Side effects to flaxseed oil may seem new to you as you already heard a lot of Praise on it. Let’s see the overall 21 side effects of flaxseed oil, then make the decision of having it.
Flaxseed is getting popular these days, and so is flaxseed oil. From cooking to skincare, flaxseed oil is now everywhere. People also take in flaxseed oil as supplements to fill up the need for healthy omega acids and other fatty acids in the body. But wait here, that is not all. Flaxseed oil also has some serious side effects that can bring trouble if you are unaware of it.

What is flaxseed oil?
Flaxseed oil or linseed oil comes from cold-pressed ripened flax seeds, and then the oil is extracted from it. You can find flaxseed oil both in capsules and in liquid form. The capsules can be taken as medicine, and the liquid form can work just like your regular cooking oil. However, this flaxseed oil is not only for cooking. It also can help your skin and hair as well. This oil is used worldwide now for weight loss and skin care.

Flaxseed oil nutrition facts
Flaxseed contains a high amount of ALA, an essential fatty acid also known as Alpha Lipoic Acid. It also includes a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids. You need these in your body to make them healthier and stronger. It also has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements that make it really useful. However, if taken too much, it can also cause severe side effects that can be dangerous.
Calories: 534
Carbs: 28.88 g
Protein: 18.29 g
Fat: 42.16 g
Vitamins: Vitamin C (0.6 mg), Vitamin B-6 (0.473 mg)
Minerals: Calcium (255 mg), Iron (5.73 mg), Magnesium (392 mg), Phosphorus (642 mg), Potassium (813 mg), Zinc (4.34 mg)
Other Nutrients: Sugar (1.55 g)
Fiber: 27.3 g

The 21 Side Effects of Flaxseed Oil
Even though flaxseed oil is natural, it still can have some side effects that can cause trouble if you are unaware of it. Here we will talk about 21 different side effects that can occur on using flaxseed oil so that you can take precautions before anything happens. Please keep reading to know more about flaxseed and its side effects.

1. Might Lower Blood Pressure and Bloodsugar
It is one of the most dangerous side effects to flaxseed oil. If you are consuming flaxseed oil as capsules, you must know that it can lower your blood sugar level and blood pressure. So if you already take medicines for diabetes and high blood pressure, this oil can cause trouble by reducing it too much, which can cause fainting and other complications.
It is always better to consult with a doctor before taking any flaxseed oil capsules. The dosage of the medicine might need some modification to handle the changes.
2. Increases Bleeding
Consuming flaxseed oil might increase bleeding, which means that the blood will not clot easily and will not stop for a long time. Flaxseed oil side effects also have the possibility of having interactions with antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs and reducing clotting. This can be life-threatening if you go through surgery or any kind of injury that causes bleeding.

3. Having Allergy
Another one of the flaxseed oil side effects is that the oil might cause allergies to certain people. You might notice swelling, hives, itching, and redness right after digesting the flaxseed or flaxseed oil. If you start to feel discomfort after having it, stop using it immediately.
Having allergies to flaxseed oil can cause vomiting and nausea as a first step, turning it into tightening the throat and shortness of breath. It is better to not compromise with a child’s health and stop using it just when it starts to react with the oil.
4. Hormone Adjustments
Flaxseed oil has been known for affecting the estrogen hormone in women. This can get quite serious in pregnant women and lactating mothers. Studies have shown that those who had flaxseed during this time delivered a baby before the due time. Also, as flaxseed oil can cause excess bleeding, it is unsuitable for pregnant ladies.

5. Constipation and Diarrhea
Flaxseeds are suitable for your diet as it has some dietary fibers that help you stay full for longer. It is also good for your health. However, a certain change in flaxseed consumption can change the whole scenario.
You might face stomach aches with bloating and depending on the consumption. You can either have constipation or diarrhea. So, it is crucial to know all about flaxseeds and the safe amount of them. However, flaxseed oil does not have fiber-like flaxseed, making it more likely to cause diarrhea.
6. Prostate Cancer
Rumor has it that flaxseed and flaxseed oil causes prostate cancer from tumors. However, there is no fundamental proof behind it. Studies have proven that flaxseed and flaxseed oil plays no role in helping the body while dealing with prostate cancer. You would need to see a doctor, get the right dosage, and whether it is safe to use these daily or not.
7. Taken By Mouth
For most adults, flaxseed oil taken by mouth is completely safe. But you must be careful about the doses. You can use supplements with 2 grams of flaxseed oil daily for up to six months. 24 grams of supplements daily is safe for seven weeks in higher doses. However, higher doses than this can cause diarrhea and might cause some allergy problems.
8. Applied To Skin
Flaxseed oil is completely safe to use on the skin. But just in case if you have sensitive skin, you can do a patch test on your wrist to check if it reacts to your skin or not. Flaxseed oil is high in antioxidants, so it can help reduce skin inflammation. This oil can help reduce wrinkles and fine lines with its anti-aging properties. It promotes skin regeneration which will ensure you have glowing skin.
9. Flaxseed Side Effects Thyroid
Flaxseed is really good for your health, but we should be aware of flaxseed side effects on the thyroid. The flaxseed and flaxseed oil contains Cyanogen that is harmful if consumed in large amounts. Also, flaxseed is goitrogenic, so it is highly dangerous for people suffering from thyroid problems. It can worsen the situation by getting them goiter.
10. Weight Loss
Flaxseed is often used in diets as it stays longer in the stomach, so it makes you feel less hungry. It also has some healthy fibers and nutritions that provide the necessary calories without gaining weight. However, flaxseed oil only contains healthy fat and not fiber. Keep that in mind while consuming it for weight loss diets.

11. Effects Cholesterol
Flaxseed and flaxseed oil can lower the bad cholesterol in our body if taken correctly. It has healthy fibers and antioxidants that help the body to lower down the cholesterol level. However, you can only add this to your diet if you do not face any side effects from it.
12. Estrogen levels
Flaxseed and flaxseed oil both affect the hormones in the human body. Estrogen is one of those hormones. The side effect of flaxseed oil can harm pregnant women by causing premature deliveries. It also messes with the menstruation cycle and makes it hard to conceive a baby. People who suffer from PCOS also have to face many problems. Let’s see the low-calorie food list.

13. Pregnancy
During pregnancy, the Mayo Clinic suggests avoiding the use of flaxseeds. However, a small number of flaxseeds can be okay to use, but consuming too much can hamper the hormones in the body, which can be harmful during pregnancy. Flaxseeds have a lot of healthy omega acids, but it also has certain side effects that are dangerous, so it is better to avoid than to take risks.
14. Breast Feeding
Due to the side effects of flaxseed oil, it is not suitable for lactating women. Breastfeeding women should consult the doctor before adding flaxseed to their diet. It might be healthy, but research shows it also can have some negative effects on the body during this time as it affects the body’s hormones.
15. Diabetes
People with diabetes can face severe problems because of flaxseeds. It lowers the blood sugar in the body. So if you already have diabetes and take medicines to control your blood sugar, this can react with that and get the sugar level too low. This can cause hypoglycemia and other health problems. However, the same problems might not occur while consuming flaxseed oil.
16. Menopausal symptoms
It is not yet clear if flaxseed helps with menopausal treatment. However, some studies have found that ground flaxseed and not oil help alleviate hot flashes, a symptom of menopause. Another suggested that 40 grams per day of ground flaxseed can be similar to the hormone therapy that treats mild menopause symptoms.
17. Getting it in the eye
It might be safe to use flaxseed oil on skin and hair and even in cooking, but is it safe to apply to the eye? It is safe to apply to the eye for a short period. If you are not allergic to flaxseed, you can use eye drops that contain flaxseed for up to 3 months. However, you might face redness and itching. In that case, stop using it and rinse it off.

18. Harmful for any surgery
One of the many side effects of flaxseed oil is this one. It is harmful to those who will go or have gone through surgery recently. Flaxseed works as a blood thinner, and it reduces the blood clotting ability, which can be dangerous while going through surgery. Also, if the blood does not clot fast, the wound will not heal quickly, so avoiding flaxseed is better.
19. Lacking of researches
Most of us know about flaxseed. Nowadays, it is quite common in vegan cooking recipes. But how many people know about flaxseed oil’s uses and side effects? No doubt there are a lot of benefits of this wonder seed as it is rich in antioxidants and omega acids.
However, taking too much of it might be harmful. Adding flaxseed to your everyday diet requires research so that you know you are consuming it the right way. You should only take flaxseed oil only after consulting with a doctor. Make sure you ask how long you can take the supplements and follow the instructions. Let’s see does eating less make you lose weight?
20. Quality can vary
Many people often use flaxseed oil as a dietary supplement, but the U.S Food and Drug Administration did not regulate it. So there is no surety that the oil’s quality and contents will be the same everywhere. There is no way to monitor and standardize the oil. Therefore, you need to be cautious while buying flaxseed oil from the market.

21. Avoid Flaxseed Oil If Trying To Conceive
Studies have shown that flaxseeds often mess with hormone levels such as estrogen in women. It hampers the normal menstruation cycle, making it hard to conceive a child. Moreover, people suffering from PCOS, also known as polycystic ovary syndrome, suffer most. There is also a chance to have uterine fibroids, ovarian diseases, and uterine cancer.

How to use flaxseed oil?
Flaxseed oil has a mild taste on its own, so it does not affect other elements of a dish. But flaxseed oil has a low smoke point which means you cannot cook on high heat with it. Also, it is sensitive to light, so you better store it in an opaque or dark-colored glass bottle that will block the light from getting in.
Store it in a cool dark place to keep it well for a long time. Flaxseed oil is a healthy alternative to butter. You can easily swipe the butter and add in flaxseed oil, and your baking goods will still be delicious. This flaxseed oil is perfect to use in dips and salad dressings.
But if you prefer not to use it in food like this, there is always an option to go for the flaxseed oil supplements. It will provide the necessary amount of nutrition to your body.

Flaxseed benefits and uses for hair, skin and health
Flaxseed oil comes from pressed flax seeds. There are many benefits of flaxseed oil, making it quite popular nowadays. In case you are new to this, you will find all flax seeds’ benefits and flaxseed oil uses here.

Flaxseed Oil For Hair
Flaxseed oil has vitamin E in it, which is the food for hair. It helps the hair to grow stronger and also stimulates new hair growth. Applying flaxseed oil to your scalp makes it healthy and moisturizes it from the inside, preventing the flakiness of the scalp. The strong antioxidants in flaxseed oil prevent hair loss too. Regular uses of flaxseed oil hair can become longer and shinier with less breakage.

Flaxseed oil for skin
Flaxseed is one of the widely used organic skin and hair care products. It is powerful to help make skin healthy and soft. Flaxseed oil is highly moisturizing, so it can reduce dryness. This can work as an anti-aging treatment as it will prevent wrinkles and fine lines.
While it will take care of hydration, the anti-inflammatory properties will make sure the redness, skin irritation, and allergies do not occur. It also reduces the chance of atopic dermatitis, a kind of eczema that causes red and itchy skin. It might be a long-term problem, but flaxseed oil can help prevent it.

Flaxseed Oil Health Benefits
Flaxseed oil has many health benefits like treating cancer, reducing inflammation, and not. It might have some side effects, but that does not mean it lacks in the benefits. It can cure constipation and diarrhea. The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants help cure many problems.
Studies have shown that flaxseed oil can reduce bad cholesterol in the body. So swapping it with your regular cooking oil might be a good idea. As flaxseed oil lowers blood sugar and blood pressure, it also helps to reduce the risk for diabetes.
It is safe for those who do not take any medications for it yet. In recent times everyone has looked for the secret of weight loss. Flaxseed oil weight loss is possible if done right. Add flaxseeds and flaxseed oil to your everyday diet and see the benefits yourself.

Is flaxseed oil a blood thinner?
Most people call flaxseed oil the blood thinner. It does not literally thin out the blood, though. Flaxseed oil has certain properties that reduce blood clotting. So if anyone has a minor or major cut, the bleeding will not stop.
These dangerous side effects get worse if the consumer of flaxseed oil goes into surgery. It can be life-threatening. To solve this problem, you must consult a doctor about the daily dosage of flaxseed oil.

What is flaxseed oil good for?
Flaxseed oil is good for several things. It is high in omega 3 acids which are really good for health. Recent studies have shown that flaxseed oil can fight breast cancer as well as lower down bad cholesterol. Flaxseed oil is not only good for a diet. It also does wonders when applied to skin and hair.
It works as a moisturizer and deep conditioner. Flaxseed can lower down the blood sugar level and also blood pressure. Moreover, flaxseed is always a good solution if you suffer from constipation and diarrhea. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation.

Best time to take flaxseed oil capsules
A good time to take flaxseed oil capsules would be after dinner. Make sure you take it with a meal and not on an empty stomach. Flaxseed oil capsules provide the necessary omega-three acids in fish oil or cod liver oil. However, remember to take the doctor’s advice before starting on these supplements. You need proper guidance and dosage for flaxseed oil capsules; otherwise, you will face flaxseed oil side effects.

How much flaxseed per day?
There is no specific recommendation about the amount of flax seeds you can consume in a day. So if you ask how much flaxseed is too much, the answer would be that anything less than five tablespoons should be safe. But getting an expert opinion from a doctor would be better in case you decide to take on a flaxseed oil supplement.
However, if you have other complications like diabetes, high blood pressure, or if you are pregnant or a new mother, you might have to avoid the use of flaxseed as it can cause serious harm. Large amounts of flaxseeds with comparatively less water can cause constipation, gas, or bloating.

Flaxseed dosage for best result
The best way to take flaxseed is by taking it orally one tablespoon daily two to three times. The safe amount would be 15 to 50 grams a day. However, if you take flaxseed oil, then take 15 to 30 ml daily. Anything more than these can cause serious side effects.
So make sure you know the right amount and the correct way of consuming flaxseed and flaxseed oil. However, if you buy flaxseed oil, make sure it is cold-pressed flaxseed oil and store it in a dark place to keep it safe.
Question and Answer on Side Effects to Flaxseed Oil

What is a Cold pressed flaxseed oil capsule?
Cold-pressed flaxseed oil capsules are the most authentic flaxseed capsules you can find. Any cold-pressed oil means that it is organic, and no extra chemical or excess heat was used during the oil extraction process. So all its nutritional elements are still intact when it reaches you.

Is flaxseed oil good for you?
Flaxseed oil has high contents of antioxidants and healthy fats. Also, it can help lower blood sugar and blood pressure. There are many more benefits and uses of flaxseed oil. You can use it on hair, skin and also replace your cooking oil with it. However, using it moderately will keep the risk away.

Best flaxseed oil
Using the best flaxseed oil will give you all the benefits and nutrients you need. There is a variety of flaxseed oil available in the market, and to make it easier for you, we will list some of the best ones here.
For the best flaxseed oil capsules, you can choose from-
- Vuaxo Advanced Flaxseed Extract
- Natures Velvet Flaxseed Omega 3-6-9
- Healthvit Flaxseed Oil
Here is the list for best flaxseed oil for hair –
- Nature’s Absolute Pure Flaxseed Oil
- THE OLD SOUL Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil
- Sattvic Foods Organic Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed oil recipes
Here are some flaxseed oil recipe ideas which will help you if you are new to this oil. Flaxseed oil is better as a non-cooking oil as it has a very low smoking point. So you can use it in dishes like salads, here a little drizzle will go a long way.
Using it daily in smoothies will provide you with all the good nutrients in the morning and kickstart the day. You can use flaxseeds and flaxseed oil in your granola bar to make it extra nutritious. Also, adding flaxseed oil to your baking goods is a healthy alternative to butter.
It has a mild taste, but it does not overpower any other dish elements, making it perfect to use it in any dish or salad.

Where to buy flaxseed oil?
Flaxseed oil is quite popular now, so you will be able to find it in any nearby grocery shop. Try to look for organic cold-pressed oil as they contain most of the nutrients without any additional chemicals. The flaxseed oil is also available in online markets, so you can just order them and get the authentic one at your doorstep.

Adding flaxseed oil to baby formula
Most doctors say that it is safe to add flaxseed oil to baby formula once they are seven to eight months old. You can drizzle a small amount of flaxseed oil on the food or mix it in. Ground flaxseeds can also be used in baby formula to add more fiber and nutrition to it.

How long does it take for flaxseed oil to work?
It takes up to three weeks to see the results of flaxseed oil. It is a slow worker, but it works great on the skin and hair and adds healthy fats to your everyday cooking. However, if you are taking flax seeds, you might see the results in just a few hours. It is a food laxative that can help constipation if used moderately.