In this article we will explain in detail “does banana shake increase weight or not?” In some cases, the statement is true and sometimes false. Let’s go through the full article.
You must be in a dilemma when you love banana shake but also tensed about gaining weight. Well, only bananas cannot make you gain weight rather the sugar here is your main enemy.
Also, the time of consuming is important here. It is better if you take it early in the morning then you will have a long day to burn that calorie. But keep in mind that, do not consume excess banana shakes, drinking excess banana shakes can cause you to go to your tailor to loosen your clothes.

Does banana milkshake increase weight?
It is obvious to fall in love with banana shakes for their delicious taste and food value. So you are having the banana shake once or twice daily. But suddenly you have felt or heard that banana shake is increasing your weight.
Actually, a single food item is never responsible for gaining weight. In fact weight gain depends on various foods and various times of consumption. Your query is about banana shake, isn’t it?
Surprisingly banana milkshakes help to increase your weight as well as lose weight. Yes my friends, generally it depends when or how you are having your favorite banana milkshake. Milk is the hub of protein.
So if you eat too much banana shake it will surely increase your weight though banana has a lot of food values. Try to have your shake early in the morning, especially on an empty stomach. You are guaranteed to lose weight in case you are maintaining your regular balanced diet.

Does banana shake increase fat?
The question still remains that does banana shake increase weight or not?
You will be glad to know that only banana shake can’t increase your fat. But if you are not having it in a proper way and time, it may be the reason for your fat gain.
Yes! Banana shake is helpful when you are eating it in an empty stomach early in the morning. Sorry for those who usually consume the banana shake in the evening or more than once a day.
Banana shake is a great source of carbohydrates and other vitamins and nutrients. It stays long in your stomach and provides you the energy. So if you consume it in the evening or your rest time, it may increase your fat.

Best time to drink banana shake for weight loss
Every food has timing for consumption. If we do not care about it, it leads to problems in our digestion system and health also. So we must be more and more aware of the proper timing of the food.
As a result, it will not only improve your digestion system but also help you to gain the desired health benefit. So if your plan is to lose your weight with the banana shake, you need to drink it early in the morning. It will be especially great if you drink it on an empty stomach. Early morning banana shake is the best time for weight loss.

Best time to drink banana shake for weight gain
You are thinking of gaining weight and suggested drinking banana shake. But you are confused about the proper time of drinking. If you want to gain weight by drinking banana shake, you can drink it any time as well as more than once in a single day.
Try to drink it in the evening or when your stomach is already filled. As it stays long and your stomach is full, it will definitely help you to gain weight. So we can say that eating twice or more than that at any time can be the best time for drinking banana shake for weight gain.

The nutrient content of bananas
Banana is a great fruit containing a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Let’s check out the list below to have an idea about the nutrient content of bananas.
A medium size of banana (around 120 gm.) contains:
Protein– 2g
Fat– .5g
Fibre– 3.5g
Carbs– 24g
Calories– 150
Potassium– 9% of recommended dietary intake
Vitamin B6- 33% of recommended dietary intake
Vitamin C- 11% of recommended dietary intake
Magnesium- 8% of recommended dietary intake
Manganese- 14% of recommended dietary intake
Folate- 6% of recommended dietary intake

How to make a banana shake?
You often order banana shakes while visiting in the juice corner or in a restaurant. Your babies also like to drink it very much. But this time you want to serve your family with the tasty banana shake.
It is not necessary to be a chef or expert to prepare a banana shake. You just need some ingredients according to your taste will and follow the procedure. I can guarantee you that nobody will be disappointed while drinking, what do you think?
First of all, you need to know that if you are willing to gain or lose weight. Then you can easily fix the number of your ingredients. If you are planning to lose weight for an individual, you just need a banana (frozen would be better), half cup milk, single teaspoon of butter (almond).
You can add cinnamon to increase the taste and grind it up. Now for the weight gainer, we need obviously a banana, one cup of milk, half a cup of yogurt. You may also add one scoop of vanilla powder which is full of protein. Blend these ingredients and enjoy your shake. Try to have twice or more than that for gaining weight. The way of making a banana shake is so simple, isn’t it my friends?

Do bananas make you gain belly fat?
Bananas are your favorite food and like to eat it every day. Suddenly a question peeps through your mind, does banana shake increase weight, belly fat or not. What do you think? Which food elements are responsible for belly fat?
Protein makes your belly fat. From the nutrient chart, we can easily say that bananas contain a very low amount of protein. Actually, it provides the necessary sugar to the human body. So we can come to the conclusion that bananas do not increase your belly fat unless it is taken in a proper way and time.

2 bananas a day weight gain?
Satvanti Sing, a popular female fitness figure explained the timing and ways of consuming bananas. According to her, eating 2 bananas a day does not help you to gain weight. Unless you do not process your banana, you can have 2 bananas a day. It is better to stop eating more bananas to avoid digestion problems.

Banana Chips increase weight or lose weight?
Yes, Banana Chips increase weight. Banana chips are very popular with South Indian residents. In reality, banana chips are high in sugar and calories. They are also high in saturated fat. You can now simply decide banana chips increase or lose your weight, can’t you? If you can prepare homemade banana chips, you can eat them occasionally.

Banana shake benefits for weight loss
Banana is one of the high fiber content fruits containing relatively low amounts of calories. So if you drink banana shake daily it will fulfill your fiber demand. Banana shake is beneficial for weight loss. Famous Naturopath Dr. H.K. Bakhru mentioned bananas in the first position to lose weight in his book. As a shake is prepared from milk and banana, it also helps to gain energy and loosen your weight.

Benefits of banana shake in morning
A morning shows the day. So if you can start the day with a banana shake, your rest of the day will never make you unhappy, won’t you? As you are health conscious and fond of drinking banana shake, you must know the advantages of early morning consumption.
It helps to lose your extra fat and weight as well. Try to drink it on an empty stomach. This way will help you from preventing weight gain. It will give you the strength and regular bowel movement providing the necessary fibre content. I think it is now quite clear to you, isn’t it guys?

How to Eat Bananas to Lose Weight?
Okay. You are planning a diet to lose your weight. You have heard the benefits of bananas and included them in your diet to lose weight.
Now, how and when will you eat the bananas? Are you tense or confused my friends? Don’t be worried. Try to eat a banana early in the morning. At first, you can drink a glass of water.
Then have your favorite banana. After 30 minutes you can eat your breakfast. By following the idea you can lose your weight easily. If you eat the banana after breakfast it will not be more efficient than the previous method.
Early morning empty stomach banana re-energizes your metabolism and blood circulation. As a result, you can enjoy your desired goal.

How to Eat Bananas to Gain Weight
I believe you finally got the answer of the question does banana shake increase weight or not?
Suppose you look like a gaunt so you want to gain some weight. You are instructed to include bananas in your diet. You should be well known how you can gain weight by eating bananas, shouldn’t you?
Banana is a great source of rich fibre and calories. So if you want to gain weight try to eat bananas after every meal you consume. You can eat bananas for breakfast, midday meals, and evening snacks.
But keep in mind that you need to eat more than two bananas per day to gain some weight. Do not eat bananas at night or late at night. It may cause digestion problems. You can eat banana chips which is a very effective way to gain weight. Processed banana food items can also play a role to gain your weight.