My baby born with teeth, is it normal? As a pediatrician, I frequently face this question from many new parents. Babies are mostly born with no teeth at all.
They usually get their primary teeth at the age of 6 months and older. You can check 6 Month Baby Food Charts.
But some babies surprised the world while born with teeth. This term is known as natal teeth. Babies are very rarely born with natal teeth. In some cases, they are born with one or two teeth. And a more rare case is babies born with multiple teeth more than one or two.
A baby born with a full set of teeth is truly uncommon. However, if you face any type of issues like a baby’s born with teeth, then you should read this whole article to understand the causes and next actions of babies born with teeth.

Does early teething mean anything?
Most infants get their first teeth after 4 to 6 months. But some babies get teeth from their birth and some get them after a few weeks of their birth. The first type is called natal teeth and the second one is neonatal teeth.
Unfortunately, there are several myths related to natal or fetal teeth which are nothing but superstitions. They believe that the children who are born with natal teeth are doomed among the human race. You may like our recent publication in How to Make Baby Hair Grow Faster?
However, early teething is nothing but some medical criteria based on several issues like generic features, familial history, malnutrition, enamel defects, and other issues. So it does mean nothing at all and all should stay away from the superstitions related to early teething.

Can babies be born with teeth?
Babies are very rarely born with teeth which are called natal teeth. Natal teeth are very uncommon in newborns. But definitely, they can be born with teeth from birth. Mostly the natal teeth occur on the lower gums of the baby whereas generally the central incisor teeth in the future.
The possible reasons for the natal teeth are associated with cleft palate, genetic history, Soto syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff syndrome, nutrition deficiencies of pregnant mother and child, Pierre robin syndrome, and other medical conditions.

Early teething good or bad?
There are babies who are not born with natal teeth but they get teeth very early. Early teething comes very shortly after birth. Such early teething that comes shortly after birth like after one month after birth is called neonatal teeth.
Pediatrics says that neonatal teeth are rarer than natal teeth. This generally happens within a few weeks to three months after birth. Though there is no good in early teething there is no bad also. There is nothing to worry about neonatal teeth.

Are Natal Teeth Primary Teeth?
No, natal teeth are not the primary teeth. Babies generally get primary teeth at 6 months of age mostly in the lower part. Deciduous teeth start generating from the embryonic phase. Then they develop 6 months after birth. There are 20 primary teeth, 10 teeth are in the upper part and 10 are in the lower part. All babies get primary teeth. They also fall out generally within various times of their childhood.
On the other hand, natal teeth are teeth that are seen with the baby’s birth time. It is generally one or two in number and it is also a very rare case. Research says that 1 infant among 2500 gets natal teeth.

Cases of babies being born with teeth
The exact cause of getting natal teeth is unknown. Some theories and researchers have summarized some causes for natal teeth. They can be as a result of
- Genetic hereditary transmission
- Febrile status of high fever
- Malnutrition
- Endocrine disturbance
- Infections
- Environmental factors
- Family history cases.
About 62% of infants born with natal teeth have a positive family history of Natal teeth. Other conditions include:
- Cleft lip and palate
- Chondroectodermal dysplasia
- Congenital pachyonychia
- Sotos syndrome
- Ellis van creveld syndrome

What are the symptoms of natal teeth?
Some symptoms include Natal’s teeth are listed below. Natal teeth are mostly:
- Loose
- Unstructured
- Small
- Conical in shape
- Hypo plastic enamel
- Undeveloped root
- Brown or yellow in color or discolored

Types of Natal Teeth
There are mostly four types of natal teeth with which some babies are born. A pediatric or dentist can detect the type of your body with which you are born. They are mentioned below.
The first type is loose but fully grown teeth that are attached to a few and lose root structures. Then there are some loosened teeth that do not have any structured roots at all.
After that, there are babies born with little teeth rising from the gums. Lastly, there is a kind of teeth that are about to cut through the flesh of the teeth.

Prevalence of Natal Teeth
Although the natal teeth are surprising, the natal teeth are some conditions under which babies are born with natal teeth. Natal teeth are seen in babies on lips or with cleft palates. The irregular issue happens for the calcified tissues.
The incidence of Natal teeth is approximately 1 out of 2000 to 1 out of 3000 newborns. The most common natal teeth are the central incisor teeth of Lower primary teeth. Also, the natal teeth occur in pairs.
Some reports reveal those female babies are more likely to be born with natal teeth than male babies. Study shows that about 15% of babies who are born with natal teeth have their close family members such as father, brother, sister, and other members who had natal teeth also when they were born.
Another important thing is malnutrition of the pregnant mother during pregnancy is a reason for babies born with natal teeth.

How are natal teeth diagnosed?
Natal teeth are seen after the birth of the newborn. Mostly, one baby out of 2000 to 3000 cases is born with natal teeth. The natal teeth are diagnosed with a physical examination of the newborn’s mouth by the doctor.
Dentists may also suggest X-rays, images of internal issues, teeth, bones, roots, or organs to diagnose them properly. The diagnosis can also be done by examining the oral cavity by clinical examination. Also, it can be examined by radiographic evaluation for better understanding.

Is Natal teeth removal needed or not?
Although the removal of Natal teeth is not a mandatory thing to do, the teeth create some problems for the baby. The baby may bite its tongue and damage the tongue. It may also bite its finger and hurt itself. Also, the natal teeth block air from passing freely. The teeth become problematic while breastfeeding.
But if the natal teeth have strong roots and the baby does not experience any difficulties regarding the natal teeth then there is no need to remove that. However, the removal treatment is needed for the child to breathe without any hindrance.
It blocks the Airways from breathing freely. It can also hurt and damage the tongue of the baby. Another problem is breastfeeding becomes difficult for the natal teeth.

What are possible complications of natal teeth?
Natal teeth cause some complications for the baby.
Aspiration risk: Natal teeth may obstruct inhaling properly. It hinders the respiratory system of breathing for the child.
Feeding difficulties: Natal teeth cause difficulties for nursing mothers and the baby. Both baby and mother may be hurt by the teeth.
Riga-fede disease: babies with bottom front teeth may bite the tongue and may have an ulceration tongue. The natal teeth may be both narrow and cone-shaped which is sharp to hurt the tongue.
Cavities: some babies have enamel hypoplasia. It develops cavities to the natal teeth.
Crowding and Displacement: The supernumerary natal teeth create a hindrance for the coming of other primary teeth. It sometimes crowds the other teeth to come in and sometimes the teeth do not come at all for the supernumerary natal teeth.

Natal teeth treatment
The treatment of the natal teeth depends on some criteria like the baby’s health, age, symptoms, and the conditions of the teeth. The treatment is not necessary in all cases.
They can be removed if the roots of the teeth are loosely structured and easy to remove. Otherwise, the infant can swallow the teeth or choke up by the loose teeth.
Then if the tooth is cone-shaped and sharp but the root is strong enough to stay then the edge of the natal teeth can be smoothed out to escape any injuries.
But if the baby feels difficulties in breathing then it is necessary to pull the teeth out for proper breathing passage.

Risk Factors for Natal Teeth
There are certain risk factors that can increase the birth of babies with teeth.
1. The natal teeth are usually loose and mobile so it may injure the baby’s tongue.
2. The loose teeth may also get detached from the jaw and it can choke the baby.
3. Then the natal teeth may cause discomfort for both the baby and the mother during breastfeeding.

Baby upper teeth first myth
There is a popular myth such as fever is related to teething. They believe that fever is a symptom of teething. But it is not scientifically proven and fever does not mean that there are new teeth growing.
There is a Nigerian myth that says that baby upper teeth cause nappy or diaper rashes. But rashes can happen for various reasons like improper ventilation, a lot of dribbling, not changing in time, and others. You may see Coconut Oil for Diaper Rash.
Also, some believe that teething causes diarrhea. Again there is no hard-and-fast rule of this with teething. Some unsanitary items, unhealthy environments, or food issues can be responsible for diarrhea.
People also think that the order of teething can decide the child’s future. The children who got their upper teeth first will grow and give prophecy. However, teething signs are sore and swollen gums, drooling, flushed cheeks, irritating behavior, and chewing things often. All these symptoms contribute to the growth of a baby’s teeth.

When to Seek Treatment
If the natal teeth are very loosely structured and have a weak root then it is best to consult a pediatric dentist to remove them. That little one might swallow or choke the loose teeth accidentally. It might bite and injure its tongue as mostly the natal teeth are cone-shaped thus sharp.
After that, if the baby feels breathing problems for the natal teeth then it should be pulled out immediately for the baby’s health. If the baby does not come across any of these problems or difficulties then no intervention is needed.
Next steps
Dentists or health care providers may precede you with some tips.
1. Keep the reason in mind for visiting the doctor and be focused on what you want.
2. Put together the questions you want to ask the experts.
3. Be aware of the treatments, medicines, and side effects of the procedure properly from the doctor.
4. Write down any new instructions, information, new medication, new diagnosis, and others given by the doctor.
5. Know the relevance of suggesting any test or medicines and what the result could turn into of the test.
6. Remember the date; time and place of the upcoming follow-up appointment and the purpose of the appointment.
7. Make sure you have ensured the contact details and process with your doctor in case your child may be ill or you need any suggestions or advice anytime.
Q/A on Baby Born with Teeth:

Baby born with teeth islam
Although a study shows that Muslim babies demonstrate more natal teeth cases compared to the Hindu and other religious babies. But there are no differences between babies born with or without teeth in Islam as Allah, the almighty, has created them all.
Also, the auspicious and inauspicious things are highly prohibited in Islam. Infants who are born with teeth should be treated equally as the ones who are born without teeth. There is nothing lucky or unlucky in this matter.

Baby born with teeth astrology
There is an astrological belief that if the baby is born with natal teeth then Saturn and Mars are placed in Mercury. The natal teeth are believed to be inauspicious and indicate babies or baby’s parents’ death. If a baby is born with teeth then it is thought that the baby will die eventually.
Next, if the baby survives then there is a chance for the parents’ to die soon. In short, the babies who are born with natal teeth are considered inauspicious according to saravali vol.1.

Why aren’t babies born with teeth?
Teeth have certain duties to perform like biting, chewing, grinding, pronouncing, speaking, digesting foods and so many other things. But the babies do not need to do such activities. Babies get the digestive ingredients from their mother’s womb for liquid feeding. They do not have the need to chew, bite and grind food till a certain period.
If the babies are born with teeth then they will face problems inhaling. They will bite their tongue and injure themselves. They will not be able to breastfeed properly and might injure the nursing mother as well. So there is no need for the babies to have teeth as newborns.
But they have their teeth formed in the gums that will erupt generally after 4 to 6 months.

How often are babies born with teeth?
This is an uncommon affair for infants to be born with teeth. Natal teeth are a very rare case to occur. Some babies are hardly seen to be born with one or two teeth which are called natal teeth. It is seen in 1 out of 2000 to 2500 infants.
A few babies are born with multiple natal teeth which is a more rare case. In such cases, 1 out of 5000 babies is seen to be born with multiple natal teeth.

Baby born with teeth breastfeeding
It is really difficult for both the nursing mother and the infant to breastfeed. The baby might bite accidentally while breastfeeding. Also, the infant finds it difficult to inhale at the time of feeding milk.
Natal teeth might interfere while breastfeeding.
If the natal teeth are loosely structured and mobile then there are chances for the baby to swallow the teeth or aspirate while breastfeeding. The teeth may cause discomfort and problems during suckling milk.
It also causes irritation to the tongue of the child while breastfeeding. The interference of the tongue during breastfeeding may also cause Riga fede disease which is known as sublingual ulceration.

Do natal teeth fall out?
Natal teeth are the teeth with which some babies are born. The natal teeth are by nature loose, not well structured. Therefore there is a great chance for the natal teeth to fall out. If the natal teeth are loose and mobile then the baby might move the teeth with its tongue very often, as it creates certain discomfort for the baby in various issues.
Thus the teeth may fall out. So it is better to remove such loose, unstructured and mobile natal teeth as the baby may choke by the fall of the natal teeth.

Do newborn gums look like teeth?
Babies are born with teeth formed and structured within their gums of the mouth. The formed teeth begin to erupt by six months old from the gums. Their gums do not look like teeth at all. But some babies are rarely born with one or two natal teeth which are very undeveloped, loose, and unstructured teeth.

Reasons for early teething in babies
Some babies have teeth early in 2 to 3 months which is also natural. There is nothing to worry about early teether infants. The reason is early tethers are simply ahead of the curve in teething. There are also some genetic factors responsible for early teething.
Some say that babies who get early teething become more smart and intelligent than others. But there is no scientific evidence for it. In short, early teething is a normal affair to happen and there are no such reasons for it.

Are babies born with teeth in their skull?
Yes, all the babies are born with teeth in their skulls as all have Jaws that are packed with teeth. The teeth are not mostly visible because they are formed under the gums. They have their own small cubby hole and are surrounded by jaw bones.
The roots of teeth contain blood vessels, nerves, and cementum tissue. The process starts when the babies are in the womb. The teeth then erupt from the gums and become visible as primary teeth within six months to three years old.
Pictures of babies born with teeth