Let’s have a look at the foods that won’t make you gain weight and low-calorie foods you can eat a lot of. This is an easy way to keep yourself fit without having exercise.
Foods are the fuel of the human body. Even in Greek and Roman Mythology, we see God and Goddess also need Ambrosia to lead their life. How does it feel when you eat food and not gain weight?
Heavenly bliss; isn’t it? After reading this article you can easily decide which food should be in your refrigerator. Usually, the low-calorie filling foods can lose the extra fats from your body and make you Mr shape.
#Here is the list of the foods that won’t make you gain weight
01. Water
Calories: 0
Carbs: 0 g
Protein: 0 g
Fat: 0 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0 mg), vitamin C (0 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 5 mg, Potassium (0 mg), Calcium (0 mg), Iron (0 mg), Cobalamin (0 mg), Magnesium (0 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Water is the most common food that won’t make you gain weight. Some people think that, even if they have air, it makes them gain weight, but Water is such a thing that not only prevents gaining weight but also helps to lose some weight.
It creates Saliva which helps in digestion and it is a healthy habit. Water helps to reduce toxins from the body and flashes the waste. It controls body temperature. Water is one of the most essential though not foods to have every day, just make sure whether it is pure or not.
Try to eat a glass of water before your meal and take water after 30 minutes after you finish your meal. This habit will help you a lot to keep a healthy diet. Water can also be used with a slice of lemon or cucumber which has a lot of health benefits and helps to reduces weight by a great amount.
02. Fish
Calories: 206
Carbs: 0 g
Protein: 23 g
Fat: 12 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), vitamin C (6%), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (30%)
Minerals: Sodium 61 mg, Potassium 384 mg, Calcium (1%), Iron (1%), Cobalamin (46%), Magnesium (7%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 77 mg

Fish is such a food that will let you feel full without causing any weight gain. The protein we get from fish is so healthy that it prevents some of the dangerous diseases. It helps you throughout the day to have an energetic mood.
Study shows that the person who eats fish regularly has lower chances to face heart attack and stroke. The contained Omega-3 is exceptionally good for health. Not all fish are good for health, some can be proven as dangerous, be aware of such fishes. Make your every day a fish day.
03. Eggs
Calories: 155
Carbs: 1.1 g
Protein: 13 g
Fat: 11 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (149 μg), vitamin C (0%), vitamin D (2.175 mcg), Vitamin B-6 (0.121 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 124 mg, Potassium 126 mg, Calcium (50 mg), Iron (1.2 mg), Cobalamin (18%), Magnesium (10 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 373 mg

The egg is a versatile food that won’t make you gain weight that much. This single ingredient can change the whole taste of your recipe. The egg is highly recommended for all age groups.
Betaine and Choline is a source found in eggs which keeps the heart well and is extremely good for those breastfeeding mothers. It is good for bones. Including eggs on daily breakfast can lead you to innumerable benefits. This is so filling that you can say bye-bye to your hunger for a pretty long time.
04. Oatmeal
Calories: 68
Carbs: 12 g
Protein: 2.4 g
Fat: 1.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0 mg), vitamin C (0 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.005 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (49 mg), Potassium (61 mg), Calcium (9 mg), Iron (0.9 mg), Cobalamin (0 mg), Magnesium (27 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (0 mg)

Oatmeal is a very popular food that won’t make you gain weight but make you full and increase your strength.
Nowadays the use of oatmeal as breakfast has become so trendy because of its high fiber and easy to make the process. Oatmeal is so easy to prepare, it can be eaten as a hotchpotch or even with milk and fruits.
There are also many ways of preparing this food which often removes the monotony of eating the same food. Not all oatmeal diets are friendly in the market. You have to check the ingredients before purchasing one from the supermarket. Those sugar and added flavor-free oatmeal is the best for breakfast.
05. Yogurt
Calories: 59
Carbs: 3.6 g
Protein: 10 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (26 μg), vitamin C (0 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.063 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (36 mg), Potassium (141 mg), Calcium (100 mg), Iron (0 mg), Cobalamin (13%), Magnesium (11 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol (5 mg), Selenium (9.7 µg)

It is considered as the most important food for healthy diet lovers because this food won’t make you gain weight. The tangy yet creamy flavor will enhance your taste bud. It is good for digestion.
The probiotics in yogurt reduce stomach diseases like diarrhea, bloating, etc. It boosts your immune system. The best way to eat it with some citric food is a fruit salad. It keeps your heart healthy. This is a must-have item for those who are health conscious and wants to keep standard weight.
06. Broth-Based Soups
Calories: 98
Carbs: 0 g
Protein: 2.3 g
Fat: 0.8 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0.1%), vitamin C (0%), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (%)
Minerals: Sodium 156 mg, Potassium 144 mg, Calcium (3 mg), Iron (0.01%), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (0%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 1 mg

It is thought that soups are less filling than that solid meals. But a study shows that broth-based soups are more filling in nature. Undoubtedly it is made with low carb ingredients.
As these soups are made with fewer oils it is so good for your diet. Eating soup before the main course has become a tradition and this healthy habit can help you to intake low calories.
Broth-Based Soups can be your low calorie foods for weight loss.
07. Popcorn
Calories: 382
Carbs: 78 g
Protein: 12 g
Fat: 4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (0%), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (15%)
Minerals: Sodium 7 mg, Potassium 274 mg, Calcium (0%), Iron (2.7 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (30%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

This is my best friend at movie time. This snack food is a great source of nutrients with its highly filling qualities. Making the habit of having popcorn as a snack can save you from eating processed or oily junk foods.
There are commercially made popcorns in the market among them caramel one is the most famous, but these contain rich sugar which is highly harmful to health. Only plain popcorn can give you the nutrients with proper filling and satiety.
08. Lean Meats
Calories: 143
Carbs: 0 g
Protein: 26 g
Fat: 3.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (0%), vitamin D (2%), Vitamin B-6 (35%)
Minerals: Sodium 57 mg, Potassium 421 mg, Calcium (0%), Iron (6%), Cobalamin (10%), Magnesium (7%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Having a certain amount of Lean Meats won’t make you gain weight. Meats are also a good source of high protein. Though many people believe that it is harmful and dangerous for health.
But it can also be a portion of healthy food if you eat it with a balanced diet and proper proportion. If you take your luncheon with meat then go for lower protein at the dinner. Overall you can have a divine bliss of a piece of smoked steak if you eat it consciously.
09. Cottage Cheese
Calories: 98
Carbs: 3.4 g
Protein: 11.12 g
Fat: 4.3 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (37 μg), vitamin C (0%), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0%)
Minerals: Sodium (364 mg), Potassium (104 mg), Calcium (83 mg), Iron (0.07 mg), Cobalamin (6%), Magnesium (8 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 17 mg

Cottage Cheese is really a nice item of food that won’t make you gain weight that much. This food is a yummy option to maintain both the tongue and stomach, as it will keep both of them cheerful.
It contains high protein which is a very good diet food ingredient. The creamy and flavourful nature of cottage cheese will make you forget that you are on any kind of diet. So grab Cottage cheese cheerfully.
10. Vegetables:

i). Eggplant
Calories: 25
Carbs: 6 g
Protein: 1 g
Fat: 0.18 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0 mg), vitamin C (2.2 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.084 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (2 mg), Potassium (229 mg), Calcium (9 mg), Iron (0.23 mg), Cobalamin (0 mg), Magnesium (14 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

It is basically a fruit enriched with tons of nutrients. Mostly known as aubergines, this veggie is high in antioxidants that prevent cellular damage. This tiny thing controls the blood pressure. This has high fiber, which helps with weight loss.
ii). Cucumber
Calories: 16
Carbs: 3.63 g
Protein: 0.65 g
Fat: 0.11 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0 mg), vitamin C (2.8 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.04 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (1 mg), Potassium (147 mg), Calcium (16 mg), Iron (0.28 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (13 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg, Fluoride (1.3 µg)

Cucumber is a great food that won’t make you gain weight. It has a great amount of water and soluble fibre on it which is a great source of energy. It is very essential for people who are on diet. It will not make you feel dehydrated throughout the day in summer.
iii). Tomatoes
Calories: 18
Carbs: 3.9 g
Protein: 1 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (42 μg), vitamin C (14 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.08 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (6 mg), Potassium (237 mg), Calcium (0 mg), Iron (0 mg), Cobalamin (0 mg), Magnesium (11 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

This versatile, amazingly attractive red fruit is often used as a vegetable. It is used as a salad, sauce, veggies, and whatnot. When it is green in color, it may contain some carbs but red tomatoes are low carb fruit with tons of nutrition that won’t make you gain weight. Tomatoes are good for weight loss.
iv). Carrot
Calories: 41
Carbs: 10 g
Protein: 0.93 g
Fat: 0.24 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (835 μg), vitamin C (5.9 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.138 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (69 mg), Potassium (320 mg), Calcium (33 mg), Iron (0.3 mg), Cobalamin (0 mg), Magnesium (12 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Carrot can be a good source of foods that won’t make you gain weight.
Truly It can save you from a serious eye disease called Xerophthalmia as it is enriched with vitamin A. It can save both children and the aged from some delicate disease related to the eyes. It is a healthy veggie that can be cooked or eaten raw. It prevents or reduces the chances of Prostate Cancer.
v). Legumes
Calories: 81
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 5 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (15%), vitamin C (66%), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium 5 mg, Potassium 244 mg, Calcium (2%), Iron (8%), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (8%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Legumes are basically the family of edible seeds. These often become the only source of protein in so many developing countries and are the staple food in many cultures. Though being controversial the food is widely used as it serves the purpose of fiber in a great amount. But it should be avoided if someone has high creatinine or other kidney and liver issues.
vi). Celery
Calories: 16
Carbs: 3 g
Protein: 0.7 g
Fat: 0.17 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (22 μg), vitamin C (3.1 mg), vitamin D (0 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.074 mg)
Minerals: Sodium (80 mg), Potassium (260 mg), Calcium (40 mg), Iron (0.20 mg), Cobalamin (0 mg), Magnesium (11 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Celery is a low-calorie food you can eat a lot of. This tiny ingredient in your kitchen should get more attention than before. The contained Apigenin in it fights against your inflammation. Celery lowers the chances of bloating. And it can gift Beautiful skin as well. If you are insomniac in nature, it will help you to have a sound sleep.
vii). Zucchini
Calories: 17
Carbs: 3.1 g
Protein: 1.2 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (4%), vitamin C (29%), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (10%)
Minerals: Sodium 8 mg, Potassium 261 mg, Calcium (1%), Iron (2%), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (4%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Nowadays zucchini is highly used because of its rich nutrients formula. It is easy going with other veggies or even with fish. It helps to strengthen the eyesight. This is a great food for weight loss as it is a low carb food. It keeps the blood sugar in control.
viii). Beetroot
Calories: 43
Carbs: 9.56 g
Protein: 1.61 g
Fat: 0.17 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (4.9 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.067 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 78 mg, Potassium 325 mg, Calcium (16 mg), Iron (0.8 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (23 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

This attractive veggie is a root vegetable widely served all over the world. It contains some good carbs which are basically simple sugar. It is a great source of minerals and fiber. It may cause digestion problems in some people.
ix). Cabbage
Calories: 25
Carbs: 6 g
Protein: 1.3 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), vitamin C (36.6), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.124 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 18 mg, Potassium 170 mg, Calcium (40 mg), Iron (0.47 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (12 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Cabbage is such a lite food that is less filling but filled with high antioxidants. It fights against inflammation. It is low-calorie food therefore good for the diet. It supplies vitamin K to your body which is extremely good for bones.
x). Broccoli
Calories: 34
Carbs: 6.64 g
Protein: 2.82 g
Fat: 0.37 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (89.2 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.175 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 33 mg, Potassium 316 mg, Calcium (47 mg), Iron (0.73 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (21 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

You may often have thought that it is a sister of cauliflower. Both cooked and raw broccoli are good but have different nutrients. It is enriched with fibre and antioxidants which helps to keep blood sugar control so it is great for diabetic patients.
xi). Cauliflower
Calories: 25
Carbs: 5 g
Protein: 1.9 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (48.2 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.184 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 30 mg, Potassium 299 mg, Calcium (22 mg), Iron (0.42 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (15 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

It is filled with all the essential vitamins that your body needs to function properly. The contained fiber in it can help you in better digestion and prevent constipation.
xii). Kale
Calories: 28
Carbs: 5.62 g
Protein: 1.9 g
Fat: 0.4 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (41 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.138 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 23 mg, Potassium 228 mg, Calcium (72 mg), Iron (0.9 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (18 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

It is enriched with two powerful antioxidants Quercetin and kaempferol which has uncountable benefits for health. It helps to reduce the cholesterol level in the human body which is a blessing.
xiii). Lettuce
Calories: 15
Carbs: 2.9 g
Protein: 1.4 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0.166 mg), vitamin C (3.7 mg), vitamin D 0(%), Vitamin B-6 (0.082 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 5 mg, Potassium 238 mg, Calcium (35 mg), Iron (1.24 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (13 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

It is mostly set over the pickles of a burger, this is the only way where you can convince a child to have a bite of green lettuce. This crunchy leaf is such a food which may contain less vitamin and nutrients, it will not let you gain your food.
11. Fruits:

i) Watermelon
Calories: 30
Carbs: 8 g
Protein: 0.6 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (28 μg), vitamin C (8.1 mg), vitamin D 0(%), Vitamin B-6 (0.045 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 1 mg, Potassium 112 mg, Calcium (7 mg), Iron (0.24), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (10%)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

A great source of water in the summertime. This tasty fruit contains amino acids that smoothen the circulation of your blood through the body. The fruit is highly refreshing and controls blood pressure. It is a heart-friendly fruit, which keeps the harmony of your heart.
ii) Pineapple
Calories: 50
Carbs: 13 g
Protein: 0.5 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), vitamin C (47.8 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.112 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 1 mg, Potassium 109 mg, Calcium (13 mg), Iron (0.29 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (12 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Earlier it was thought that tangy foods are harmful to surgery patients but for decades the use of tangy food has been increasing at a great amount. Pineapples are extremely good for surgery patients. The enzyme Bromelain helps to break protein therefore it helps indigestion.
iii) Apples
Calories: 52
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 0.3 g
Fat: 0.2 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), vitamin C (4.6 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.041 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 1 mg, Potassium 107 mg, Calcium (6 mg), Iron (0.12 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (0.035 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Apple is a nice food that won’t make you gain weight. It is Mostly used in weight loss. Apples are so common and easy to find all around the world. The fruit is highly filling as it contains rich fiber.
It reduces the risk of stroke, blood sugar, and fatal disease like cancer. It is very beneficial for diabetic patients. This is a must-have item for those who go to the gym regularly as it boosts their immunity and makes them energetic.
iv) Oranges
Calories: 47
Carbs: 12 g
Protein: 0.9 g
Fat: 0.1 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (11 μg), vitamin C (53.2 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.06 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 0 mg, Potassium 181 mg, Calcium (40 mg), Iron (0.1 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (10 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Oranges are divinely good both for body and skin. Eating orange religiously is a healthy habit. It reduces the chance of cancer. Oranges are commonly known for low-calorie foods for weight loss.
It is good for blood pressure. It prevents serious skin diseases. Even the peel of an orange is beneficial. It also reduces the cholesterol level, so people with high cholesterol should keep it on their daily meal.
v) Strawberry
Calories: 33
Carbs: 8 g
Protein: 0.7 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (0%), vitamin C (58.8 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.047 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 1 mg, Potassium 154 mg, Calcium (16 mg), Iron (0.41 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (13 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

This beauty is not only a piece of decoration but also a great source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants (Polyphenols). It increases your cholesterol, does not be afraid, the cholesterol that strawberry increases are good cholesterol. The fruit is completely fat and sodium-free. This low-calorie food increases the appetite.
vi) Blackberries
Calories: 43
Carbs: 10 g
Protein: 1.4 g
Fat: 0.5 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (4%), vitamin C (21.0 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.030 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 1 mg, Potassium 162 mg, Calcium (29 mg), Iron (0.62 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (20 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

This summer staple is not only tasty but also enriched with Vitamins. It is a massive source of vitamin C which heals your wound. It is good for the common cold. Another most crucial benefit of blackberries is that it is so good for skin, skin disease, even it brings life to new skin.
vii) Blueberries
Calories: 57
Carbs: 14 g
Protein: 0.7 g
Fat: 0.3 g
Vitamins: Vitamin A (1%), vitamin C (9.7 mg), vitamin D (0%), Vitamin B-6 (0.052 mg)
Minerals: Sodium 1 mg, Potassium 77 mg, Calcium (6 mg), Iron (0.28 mg), Cobalamin (0%), Magnesium (6 mg)
Other Nutrients: Cholesterol 0 mg

Eat blueberries religiously and do not get aged! Yes, this tiny fruit helps to prevent premature aging. It heals the skin and provides oxygen properly into it.
It also boosts collagen, which is highly known for fair skin and smooth skin tone. Vitamin C and K have tons of benefits both for your skin and health, and blueberries are enriched with these two vitamins.