People never like to stop eating and it is wise to know which juice reduces belly fat to live a healthy life. This article will tell you which drinks should be avoided from your menu.
Reducing weight and especially cutting down the extra inches from your tummy is never such an easy task. The journey gets easier when it is influenced by some healthy drink.
These drinks, though not directly, but by boosting metabolism or cleansing the dietary tract helps reduce the extra inches from your tummy fat. What you must do is you should be very regular and must stick with your everyday drink routine.
Another thing is you must know the proper time of consuming your drink to get the best result out of it. Now Let’s have a read on some dietary juices that easily fit your everyday diet routine!
# Here are the juices to reduce belly fat fast
01. Carrot Juice
Calories: 93
Carbs: 22 g
Protein: 2.2 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (902%), Vitamin C (33%), Vitamin B-6 (25%)
Minerals: Sodium (156 mg), Potassium (689 mg), Calcium (5%), Iron (6%), Magnesium (8%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (9 g)
Fiber: 1.9 g
Carrot Juice is the best juice to reduce belly fat faster. This juice is said to be a weight loss friendly beverage which helps to reduce body fat especially belly fat very effectively.
Carrot is always counted among the inseparable components in a detoxifying diet. Though it does not lose weight directly yet helps to speed up the process by detoxifying the stomach and by speeding up the metabolism.
They are low in calories but full of fiber that helps boost your digestion. One tall glass of freshly blended carrot juice is enough for any in-between meal. You can add apple ginger and half of an orange to enhance the test and intensify the detoxifying effect of this healthy juice
02. Cucumber Juice
Calories: 17
Carbs: 3.1 g
Protein: 0.8 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (4.5 mg), Vitamin K (10.2 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (19.9 g), Iron (0.3 mg), Magnesium (17 mg), Phosphorus (29.8 mg), Potassium (193 mg), Sodium (2.8 mg)
Other Nutrients: water (137 g)
Fiber: 1.0 g
Cucumber juice is the number one juice to reduce belly fat fast nowadays. Cucumber is a nice vegetable that contains low calorie and is very helpful for weight loss.
As it contains a lot of water in it, as a result, it fills the stomach easily and keeps one full for a long period of time. It has high fiber content too.
Cucumber juice is also a very good detoxifying drink that cleanses the liver and helps boost your metabolism. you can drink it before your meals and can add lime juice and mint to bring a perfect summer drink flavor.
03. Bitter Gourd Juice
Calories: 79
Carbs: 4.32 g
Protein: 0.84 g
Fat: 0.18 g
Vitamins: vitamin C (33 mg), Vitamin E (0.14 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (9 mg), Iron (0.38 mg), Magnesium (16 mg), Phosphorus (36 mg), Potassium (319 mg), Sodium (6 mg), Zink (0.77 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (93.95 g), Sugar (1.95 g)
Fiber: 2 g
Bitter gourd juice is bitter in taste but very useful in losing the extra inches from your belly. If you intake this juice daily you will see a huge difference just in a month.
It stimulates the liver to secrete the bile acid which is very helpful in burning body fat specially the belly fat. Nonetheless, bitter gourd is very low in calories. 1 kg of bitter gourd contains only 170 calories. This certainly makes this drink one of the best choices for belly fat reduction
04. Cabbage Juice
Calories: 25
Carbs: 6 g
Protein: 1.3 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (60%0, Vitamin A (1%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Sodium (18 mg), Potassium (170 mg), Calcium (4%), Iron (2%), Magnesium (3%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (3.2 g)
Fiber: 2.5 g
Cabbage magically reduces weight. Just like cabbage soup, cabbage juice is also helpful for belly fat reduction. It tremendously helps in digestion; clears up the digestive tract and helps eliminate all the wastes from the body.
And certainly, a good digestion is the precondition for a successful weight loss journey. Fiber fights fat – yes that is very true and for this reason cabbage juice is very good for fighting your tummy fat as it contains a lot of fiber in it. You can intake it before meals with a mixture of an apple, lemon or sweet veggies.
05. Lemon Juice
Calories: 22
Carbs: 7 g
Protein: 0.4 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (64%)
Minerals: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (103 mg), Magnesium (1%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar 2.5 g
Fiber: 0.3 g
Lemon is the best juice to reduce belly fat. This juice is very effective for healthy fat loss as well. This simple lemon juice is prescribed by even doctors for the obese to reduce belly fat.
In case of lemon the correct portion is half of a small lemon or a one fourth of a bigger one. However, people seem to be mistaken and try to consume a full lemon or as much as possible.
But this is wrong and leads to different health issues like acid reflux and many others. You can add a teaspoon of honey with your lukewarm lemon juice in the morning and drink it on an empty stomach. It boosts metabolism and this way you can reduce belly fat this way quite easily.
06. Amla Juice
Calories: 48
Carbs: 10 g
Protein: 1 g
Fat: 0.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (478 mg), Vitamin A, IU (290 IU)
Minerals: Calcium (25 mg), Iron (0.9 mg), Magnesium (10 mg), Phosphorus (21 mg), Potassium (198 mg), Zink (0.12 mg), Sodium (13 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (86 g)
Fiber: 5 g
Amla is the other best juice to reduce belly fat. This juice is very helpful for a better digestive system and for boosting your metabolism. As we all know faster metabolism burns more calories, so this juice indirectly is very helpful for reducing belly fat.
You can take this healthy drink every now and then to have a better result from your weight lose journey. it’s more effective on an empty stomach in the morning. A drop of honey can be added with this juice for being energetic all day long.
07. Pomegranate Juice
Calories: 54
Carbs: 13 g
Protein: 0.2 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Minerals: Sodium (9 mg), Potassium (214 mg), Calcium (1%), Magnesium (1%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (13 g)
Fiber: 0.1 g
Though underrated, this juice is one of the best beverages for body fat reduction. People generally intake this juice for a glowing natural looking skin but many people don’t know that this juice is very helpful for reducing weight also.
Pomegranates are a very good source of antioxidants. It also contains polyphenols and conjugated linolenic acid. And all these together helps burn belly fat and boost metabolism. It also makes you fuller for all day long as a result you don’t get hungry frequently and intake lesser calories than before.
08. Orange Juice
Calories: 45
Carbs: 10 g
Protein: 0.7 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (4%), Vitamin C (83%)
Minerals: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (200 mg), Calcium (1%), Iron (1%), Magnesium (2%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (8 g)
Fiber: 0.2 g
Orange is the top level juice to reduce belly fat. One orange a day is enough for your vitamin c requirements. Apart from vitamins, this fruit juice is very helpful for weight loss as it contains low calorie.
Often this juice is called the negative calorie fruit as it contains fewer calories than our needs to burn it. It seems very good for those extra inches, isn’t it?
09. Pineapple Juice
Calories: 60
Carbs: 16 g
Protein: 0.5 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), Vitamin C (15%), Vitamin B-6 (5%)
Minerals: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (124 mg), Calcium (1%), Iron (1%), Magnesium (3%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar 14 g
Fiber: 1.3 g
This miraculous juice is super effective for belly fat reduction. It contains bromelain which is a very effective enzyme for metabolizing the protein components and subsequently helps burn away extra fat from the stomach and belly as well.
Pineapple is a great sort of juice to reduce belly fat. It is a negative calorie juice like orange, also known as catabolic food, which is very good for the calorie count of your weight reduction journey.
10. Watermelon Juice
Calories: 30
Carbs: 8 g
Protein: 0.6 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (11%), Vitamin C (13%)
Minerals: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (112 mg), Iron (1%), Magnesium (2%)
Other Nutrients: Sugar 6 g
Fiber: 0.4 g
This juice helps to keep you hydrated and helps to reduce fat by burning extra calories. Watermelon contains a lot of water and it is rich in amino acids as well which is very helpful to reduce belly fat.
100 ml watermelon juice contains 100 calories- shows up it can make you feel fuller, content and hydrated as well without providing you a lot of extra calories which is really very good for your weightloss journey.
11. Bottle Gourd Juice
Calories: 68
Carbs: 3.93 g
Protein: 0.72 g
Fat: 0.02 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (8.5 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.038 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (24 mg), Iron (0.25 mg), Magnesium (11 mg), Phosphorus (13 mg), Potassium (170 mg), Sodium (2 mg), Zinc (0.7 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (110.83 mg)
Fiber: 1.2 g
Bottle gourd juice is also good for weight loss as well as belly fat loss. It is also prescribed in Ayurveda for better digestion. It keeps your body cool. Moreover, this juice is low in calorie and helps to keep you hydrated all day long.
Moreover, it contains fiber in it that helps boost your metabolism. It helps to sleep better which is very important for a good metabolism and activates healthy hormones for your weight loss journey.
12. Aloe Vera Juice
Calories: 2
Carbs: 1 g
Protein: 0 g
Fat: 0 g
Minerals: Calcium (10 mg)
Other Nutrients:
Fiber: 0 g
As Aloe Vera Juice is a laxative drink, it is ideal for fighting extra water weight. However, it is important for everyone to know that they should not over exceed the consumption of this juice like lemon juice.
Aloe vera is clinically proven to boost metabolism and hence help cutting down the extra fat from the belly. In a 90 days study on rats which were applied dried aloe vera gel, resulted in reduced body fat accumulation due to increasing the calories they burned. Just use one teaspoon of aloe vera juice for up to two weeks and you will see the difference in tummy for sure.
13. Wheatgrass juice
Calories: 21
Carbs: 2 g
Protein: 1.95 g
Fat: 0.06 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (427 IU), Vitamin B-6 (0.2 mg), Vitamin E (15.2 IU), Choline (92.4 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (24.2 mg), Iron (0.61 mg), Magnesium (24 mg), Phosphorus (75.2 mg), Potassium (147 mg), Sodium (10.3 mg), Znic (0.33 mg)
Other Nutrients:
Fiber: 0.1 g
Wheatgrass can boost metabolism so that it can aid in weight loss especially belly fat loss. It is low in calories and has no fat at all. Moreover, they are full of nutrition and due to that it keeps you nutrient and full all day long.
It takes hold on the extra craving for gluten and sweet. You can have even better results if you consume it on an empty stomach. You can also intake it in powder form or capsule or pills. Still, it is better to consume it in fresh form.
14. Beetroot juice
Calories: 180
Carbs: 9.56 g
Protein: 1.61 g
Fat: 0.17 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (4.9 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.067 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (16 mg), Iron (0.8 mg), Magnesium (23 mg), Phosphorus (40 mg), Potassium (325 mg), Sodium (78 mg), Zinc (0.35 mg)
Other Nutrients: Water (87.58 mg), Sugar (6.76 g)
Fiber: 2.8 g
This wine-red healthy juice is very helpful for weightlessness. It keeps you fuller for a long period of time. 100 ml of beetroot juice contains only 35 calories – shows up the reason being a perfect weight loss drink for you.
It also helps boost metabolism. Moreover, it keeps your body hydrated as it contains a lot of water in it. It has many other health benefits as well for example 250 ml of this juice, if taken regularly, can reduce blood pressure.
There is no side effect reported against this healthy drink except one that it may change the color of your urine which is not at all harmful. It is better you don’t feel worried about it.
15. Turmeric Milk
Calories: 89
Carbs: 9 g
Protein: 3 g
Fat: 9 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (25 mg), Vitamin E (3 mg),
Minerals: Sodium (38 mg), Calcium (183 mg), Iron (41 mg), Magnesium (193 mg), Phosphosrus (268 mg), Zinc (4.35 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (5 g)
Fiber: 1 g
Turmeric milk is another dietary beverage that helps to reduce belly fat. When one consumes turmeric with milk it accelerates weight reduction. Turmeric helps in suppressing fat tissue growth.
It also helps losing weight by regulating sugar level and then preventing insulin resistance. Moreover, this mixture also helps to keep a series of diseases at bay.
It has some additional health benefits like glowing and softening your skin and keeping you safe from inflammatory properties. Therefore, if you consume this drink regularly alongside a healthy diet you will certainly feel the difference both on your face and on your belly as well.