrives, “Why?” Mainly, this breed is originally bred for the rescue works which has saved many lives of lost people in Italy and Switzerland. In addition to that, the angelic spirit and soft eyes make people call it “Saint”.
In the beginning, this dog was used in guarding the sacred lands. With the time, the monasteries discovered this breed is not only a good guard of sacred land, but also their look and gentle temperament assure safety to the lost travelers. These days these have become one of the most loved big dogs and are being used in different types of search as well as rescue missions.
05. Neapolitan Mastiff
Price: $4,500 USD
Minimum Price: $2,500 USD
Weight: Male: 60–70 kg, Female: 50–60 kg
Height: Male: 63–77 cm, Female: 58–70 cm
Origin: Italy
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 8-10 Years
Color: usually grey, lead grey or black.
Eats: tuna, turkey and chicken
Litter Size: up to 16 Puppies
Other Name: Mastino Napoletano
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Protective, Stubborn, Fearless, Obedient, Dominant, Trainable.
Possible health problems: CHD, demodicosis, and cardiomyopathy.

In Italy Neapolitan Mastiff is a famous oversized lapdog. It is mainly bred for guarding homes, farms, and estates, mostly in southern Italy. Factually, this breed of Mastiff is very much unwelcoming to the intruders and sometimes their giant look is enough to ward off unwanted guests.
This breed comes in giant size with very good intelligence and heavy loose skin to protect them from attacks. But, with all these pros come the con, drooling. They also have huge and gravitated jaws which make them prone to slobbering. Mainly, Neapolitan is a stay-at-home type dog and makes a very good family dog.
06. Irish Wolfhound
Price: $3,000 USD
Minimum Price: $1,500 USD
Weight: 40kg-55kg (up to 120lb.)
Height: 81–86 cm (32–34 in)
Origin: Ireland
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 6-10 Years
Color: Gray, Brindle, red, black, white, fawn, wheaten
Eats: chicken, fish, and eggs
Litter Size: up to 6 Puppies
Other Name: Wolfhound
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Sweet-Tempered, Dignified, Thoughtful, Generous, Loyal, Patient.
Possible health problems: elbow dysplasia, cardiomyopathy

Another big dog is Irish Wolfhound, also mentioned in Irish literature by different names for their bravery and hunting abilities. In the past, for hunting down the wolves, dragging down riders from the back of horses was the main purpose of having this breed in war zones.
Captain George A. Graham started working on restoring this ancient breed in 1862 and designed the new friendly one. Hunting by sight and chasing is in Irish Wolfhounds blood, still, it is calm in the presence of the family environment. Irish Wolfhound is one of the biggest dog breeds in the world till 2025.
Giant appearance of this breed may sometimes make you confused about the behavior but the heart is as soft as its fur. This huge size demands daily exercise to keep the high energy in control. Open area, precisely fences a large area, is more suitable for this dog’s habitat.
07. English Mastiff
Price: $2,000 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: Female: 54–77 kg, Male: 73–100 kg
Height: Female: 70–91 cm, Male: 70–91 cm
Origin: England
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 6-12 Years
Color: apricot-fawn, silver-fawn, fawn, or dark fawn-brindle.
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: up to Eight Puppies
Other Name: Mastiff
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Affectionate, Good-natured, Dignified, Protective, Courageous, Calm
Possible health problems: rabies, and distemper

English Mastiff is also the biggest dog among the biggest dog breeds in the world in 2025, in both height and weight, living in the present. This breed is well known for its ancestral war proficiency when modern descenders are busy adjusting them in a family and warming up the sofas.
The beastly size is confusing but it does not require too much of exercise to control its energy level. It does not snuggle up with its human but always tries to please its favorite human during the training period. It not only makes a loving family member but also it can be used for security purposes. It can also join in police and military work and assure a good service.
08. Leonberger
Price: $3,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,200 USD
Weight: Female: 41–59 kg, Male: 48–75 kg
Height: Female: 65–75 cm, Male: 72–80 cm
Origin: Germany
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 8-9 Years
Color: Yellow, red, reddish brown or sandy including all combinations in between, with a black mask.
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: up to Six Puppies
Other Name: Leo
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Fearless, Obedient, Loyal, Companionable, Adaptable, Loving.
Possible health problems: hip and elbow dysplasia

If you are looking for a dog to guard your herd then Leonberger is a go for it option for you. This strong and smart dog is well known for its intelligence and is being used for tracking as well. It is also the biggest dog breed in the world till 2025.
According to history Heinrich Essig, a citizen of Leonberg, Germany, is the first person who discovered this breed by crossing Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, and Pyrenean Mountain dogs.
Experts asked to take the help of a trainer with proper knowledge as this breed is less obedient and difficult to train. With proper training and teaching socialization, Leonberger makes a good family companion consisting of adults and teenagers.
09. Anatolian Shepherd
Price: $2,000 USD
Minimum Price: $700 USD
Weight: Female: 40–55 kg, Male: 50–65 kg
Height: Female: 71–79 cm, Male: 74–81 cm
Origin: Turkey
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-13 Years
Color: White, Brindle, Blue Fawn, White & Biscuit, Liver, Red Fawn.
Eats: 3-4 cup dog food a day
Litter Size: 5-10 Puppies
Other Name: Anatolian Shepherd
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Intelligent, Steady, Bold, Independent, Confident, Proud.
Possible health problems: osteochondritis dissecans and hip and elbow dysplasia.

Have you ever heard of dogs protecting the cheetahs? Well, Anatolian Shepherds were once used to be the protector of cheetahs in Namibia. When Namibian ranchers started hunting down cheetahs to protect the herds, conservationists introduced this breed.
Anatolians had the purpose of guarding the territory and flocks which simultaneously decreased the ratio of cheetahs to death. Mostly in ancient Turkey Anatolians were used for guarding the territory, around 2000 B.C, which still can be found in rural areas in present.
This breed is mainly calm and gentle until someone becomes annoying. Due to the huge size, it is referred to as a good family dog for the family who does not have little kids. It is also the biggest dog breed in the world.
10. Great Dane
Price: $3,000 USD
Minimum Price: $600 USD
Weight: Female: 45–59 kg, Male: 54–90 kg
Height: Female: 71–81 cm, Male: 76–86 cm
Origin: Germany
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 8-10 Years
Color: Black, Brindle, Fawn, Mantle, Blue, Harlequin.
Eats: lamb, beef, fish and whole chicken.
Litter Size: up to Eight Puppies
Other Name: German Mastiff
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Friendly, Devoted, Reserved, Confident, Loving, Gentle.
Possible health problems: Hip Dysplasia, Cardiomyopathy

Great Dane is the tallest dog in the world and also one of the biggest dog breeds in 2025. Originally, it is a crossbreed of English Mastiff and Irish Wolfhound bred in Germany. In previous eras, it has the reputation of being a protector of estates and hunters in different games to hunt down animals and score.
This breed is considered as a very gentle animal. It is also invasive to other animals, especially when raised all along. Danes are loving and sweet-natured dogs and suitable for families in comparison to their size and shape. The positive thing is they are friendly and caring for the children of their human family.
11. Russian Black Terrier
Price: $2,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,800 USD
Weight: Female: 36–59 kg, Male: 45–68 kg
Height: Female: 64–70 cm, Male: 66–72 cm
Origin: Russia, Soviet Union
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-12 Years
Color: Black
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 6-12 Puppies
Other Name: Tchornyi Terrier, BRT
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Energetic, Lively, Hardy, Stable, Confident, Brave.
Possible health problems: hip and elbow dysplasia, and eye diseases

Russian Black Terrier is another crossbreed of three different breeds. Russia originated Black Terrier and is well known for its strong personality. This breed is smart but dominating which demands a strong trainer and owner.
Russian Blacks Terrier needs socialization training throughout its life to keep its aggression in control. Generally, this breed of dog is friendly to its human family. But when it comes to strangers, your buddy may act reserved, sometimes aggressive.
But if you are planning to invite one to become your family member, then you should be mentally ready to have a messy inside. Normally, this dog has the instinct of protecting and benefits as a guard dog.
12. Tibetan Mastiff
Price: $2,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: Male: 45–73 kg, Female: 34–54 kg
Height: Male: 66–76 cm, Female: 61–71 cm
Origin: Tibet
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 12-15 Years
Color: Black, Black & Tan, Brown, Brown & Tan, Red Gold, Blue Gray
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 6-12 Puppies
Other Name: Bordeauxdog
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Intelligent, Stubborn, Tenacious, Aloof, Strong-Willed, Protective.
Possible health problems:

The first Tibetan Mastiff was brought to England in 1847 and was gifted to the queen. This breed is unsung in the history of legends of the Himalayas and Eastern Asia. This lion look dog was used to guard the monasteries, flocks, and different places in the Himalayas.
Though it has the Mastiff in its name but characteristics are way more different from the real mastiffs. It will show obedience during training but love doing what he thinks best. This breed is playful but not keen on affection.
This intelligent dog is mostly habituated to protecting people and places, so it acts strongly when it feels any threat towards its family or territory. Normally, this dog assures security and safety for families with kids.
13. Bernese Mountain Dog
Price: $2,000 USD
Minimum Price: $800 USD
Weight: Male: 38–50 kg, Female: 36–48 kg
Height: Male: 64–70 cm, Female: 58–66 cm
Origin: Switzerland
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 6-8 Years
Color: Tricolor (black, rust, and white)
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 7-15 Puppies
Other Name: Berner Sennenhund
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Intelligent, Affectionate, Loyal, Faithful.
Possible health problems: WD, hypomyelination, allergies, etc

If you put a Bernese Mountain Dog in an election, it will get elected as the least aggressive dog with 95% of the vote. Mainly this breed was used as draft dogs and watchdogs of farms in Switzerland.
Other than these they were versatile work dogs for pulling the carts and guarding the cattle. Related to Roman Mastiff, this dog has a very good nature and is intelligent. Its friendliness makes it a very good companion for children instead of having a large size.
This independent thinker needs exercise to keep away from obesity. However, this affectionate mountain dog has a short lifespan as it is prone to cancer and other diseases.
14. Dogue de Bordeaux
Price: $2,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,500 USD
Weight: Male: 54–65 kg, Female: 54–65 kg
Height: Male: 60–67 cm, Female: 57–65 cm
Origin: France
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 5-8 Years
Color: Fawn, Mahogany, Red
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: up to Eight Pupies
Other Name: Bordeauxdog
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Even Tempered, Devoted, Loyal, Vigilant, Companionable, Courageous.
Possible health problems: extremes, heart diseases.

Dogue de Bordeaux is well known for its unusual wrinkled features. This dog, the descendent of livestock protector Molossus breed, had different purposes starting from cattle driving to war dog. Moreover, it was also part of different hunting games.
This muscular fearless breed will do everything to protect its family but normally gentle when in a calm and secured environment. With proper socialization and obedience training, this dog can become a good family dog.
But you need to make sure that you have enough time for your buddy as it urges proper observation. This loyal pet can also become your daily exercise companion as it requires some too.
15. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Price: $3,000 USD
Minimum Price: $1,500 USD
Weight: Male: 60–70 kg, Female: 50–60 kg
Height: Male: 65–72 cm, Female: 60–68 cm
Origin: Switzerland
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-11 Years
Color: tricolor (black, rust or tan, and white).
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: up to 18 Puppies
Other Name: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Self-confidence, Good-natured, Devoted, Fearless, Alert, Protective.
Possible health problems: panosteitis and osteochondritis dissecans.

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs are dogs with a proper mixer of loyalty, loveliness, and strength. This dog acts at the same time puppyish as well as a dependable protector of herd and cattle. As being a mountain dog, it is tough for it to stay in any surrounding place.
On the contrary, it feels itself in an open and broad place and lives to its heart’s content. Among all breeds of dogs, this breed is marked for not being able to leave their puppyhood in time which may sometimes cost you patience as well as surprises.
Gentle and loving nature combined with strength can make them your best companion if you are planning for hiking, swimming, or taking part in a marathon race. It is also one of the biggest dog breeds in the world till 2025
16. Komondor
Price: $1,500 USD
Minimum Price: $800 USD
Weight: Male: 50 – 60 kg, Female: 40 – 50 kg
Height: Female: 64–69 cm, Male: 71–76 cm
Origin: Hungary
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-12 Years
Color: white
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 3-10 Puppies
Other Name: Mop Dog
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Affectionate, Fearless, Independent, Steady, Gentle, Calm.
Possible health problems: hip dysplasia, eye problems.

Komondor is counted as the king of flocks’ guardians, especially in Hungary. This breed was mainly bred to protect the collection of farm animals which has converted to ‘guarding the family’ task at present.
This brave and dignified breed has the instinct of a guardian which may make them uneasy in presence of strangers, loose dogs on the street or a group of animals, and cause it to bark.
Early training on socialization is more effective to keep over-protectiveness under control. With proper training, it can be a very good companion for your family, kids as well as other family pets.
17. Cane Corso
Price: $4,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,500 USD
Weight: Female: 40–45 kg, Male: 45–50 kg
Height: Female: 40–45 kg, Male: 45–50 kg
Origin: Italy
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-12 Years
Color: Black, Fawn, Chestnut Brindle, Grey, Black Brindle, Red.
Eats: high in protein dog food
Litter Size: 4-6 Puppies
Other Name: Cane Corso Italiano
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Trainable, Even Tempered, Reserved, Stable, Calm, Quiet.
Possible health problems: hip dysplasia, eye problems.

Cane Corso is a big dog with a tendency to hunting. Their large features and physical potency were reasons why they were used in protecting the cattle, property, and family. At present, Corsi’s instinct of guardianship makes it a very good personal security resulting from using it in law enforcement and the police force.
Socialization and training from puppy age are recommended for all breeds of dog but when it comes to a dog with a strong personality as Cane Corso, it is a must thing to do. Training from the beginning helps it to control the instinct of protectiveness and taking over the household. With proper training, it can become a good family member.
18. Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog
Price: $2,500 USD
Minimum Price: $800 USD
Weight: Male: 50–54 kg, Female: 36–41 kg
Height: Male: 70–82 cm, Female: 65–74 cm
Origin: France
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-12 years
Color: White, Tan, Grey, Red, Badger
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 6-9 Puppies
Other Name: Patou
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Gentle, Affectionate, Strong Willed, Fearless, Patient, Confident.
Possible health problems: OCD, skin problems, cataracts.

Because of their waterproof, double-coated skin, Great Pyrenees Mountain Dogs are perfect dogs for monsoon mountain areas. Generally, it was the guardian dog of sheep in the Pyrenees mountain’s people. This calm-tempered dog is highly intelligent and can spring into a fearsome mode when it is time to do some action.
Their intelligence retards them from all those sitting or rolling training. But some obedience training is a must for them. Socialization is extremely important if you want to keep them in the company of your family members. Moreover, their calm nature already makes them cozy in quiet time at home in an orderly routine.
19. Kangal Dog
Price: $1,500 USD
Minimum Price: $800 USD
Weight: Female: 41–54 kg, Male: 50–66 kg
Height: Female: 63–75 cm, Male: 70–80 cm
Origin: Turkey
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-13 Years
Color: Fawn to wolf sable with white or lighter chest and paws, and a black mask.
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 5-10 Puppies
Other Name: Kangal
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Intelligent, Steady, Bold, Independent, Confident, Proud.
Possible health problems: hip dysplasia (CHD) and elbow dysplasia

From the beginning of their time, Kangal dogs have played the role of protectors of people and livestock. Due to the Kangal dog’s beastly physique, wolves and other predators used to stay away from the flocks. Kangal Dog is the biggest type of dog breed in the world.
This tough and fearless breed has a special feature of a black mask on their face which you may find interesting and easy enough to distinguish the real one. Protective and predatory instincts can be suppressed through proper training from the puppy age of this breed.
Large feature of this dog and hunter’s temperament may confuse you whether to keep them in the family or not? But do not worry, with proper training they will watch over your kids and other members and take care of them.
20. Dogo Argentino
Price: $2,500 USD
Minimum Price: $1,000 USD
Weight: Female: 35–40 kg, Male: 40–45 kg
Height: Female: 60–65 cm, Male: 60–68 cm
Origin: Argentina
Provider: AKC
Life Span: 10-15 Years
Color: White
Eats: Dog food
Litter Size: 8-10 Puppies
Other Name: Argentinian Dogo
Hypoallergenic: No
Temperament: Affectionate, Friendly, Loyal, Cheerful, Protective, Tolerant.
Possible health problems: hip dysplasia, autoimmune thyroiditis, and deafness.

Dogo Argentino is famous for its alert look and tall body. This is one of the most aggressive dogs in this world due to their fighting training and complexion but not towards the people. But remember to train this breed properly to control their knowledge of fighting with animals standing in front.
Generally, it is a gentle and well-behaved breed that can be easily achieved by a strong trainer. This dangerous dog can be a very good family companion if trained perfectly and maintained properly. They need a proper routine and observation to become a loving family member. Surprisingly, Argentino is affectionate towards kids of their human family.
# Top 10 Biggest Dog Breeds in the World 2025
- Caucasian Shepherd Dog – Price $1,000 – $6,000
- Alaskan Malamute – Price $1,000 – $6,500
- Newfoundland – Price $1,000 – $4,000
- Saint Bernard – Price $1,000 – $2,000
- Neapolitan Mastiff – Price $2,500 – $4,500
- Irish Wolfhound – Price $1,500 – $3,000
- English Mastiff – Price $1,000 – $2,000
- Leonberger – Price $1,200 – $3,500
- Anatolian Shepherd – Price $700 – $2,000
- Great Dane – Price $600 – $3,000